Now that Trump is Making America Great Again and creating hundreds of thousands of jobs...

Now that Trump is Making America Great Again and creating hundreds of thousands of jobs, lets post what jobs we'll be getting soon.

I'm going to be an astronaut.

America will never great dumb kike puppet

I'm going to be a huge cocksucking faggot like OP

Game Designer.
If I can't get in then I'll go as a History Teacher. I've always loved History.

Already have a job, since Trump got elected I've gotten a raise and get more hours

>going to be

nice try memelord

I don't have a job yet but I can't wait til I can be whatever I want.

These sound like nice jobs, but be careful it is now more expensive to federally subsidized loans. I'm sure adjusting this risk is 9d chess by our president to gradually slow down the rising cost of tuition. Thank you Mr. Trump

>I'm being transported to the camp so I can make Ivanka Trump branded skirts.

>Work will make us free.

I'm going to be dead like the American dream

Flip burgers at the McDonalds, kid.

This is trumps America robots will replace these jobs and everyone will work in coal mines

Nice thread OP. I'm planning on being a coal miner

CIA section chief.

I'll just stay on welfare until he makes better jobs for everyone who voted for him. I don't want to take one of those jobs. Here in Ohio most of us just get free stuff from the government which is better than minimum wage.


>pic related. me look at my prospects

b...but you're already a faggot? no?

Auto plant worker.

I'm going to be the last human.

Nope, republican. Gay's shouldn't be allowed to get married.

Spoken like a true slope nigger.

Surely this is because of Donald Trump. MAGA!

border patrol

I'm actually starting my career with the border patrol this month

This actually sounds like a good job, but can black people really work for border patrol?

Fucking Trump making bigger government. Fuck this idiot

Degenerates will either work in a factory or be put in "FEMA camps." Good luck!

I'm going to make gas chambers.

ICE agent.