Serious thread

Okay I've been on Sup Forums for a while now.

Visited pol around 4 years ago.
And it was actually about politics and people weren't talking too much about white master race.

Now I'm being serious here do you actually think that white people (I'm Generalizing here because that label is for slavs germánics Anglo and albinos as well) are the master race and are better at anything than other races or is it satire?

Other urls found in this thread:
Not true. Saged.

It seems like it started as a meme and now it's like everyone's larping as a nazi. The meme was our natural normie-repellent to make them squeal at the site of a swastika and now (especially with new flags) people are just identifying with far right fascist movements in a way to rebel against the more open and public antifa/communist movement.

I honestly think it's disgusting that people want to associate with that flag and we can't just be realistic nationalists. I know a Lebanese dude who was born in the south and is more american than 70% of the beta numale faggots you see today.

>mexican intellectual
saging this bait lel

It was never *just* LARPers you moron. Sup Forums has had both ironic and unironic Nazis since its foundation. I'm sorry that you are too dense to spot the difference.

This board was created because of stormers on /new/ Mr. Oldfag what are you talking about?

Most were larping. There's always some. Now it's becoming the cool new thing to gaz teh joos lel XD holohoxe no1 dyed

>Most were larping

>no one died

No I'm pretty sure the overexaggerated numbers of Jews who actually died in the Holocaust is discussed more than ironic "no one died" meme.

So you guys are all ok with refugees replacing whites then?

What other sjw shit does pol secretly support?


I would say...

80% sh**tposting.

And about 50% of those posters are not even white.

I'm a pretty standard-issue liberal (only exceptions are being fairly pro-gun and wanting relatively strict immigration control). I don't even post Nazi LARPing stuff, I just show up for the kek/ebola chan/etc. posting

A large part are hopeless happas who have realized how destroyed they are as a human without being born into a strong culutural background. Even as a white American I kinda hate living here, we are about to become Brazil 2.0


If whites weren't the best race that had ever lived, everyone else would fuck off.

Blacks for example talk shit about whites, but follow us one place to the next.

So this is a question that hurts a lot of people's feelings I think for quite obvious reasons, but there is an underlying principle that I think many people like to ignore. As we look around the world at various groups of people, we notice that some of them are successful and some are not. And some are successful to a very great degree, and some to only a small degree. And there's a concentration of a group of related peoples that are more successful than any others, to the point that they have literally dominated and conquered the entirety of the rest of the world not just once but many times. And any way that you break down achievement, those same groups of peoples are quantitatively and qualitatively superior to every other group. Without exception.

So given that that's the case, what would account for why this is? Now, if you presume that all people are equal (which is a presumption without evidence in support of it, by the way, but with strong evidence against as I have already established), then there must be some other external factor explaining why white European peoples are so superior to every other group. And that I think is vaguely speaking the Jared Diamond Guns, Germs, and Steel argument. That is, white people just happened to be a little bit lucky with their starting conditions and some of the serendipitous events that fell out over time, and that is what caused them to dominate while others were conquered.

But many of us find that explanation hollow and overly complicated. It's a much simpler explanation to say that European white people had superior results because they were superior people. Now if you're white this might be an attractive answer, and if you're not white this is probably a very hurtful answer. But whether it's attractive or hurtful bears nothing on its truth or falsehood.

simply ask yourself where are the best places to live, and who is the majority in those places.


>white people just happened to be a little bit lucky with their starting conditions
>be african
>be surrounded by a wealth of natural resources and fertile land
>proceed to live in a mud hut for thousands of years never invent the wheel
fuck whitey and his luck of the draw

We built modern civilization while the rest of the world was living in jungles and living in pointless decadence so yes, we are superior.

Nothing about Jews running the show is a meme or a larp

Yeah but that's been only for a few decades.

And explain eastern Europe.

Japan isn't bad for they're not white.

Russia they're white but isn't a good country at all.

Saudi Arabia isn't white and is so fucking rich.

Pretty good point man, but China was way better than Europe and the incas were better as well In terms of education agriculture a others subject.

Now China was the best nation before I'm talking about hundreds of years ago.

They could've easily conquer the world and what about gengis Kan?

The Mongols were superior than Europeans in the right time.

Now some groups are not successful and some not.

Could be said about any race really.

If you're gonna say a race is superior because they had 300 years of advantage then I don't see to make that point at all.

Asians do better in general in any country

Can someone come up with a serious answer atleast?

What about topography, and intelligence and strength.?

Just gonna ignore stupid posts like this Neet saying he build the world.

If you are in Sup Forums you're not superior mate

Asians are pretty cool too and Hispanics aren't that bad

I really just hate blacks and certain Arabs and Persians, everyone else tends to be really cool

>They could've easily conquer the world and what about gengis Kan?
Literal nonsense, there was never a point in time where China could conquer the world.

>The Mongols were superior than Europeans in the right time.
Is that why the Mongols could barely penetrate Hungary? As soon as the Hungarians adapted to Mongol tactics in the 2nd invasion the Mongols got btfo. Europeans have always been superior in war.

That's why they got BTFO by the Mongols right?

500,000 loses vs 7000

Yeah they were totally superior



Fuck off Paco OP.

>superior race.

Being surrounded by easy food is bad for evolution.
Eastern Europe got destroyed by communism.
You should go ahead and study a bit about Japan and China's ruling classes.
Japan is about equal with the white race.
Saudi Arabia got its wealth from slavery. It's easy to become rich with slaves.
The mongols had military superiority which came from their use of horseback archers which were unheard of by the rest of the world at the time.
Mongolia has only ever been a field.
>Just gonna ignore stupid posts like this Neet saying he build the world.
Are you fucking retarded?
Where did I say II built the fucking world?
My ancestors did, faggot. Your ancestors masturbated to beheadings and your countrymen still do to this day.
The Incas were the best civilization south america had and even then they were inferior.

You're just an assmad psuedointellectual spic.
Sup Forums isn't the joke it was in high school anymore, nigger.

In official terms, we are only superior in some things, the most important ones to our society. So most are becoming Nazis, due to how ethno states could solve our genetic differences problems.
e.g.) Africa could trade cheap labor, chinks could trade technology and we trade could knowledge, morals, weapons, etc.

The only worldwide empires have been white.

>Europeans have always been superior in war.

Hungary and the rest of the balkans were raped by turkroaches for hundreds of years. Do you even read history?

No empire has conquered the world moron

Not even the UK Spanish French no empire has conquered the entire word
Wow so somehow you traced your blood line to some drunk Irish
>Saudi slaves

What about America fuckin idiot

whites are superior

theres a reason why they conquered and raped your ancestors for hundreds of years like it was nothing

>Mfw now you're getting raped by niggers and my ancestors kids


Yes, I understand the objections.
Okay, so you have a very good point about China, although not about the Inca, I think. The Inca food basket's lack of diversity led directly to their downfall. On top of which, when they began to experience climate change their agriculture was incapable of adapting. I'm not sure to what you refer with regard to education, but what I can say is that the Europeans had the Church and a university system that led to most of them being somewhat educated and some of them being extremely educated, which was instrumental in the European conquest of precolumbian indians.

As to China, however, you're right. At various times the Chinese were extremely successful, and sometimes even more successful than Europeans. And not just Chinese, but as you correctly point out, Mongols and other Asians from time to time too. Ultimately, however, it took Europeans to put gunpowder to the use God intended for it. The Chinese mainly used it to scare off evil spirits. The Chinese were conquered and colonized by Western powers, and arguably still are since they live in a communist state, albeit their version of communism has an uniquely Chinese flavor. Indeed, if you look at the most successful Asian societies today, they're all heavily Westernized. Turns out the ideas invented by white people for how to run a society are strictly superior to anyone else's ideas on how to do it. They lead to wealth and prosperity, while other models do not.

So one way to account for that is that maybe the whites just got lucky. Like, everyone was thinking out ideas for how to run a society, and the one the whites randomly created just sort of fell out to be the best one. But another way to look at that is that whites have an unique capacity to come up with great ideas for how to run society.

They aren't saying that whites are superior. It is the Nordic, the Norwegians that are superior


Although you forgot one disproportionately powerful (((tribe))) from the Middle East that has been universally despised for millennia.

I was going to write about philosophers as related to how to figure out the way to run a society, but I ran out of space. So maybe I'll write about it later, but I couldn't let that post go without addressing a comment you made.

You said Europeans had a 300 year head start over other societies.

So that's such a wrong headed idea that I'm not sure where to begin. It's not like society is some kind of a footrace or something. Evolution doesn't work that way, either in biology or in society. There is no end state toward which we are all advancing, there is no computer game tech tree we need to climb, none of that shit. Evolution takes us in whatever direction is best fit for the stressful conditions of the previous generation. That's it. That's all it does. A head start, whatever that means, doesn't mean anything.

Beyond which, Europe didn't even have such a thing. Other people around the world existed pretty much for as long as Europeans did. For Christ's sake, the blacks in Africa probably predate European peoples by a significant degree.

Anyway, I could say more, but it's not really worth it. I'll just say I disagree with you on that point.

>been on Sup Forums for 4 years
you dont have to lie on the internet user


I'm part Lebanese and Italian. If I needed to die for the betterment of the country Soviet could become a white nation, I would do so.

I don't believe white people are the "master race" i believe every race is different, like every user is different, Sup Forums is not one person

I think "Hitler did nothing wrong" is not a meme, but i don't have hatred for any other race, i just believe every people should have a right to have their own country, and to rule it

I believe white people should be the master race, in Europe

Most people here are NatSoc or Libertarians, no hatred in these two movements, only pure justice

And fuck KKK fags

There's a congregation of the dark side here the fears the light. They liked it when they felt more dominant over others. Social progress means their pecking order is being disrupted.

same. This board is sometimes hilarious. I do avoid the nat soc general, and the ptg is a cancer.

been on Sup Forums since the internet was created,

>For Christ's sake, the blacks in Africa probably predate European peoples by a significant degree.
At this point I'm convinced that the high concentration of Neanderthal DNA in Europeans and East Asians is what contributes to civilizational superiority. Neanderthals are even believed to have had more advanced tools than their contemporary Homo sapiens.
>Eren determined that the Neanderthals’ tools may have even had a slight edge over Homo sapiens tools.

>Disc flakes [Neanderthal counterpart to the Homo sapien blade], Eren’s team discovered, waste less rock, suffer fewer breaks and have more cutting edge for their mass compared with straight blades. “We found that with every respect the Neanderthal technology was just as efficient, if not slightly more efficient, than modern Homo sapiens blade technology,” he says. “This was a very strong indication that Neanderthals did not go extinct because of any cognitive inferiority”

OP is that Rosacea in related pic?

are white people the master race?
I mean they conquered the whole world.
so I guess they are the most successful if that.
does that mean some 99.9% white guy/girl is better than me? depends on what they as person have achieved.

>tfw nobody disagrees.

Very fair.

Sorry meant about geography
Why were the native Americans far less technologically developed than the Europeans at the time when the two populations first began interacting?




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Claire Jordan, works at Carer

Answered Feb 8

No easy access to iron, and no horses or oxen. The people of South and Central America managed a lot, in some cases with the aid of llamas, and they built great cities, but the north didn’t even have llamas, just dogs. And without a beast of burden stronger than a human, hauling blocks of stone around is usually more trouble than its worth

I mean native Americans Mayas Aztecs yaquis how you call it were isolated.

They didn't had the Chinese to show them the gun powder. Or other cultures no horses. But still managed to discover many interesting stuff and build huge cities.

Look at the Incas why is having more military and totalitarian "technology"

They didn't developed huge technology because there want need for it.

In America back in the day you had everything you needed to do the primary thing we're here for survive.

Technology comes with Nesecity

Why bother with the back breaking things euros had to deal with. No nesecity

Okay, so again that's sort of Diamond's argument. It's like, the Europeans were just sort of lucky in their starting conditions to have the horse, the goat, the sheep, the chicken, and the cow. And especially the horse because although most people didn't use it as a food animal (though some did, notably the aforementioned Mongols) the horse is useful as a beast of burden, for trade and transit, and for war.

But a very interesting thing about the horse is that it is not indigenous to Europe. Europeans got horses from Asia originally, and it took a long time for them to adopt it. The classical civilizations of Greece and Rome, for instance, did not make very extensive use of the horse (although they did use it somewhat), but they conquered the world.

The Egyptians, for instance, at the same time they absolutely had and used the horse for war (in chariots which gave them a huge advantage over their rivals and enabled them to conquer basically as much as they wanted) built their megalithic monuments without the aid of the horse! The pyramids were created with human labor, not with beasts. Other megalithic structures in the rest of Europe were similarly constructed, for instance Stone Henge in England which was built by perhistoric Celts. So to say their horses were what enabled their advancement doesn't seem to be borne out.

It's also not just iron that the precolumbians lacked, by the way, but any form of metallurgy. They didn't have copper or bronze either. The only metal they had was gold, which is easily refined from its ore through mechanical means. So that's not necessarily strictly military either, because metal allows you to make better tools, for instance for farming. The Inca lacked other important technologies as well, notably Euclidean geometry and therefore the arch. So if you don't like military as a standard, there are others. And by virtually any one you choose, the Inca were technologically inferior to their European contemporaries.

no, and if you knew who actually browsed this place and shared their opinion you would laugh your ass off. we are the last bastion of whatever, lol. pic related.

Ran out of time for North Americans, but there's one REALLY important thing to mention about them.

The horse evolved in North America.

That's right. The horse is NOT indigenous to Europe, but it is to North America. So why didn't the North Americans have domesticated horses?

Because they hunted theirs to extinction.

People who un-ironically think every white is better than every other person from any race aren't natsoc, they're supremacist faggots.

To be honest with you man. I've always been a Libertarian but every since middle school I've had this deep rooted fascination of Germany and everything related to the Third Reich.

I still find myself arguing in favor of Libertarianism but modern Libertarians are just so fucking milquetoast that I just can't identify with the majority of them anymore.

These days I would honestly unironically say I would welcome living in a NatSoc Fourth Reich.

>I know a Lebanese dude who was born in the south and is more american than 70% of the beta numale faggots you see today.