How would the race relations look like if whites weren't the most beautiful? This is very serious question...

How would the race relations look like if whites weren't the most beautiful? This is very serious question. It may seem to be insignificant and superficial but in fact it has great impact on how races are percieved and treated.

Imagine that whites have all their characteristics - intellect, civilisation, goals, social structures, wealth, physical capabitiles etc. but they are as ugly as Abbos. How would the relations between them and other races looked like then? Or imagine that black people look like nordics and whites look like blacks. Would there still be "racism"?

I have a strong feeling that the fact that whites are the most desirable is what makes other races so salty about them. Especially women, both black and asian. While caucasian tanned men with dark hair and dark features may still be attractive, women with dark features are significantly worse looking than women with light features. I think that this is the core of everything. Colored men desire white women and colored women hate themselves because they are not white. It creates this unhealthy situation which leads to negative feelings.

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>most beautiful
Try again.

It would be like we were Jews.

Asians are beautiful creatures

stop being contrarian.

He looks like a fucking gargoyle.

Of course whites are the most beautiful. Average white is 10 times better looking than average Asian or Black.

How do people constantly post and respond to this kind of dumb shit. OP is blatantly a borderline brain dead virgin. How can this provide any of you with stimuli?

Fucking pathetic.

It is a serious thing which has actual impact on reality.

she's not very beautiful, she looks like she had a kind of genetic disease

what are you talking about?

do you have any research to back the statement up?

She looks like a greased turd and her hair looks like a giant bush of pubes.

Ugly abbo cofirmed.


>Whites most beautfiul
Think again. Certainly not yours

>whites are the most beautiful
Subjective as statement of a fact.



Those women are 7s at best
This one is a 5

The girl in my pic is what a 10 looks like.


Responses to
>which ethnicity do you find to be most attractive?
broken down by race and sex prove that everyone thinks whites are the most attractive.

>plastic surgeries which makes you look white are common in South Korea
>Black women are bleaching themselves and wearing fake hair to look more white
>majority of men are most attracted to white girls, seriously, its true

>plastic surgeries which makes you look white are common in South Korea
Look at my flag and ask me do I care

>Black women are bleaching themselves and wearing fake hair to look more white
This is such a rare thing it's not worth mentioning. Whites tan to get darker skin ALL the time.
>>majority of men are most attracted to white girls
Majority of men are attracted to HOT girls color is no big deal at least in my case.
Oh and the woman in that pic looks like the Crypt Keeper.

Nope, too whorish for my tastes and her face isn't pretty at all. Still better than most Black women, though.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

"Western standards of beauty"

The body size that's idealized in a particular culture appears to correspond to the availability of food. In cultures where food is scarce (like in Sahara-adjacent hoods), blubber is beautiful, and women appeal to men by stuffing themselves until they're slim like Jabba the Hut.

Most women prefer men who are taller than they are, with symmetrical features (a sign that a potential partner is healthy and parasite-free).
Women across cultures are intent on finding male partners with high status, power, and access to resources—which means a really short guy can add maybe a foot to his height with a private jet.

Butter face


All fatlanders posting here are nignogs.

>60% white is real.

Your opinion will be taken more seriously when you don't use a meme flag. Until then I know you are just trolling.

its 50%

That's a lie if I ever heard one. Noticed you didn't post a pic of what you think is beautiful.

Beauty isnt as superficial like that, its an indicator of health, intelligence, among other things. Today one might think that to not be true because beautiful people tends to be airheads, but thats because they are allowed to skate through on their beauty alone, and nothing else is demanded of them, no lofty ideals

oops, too bad the stats agree with me
but hey, fuck whatever you want

That is disgusting man. Even blacks that are attractive facially still are not sexually appealing.

>even sub 5/10 white girls are much prettier than the finest plastic gooks
Would racemix tbqh.

whats it like being gay?

Sorry meme flag but a dating site does not represent society as a whole. You must be like 14 or something lol. Post a pic of what you think is beautiful & I will give my honest assessment.

I guess thats what blacks call attractive. 95 percent of the world still considers that ugly. Sorry. You have to go back

leaf. indigenous canadians look more like niggers than africans.

Nope. The world does not find those huge cottage cheese thighs and asses as attractive. Blacks are the only race that likes that kind of thing

Obviously you can't get this kind of data for society as a whole, so you need to find a representative sample. Other statistics have been posted above that seem to clearly show that White are rated more favorably. (Though Asian women seem also to be highly rated)

I already posted a pic of what I find beautiful, and you already rated it. Read the thread.

If thinking those beasts are attractive is gay, then ill accept that all day long. By the way the tranny in the pic is wearing WEAVE. Not her hair!

What's it like to be so gay? Her butt & thighs are perfect but the fact that you commented without posting a pic of what you think is beautiful speaks volumes. You see a beautiful black so you have to throw shade. I get it. This is Sup Forums.

>Being ugly yourself so you have to think beautiful people are ugly, just so you aren't missing out

that's a very insightful comment, OP. It's impossible to answer definitively, but I think you might be on to something.

The whole "black is beautiful" campaign cracks me up. If something is beautiful, you don't have to run around telling anyone.

And the other hilarious part about being white or black or whatever is that very few white people want to be pasty white, thus all the tanning products and tanning booths. It seems that there is a standard of beauty that most humans can agree on if they are honest.

Of course the SJWs will say that it's all because of white oppression that Beyonce pays thousands to have european hair and Koreans have eye surgery.

>% of highly paid models in the world white
>% of white pornstars
even blacks think so and the ones that "don't" simply have a hatred for white people and don't want to admit their superiority

Oh ok you posted the 7. I understand some people just find plain/average attractive. I'll have to search some polls check it out because that would be a surprise to me because I've never felt that way about whites.

looks like shes burned the skin off the bottom of her feet

Physical attractiveness is also not entirely independent of virility/fertility, intelligence, robustness etc.


it looks like someone grabbed a handful of a her troll hair and yanked it out at the root

Ive heard it described as a cartoon character that smoked an exploding cigar.

Dinosaur poop


whites would have been exterminated. every one knows white people exploited every one else to varying degrees. what happened in south america with the rebellion that wiped out the europeans would have happened on a larger scale and probably involved some kind of poison. you like spices well it could all be laced with something

nobody would have tolerated that shit if you looked like deformed mutants. even if you had guns and nobody else did. the desire to wipe you out would be present regardless of how you behave its just with how it played out they would have ended white people long ago

That's just a myth. The African slave trade abused more people. White people couldn't survive in Africa before malaria meds. As usual blacks can accept no blame.

This is an interesting question and hard to resolve because "beauty" is so hard to define.

FWIW here are a few random thoughts.

1. You would assume every race would find its own women the most attractive as a default. Therefore looking at cross-tables is a good idea to try to cancel out that bias.
-> on that basis, white women definitely have an edge.
However, it's hard to say how much that is just because whites are still clearly the "top dogs" globally at present, rather than any very low-level biological thing.

2. I suspect it is pretty much a universal constant in the human psyche that
This just goes back to night being more dangerous & colder. Also light is essential for life & I am sure we are programmed for that. If there's no light there will be no plants and no food and you're dead.
This being so, lighter colours >>> darker colours.
This is something we do see across all cultures. Many had royal families either imported or bred specifically for light-skinned, light-haired, light-eyed characteristics. (ancient Egyptian royal family being light-haired Greeks, etc).

---> gentlemen really do prefer blondes, and that's all there is to it.

3. Sometimes men of one race can find females of another race attractive *because those females have characteristics which would be attractive if they were present in the men's native women*.
What I mean is, suppose white men basically like white women, but given that, they like white women to have big breasts.
If another race comes along with ugly women who have big breasts, those might trigger white men who are programmed just to think "big breasts = good" because they've evolved among only white women.
But in fact if they consider the whole package they aren't that attracted.

4. Negroes do like extreme fat reserves in the buttocks (steatpygia). In the west, the establishment is doing everything possible to vulgarize cultural norms thus they are pushing this but it's not natural.

I don't know, man. Sometimes whites mixed with some exotic stuff can produce great looking females. A Polish woman with a body like that is 1 in 1000.
That said I don't support racemixing and brown people have their own issues.

Of course they're envious because the white race is the total package of beauty, height, grace and intellect. Most races are ugly and stupid and were rolling around in the mud while our ancestors built magnificent castles and conquered the world. Without us everyone except east asians would be behind by 500 years.

Might just be a bad angled shot but it looks like she has fish eyes (far apart and sticking out).

Solution - everybody should be white and beautiful. And hopefully we'll achieve that with genetic engineering.

they want the (((you)))s goy

Wasn't there a bit of a furore (furor for you yanks) recently where a computer was programmed to judge a beauty contest and it thought white women were pretty and black women ugly?
The "TayTweets" phenomenon strikes again!

I can see how that could easily come about from very simply objective factors if the comparison were just whites vs. blacks - negresses have in general much cruder features than white women.

KEK that's a 10 to you?

Surely you're trolling. If not, fuck off nigger.

Why not both?

You are seriously stupid and uneducated. The Arab slave trade was much worse.

all that photoediting and posing and she will always look like an polished turd at best
I don't find most of the winners to be particularly attractive, but all of them are white or asian. Their ultimate goal is apparently trying to identify health problems from visual information.

"Equality" demands that there be no winners.

her feet almost look like human

White men>White women

This is the most basic and average looking white girl. I'm not really into white women but I sure you can do better. She has the hips of a teenage boy.

Basically has the title of the most beautiful women in the USA

this is true. white man living in asia - white women are soo beautiful compared to asians, I would unregrettably and unironically breed probably 70% of white women from my native country, but wouldn't the asians here. mostly because I'm against race mixing but that's besides the point!

please, don't post things likt that because someone will get an idea to post miss helsiki and i dont want to see that

You're arguing: because the white genes made what would have been a 4/10 into a 6/10 then the race mixing is justified, despite the individual having the chance at becoming a 8/10

Why do white people try to force their sexual preferences down everyone's throats? I like black hair, dark eyes, small and cute nose, flat nose bridge, soft features, short stature, and asian skin tone. White women are too "strong" looking for me, their features are too angular.

C'mon, lets answer the question and not argue about obvious.
What are the implications of the fact that whites are most desirable?

>nigger nose

you know that she is wearing a weave/wig right?


beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I'm sure the Indo Iranians were good looking , but that didn't stop the ugly mongols from trampling and raping them out of existence in Central Asia

thats a textbook case of AFS
