Ukraine's land should be divided among other nations

Ukraine's land should be divided among other nations.

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wilnow and lwow will never be yours again
stay butthurt

Everything east of Berlin should belong to Germany.

Give Australia the western bit.

quads confirm, still a butthurt like every Pole when it comes to Ukraine tho

>big poland
>russian dominance
Do you want ww3?

>giving anything to Germany
>country which ruins Europe 3rd time in 100 years

Your digits speak the truth. I completely agree, except the Ukraine shouldn't exist at all.

Guess for the first time in history we would agree with the romanians on something. I have relatives in Kárpátalja, literally everyone, even rusyns and ukranians except the pravij sektor fanatics just want to get invaded and liberated from the africa-tier corrupt Kievian leadership and belong to a functional country. I wouldnt mind some new ukranian population either. We have a lot of them already and while they are prole as shit they work decently hard and they are white.

>hungary gets the Rus

let polak speak and world will descent in to poolakia
1'st tier jewry shit

4th partition of poland when

>a fucking leaf

Ukraine was created by people who committed genocide of thousands of poles, in order to create ethnic-pure ukraine, tactic similar to nazi's ethnic cleaning of all slovians

Why I knew this thread was created by pole before even seeing the flag?
Always buthurt.

>not romaniam
fuck you pokeball

>Bitching about Nazis
>On Sup Forums

Go back cleaning my toilet Michail.

Nation too weak to fight proper army, so they commit genocide, be proud of your history, embrace it

Soon your mother will be kicked out of UK and she will do it for you.


>slavs fighting who is closer to the godlike whites

no one asked you moor

At least I do not live in an artificially created country with nearly no history besides being peasants working under polish nobles. Your whole nation is literally designed to work for us.

A German would use that argument for Poland.

Please don't.

Isn't Kiev where the ethnic russians come from so why isn't Ukrain part of Russia?

of all i thought you would be the most happy ivan?

>inb4 'noncountry'
Your feefees and vatnik opinions need not apply.

>muslim education

All modern nations are artifically created. All of them.

No it shouldn't.
Ukraine is 99%+ white and should stay like this.


>1000+ years of history
>nearly always a country or vasal state

>400 years of history at most
>was never a proper country till recently

u w0t m8

this desu

I don't think anybody wants to partition a poor country like Ukraine. In your case Poland is going to accept around 5-6 million new poor people and the economy of Poland will be fucked by trying to elevate them to polish standart of living. Same for Russia, but Russia in your case will increase with 20 million new poor people , which is also going to fuck the economy.
tl;dr Ukraine land division unviable , impossible and not practical.

Crimea is rightful Hellenic clay

The state of Romania today is not the Romania of old.

>Giving Russia even more access to the black sea.
>Destroying the buffer zone between Russia and the EU
Yeah, it's good that youre not in charge of anything

Country created by genocide of Polish people and colaboration with nazis. Their national hero is literally a war criminal.

Even Putin cultists do not want so much soil west of Donetsk coal.

In my Victoria 2 playthroughs, I always try to make sure Belarus and Ukraine remain Russian while the Baltics, Poland and Finlan become independent, with Finland also getting rest of Karelia.

we miss some land for that

Lwow? More like Leopoli.

Jews are the best, we should all learn from them.

Almost every nation has committed genocide at some poin or another. And they collaborated because in war you have to choose sides to survive.

you are wrong

country in current borders was created by commies and jews in 1920s (trotskists-leninists) as a personal slave colony of goys.

We already have shitton of uki immigrants living in our country. Few more with the addition of very fertile western ukrainian lands will not make that much negative impact as you might think.

definitely not

Yes please, but give Budgeac to us or Moldova.

Give me an example of a genocide made by Poles.

The current government is repressing carpathian hungarians, not allowing them to use their language for signs, etc.

No, what I meant is that your (and everyone elses) nation is but a political overlay.
Think of it as a tarp laid over an object. Does the tarp represent the object? No.

Yes, lithuania should get most of it


Romanian military strategy in one word.

oh pisti do you remember when you came here on those ugly horses eating raw met from under the saddle?


The Northern Crusades. If not for Poland, they probably would have never happened. Every nation and people have blood in their hands.

hungarian military strategy in one picture

simple lie

Was meant for

Mikhailo :DDD

butthurt Romanians

what the fuck even is this thread lmfao

all i just see is a bunch of random eastern europeans complaining
about shit that happend hundreds of years ago

butthurt bozgor

123 years.

Half of Poland is built on German land. The people that live there were ethnic Poles literally imported from Belarus and Ukraine to settle it. You are almost as much of a meme as Ukraine.

USA is east of Berlin

Some Romanians trying to take advantage on a country oppressed by military power.

Just the usual.

>World War 2 was hundreds of years ago.
I didn't know petrol could cloud your cognitive functions so bad. Or maybe it's the sense of shame due to losing to Emus and what happened at Gallipoli.

Welcome to Europe :^)

butthurt pole

And then the same retarded pooles ask why do we hate them...
Fuck you.

opressed like budapest in 1918?

This. I thought they are better than russians, but they are the same scum. Never forget the history.

>Just the usual.
Kek. That's how it always bloody looks,
it's just constant fighting always.

i am mainly talking about

The regions annexed contains too much ukranians. This lands will be constant source of separatism and will be culturally alienated. For Russia the Yugoslavia scenario is better option.

Memes aside, I think many Ukrainian would be happy to be a part of Poland. Millions of Ukrainians wouldn't be needed to spend efforts to acquire residency or karta polaka. Think about it for a moment.

You can't even absorb Moldova and you are talking about Odessa. And really how the fuck Odessa is Romanian? I can at least understand Budjak and Bukovina, but Odessa? Fuck off.

Millions of them are in Russia as well

>tfw you get invaded and the international community doesnt really care about you.
ukraine should be given to rus, poles and slovaks

Do not underestimate the nationalism of a young nation.

Wrong. We should only take Lwów. On the other hand Lithuania should be completely annexed.

The one and only Romanian history moment they are so proud.

The only thing they forget that Hungarian troops were forced by Antant to stop and let you gypsies inside our country.

No we are also proud about Posada.
>getting wreckt by peasants throwing rocks

>lying katsap
Every fucking time.

You can't, as the other two would instantly turn hostile too.

I have been to Ukraine and know many Ukrainians, so I already know about it. They are the most nationalistic people I have ever seen in my life. Yet, everyone is aware Ukraine is in ruins, if they weren given statehood with possibility to have state flag and language, I think they would be happy to get it.

no they dont

the first thing i do is mod the game to replace every negro ethnicity with nigger
stereotypes aside, it makes the game 4x faster

Damn you. Putin annexed this filthy peninsula, now everyone truly believes that Russia want annex more land. Crimea was a thing. Russian butthurt for many years - Putin did it for internal policy reasons. Now the idea of annexations is not forced anymore - today's agenda is different.

their state flag is shit and unaesthetic

>many Ukrainian would be happy to be a part of Poland
And they can just fuck off to Poland, same goes to the ones who want to be part of Russia.

Ukraine is an absolute joke.
Be ukrainian
>Name of your country means borderland.
>Believe you are better than Russia, while Russia has nukes, spaceships and is an actual superpower.
>Historically irrelevant nation
>60% of the language is still the same as Russian.

the same should be done to Ukraine,
except, no more Ukraine.

who will be left in ukraine then?

Typical Ukrainians.
>live in a shithole (poorest country in Europe)
>literally have no allies (because no one ever cared about them)
>hate countries surrounding you (because they achieved more then they ever will)
>spit in Polands face after they tried to liberate you from the Soviets.
>immigrate into Poland and lick boots (because that's all they're good for)

You see? The nation is in ruins, but they are still clinging to the idea of their own nation. This is something you can't simply replace with a foreign one.

People who actually matter.

ukrainian nationalist are the reason why ukraine is in ruins. they live in western ukraine mostly.

they voted for jews, meme-revolution, meme-eu and shit.