Why are you a Trump supporter? Or if not, why not?

Let's talk about the Cheeto in Chief (((President))) Trump for a minute

If you voted for him and support him, why is that? What character traits do you see in him that make him a good president?

If you didn't vote for him, what didn't you see?


I'm trying to have a reasonable debate here, user.

I voted for him, but he's losing my support. He's not leading the country, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are, and they are piss poor at governing.

I will never regret voting for him because Hillary was worse.

He's the molotov cocktail the country needed to reset politics and make everyone realize the power of voting.

I agree. But do you personally believe that his children need to stay out of the White House and politics all together? It seems that they're trying to groom Ivanka to become Madame President.

Instantly going on a rant

Honestly, I'd say that we got a Paul to run the country, which is fucking amazing.

People complain that nothing is getting done, and Libertarians be like, "Good. Now can we repeal The ACA?"

>going on a rant
How so? Because I called him a Cheeto? He's the pussy grabbing president. Is that better, Mr. MAGA?

why not be a trump supporter he still hasnt done anything that negativly effects the country so stfu you pussy

He gave a weapons deal to the Saudis.

They're keeping oil cheap as fuck which also makes Venezuela look like a shit-show.

As long as they don't coordinate with my government to kill 3000 of her citizens...again...they can have weapons.

Weapons and oil, I love being a Republican.

asd a aneutral i have to say TRUMP IS THE SAVIOUR OF THE HUMAN RACE

Do you seriously believe that? This man has absolutely no fucking clue of politics and geopolitics at all and what he does at the moment with Saudi-Arabia and China is putting your country into more trouble than you've ever seen before. Getting played this hard by the Saudis (and not only the Saudis), a major and decades-long financer of terrorism is ridiculous and a slap in the face of every 9/11 victim.


>itt : someone doesn't understand geopolitics

The United States has to suck Saudi Arabia's cock to keep them using the dollar to sell oil.

If they stop using the dollar, the dollar's value would plummet and the US has two options :

1. Do nothing : The economy would take a massive hit because of the US dollar's devaluation

2. Invade Saudi Arabia : Destabilizes the Middle East even more and puts the US into even more debt.

China is a danger to world peace. The chinese economy is booming, and once they become a world power, which they inevitably will, you'l have a superpower with none of the moral restrictions of a western democracy. Trying to cripple their economy before that happens is a good thing to do.

He is literally the best (or the least worse) option right now.
I don't see how Sup Forums would support another candidate unless that candidate is more right-wing than he is.

Trump needs to stop listening to the GOPe losers and fuggitabout RyanCare and tax cuts for the (((1%))), that shit is toxic as fuck

I'd support Pence.

China will become a world power and Trump will go down as an even bigger failure than Obama.

You liberals have set the standard so low for Trump by fearmongering that as long as he doesn't commit a nuclear holocaust, he'l be known as a president a thousand times better then Obama.

Voted for him because Hillary would've taken the supreme court and let in a million plebs so the republicans could never win a presidency again. Its really quite that simple

shareblue tactics getting weak af


I voted for Trump because of Benghazi. I don't really like Trump, but I sure as hell am not going to vote for the person who had actionable intelligence about an imminent attack on American citizens and did nothing. I don't trust Hillary as far as I can throw her.

>Voted to watch the world burn. That being said I still look at him objectively since I have at least some devotion to him for voting and want him to not fuck-up.
>Democrats and the leftists have lost their minds which is a +
>Leftists are showing their true colors as fascistic commies who hate free speech when it isn't their speech.
>CNN showing themselves to be horrible organization focused on spewing propaganda half the time
>Dems spouting socialist garbage are being shown to not practice what they preach (Bernie using same tax-evasion tactics as the rich he wanted to tax more of, as well as buying three houses)
>President is showing some pride in the U.S. which is a nice change of pace from Obama's pussy-footing.