David Pakman announces that he will be debunking Race&IQ hereditary causes


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He doesn't have time. He's too busy screaming "RUSSIA RUSSIA DRUMPF TREASON"

How will he do that?
There are average differences between ethnic groups (even of the same race) due to evolution in different environments.

Did you not see him set curious Tyrone straight on the issue. He told him that its environmental and he will be proving it shortly.

>those comments

Sam Harris had Murray on his podcast not long ago. Of course Harris gave a very predictable monologue about Murray's work before the interview began. He had to try to cover his ass, but interesting enough he did make the point that all of the criticisms of Murray's work have not cited faults in scholarship, but in the question of WHY do this research?

>all of the criticisms of Murray's work have not cited faults in scholarship, but in the question of WHY do this research
When you point out that the only line of attack is to call into question the researcher's motives, but not the validity of his conclusions, you are screaming to everyone who isn't an idiot that the researcher is right, but you do so in a manner that, as you said, covers your ass.

Why didn't he shave before going on camera? This is not professional at all.

Exactly. Several otherwise very well respected researchers and scientists attempted to criticize the small portion of the Bell Curve that is dedicated to race and IQ. Murray answered their criticisms and those otherwise very credible scientists never answered his rebuttal. Murray has gone on record stating he believes these people tried to bolster their own careers a the expense of his. Also, so many people hate that portion of his work, both credentialed and regular people posting Amazon reviews. You can read one star reviews on Amazon saying just that, "Why do this?" Murray answers this question by simply stating, "There's knowledge to be had." There is no such thing as forbidden knowledge.

The way that liberals lose their shit over even researching this is very telling about what they think the results would be. If they genuinely thought there were no hereditary causes, they'd be desperate to see the scientific research.

Muh poverty. Muh unfalsifiable systematic racism.

Is he gonna argue with ham sarris?


"Race & IQ is a nuanced thing".
nuanced seems to be a code word for things I wish weren't true.

How come he and John Stewart have the same face? Is that a common Jewish face?

Well, what should he have said? Don't you hear the worry in Tyrone's voice about the topic? Its obvious that David knew if he told this black man that he is biologically inferior and that there is nothing that can be done about it, the black man would have fell into a state of depression and self-loathing. And why should the truth come at the happiness of a person who did not choose which race to be born into. Race&IQ research should be banned from public discourse until we have come up with a way to increase IQ thru genetic engineering or some sort of medication.

Well good, let's see what his arguments are and if they hold any water.

Well he can try, but he'll probably be regurgitating old sources that have been left behind for newer, more accurate studies. I mean the studies that show race&iq having a high genetic/heritable correlation are really fucking good, while studies showing that it's environmental are comparatively poor.

>Well you see guys, even though there are serious differences in IQ between races even living in the same areas, in the same economic situations, it still really comes down to the fact that black people are poor, and therefore don't perform well based on our white standards. This obviously means that if we just give them more money, the problem will fix itself.

it's just going to be the same shit as always

There was a time Trump said something like "Thank God it didn't rain on inauguration day" and Pakman said "Trump thinks God controls the weather, this man is dangerous." Pakman pisses me off so much. He's a literal Jew and openly speaks of it like it's something to be proud of.

lol in 4 minutes, I will debunk an entire book.
BTW I'm a total doofus with a green screen and pirated software.

He generalizes about two people's views on IQ tests to make him sound like the rational centrist,

but by doing so he ironically lumps "IQ tests" together under one umbrella as if there's no differences among them that account for different biases

As for question 2, what the fuck? "Even if you could prove there were IQ differences between the races, does that prove those IQ differences are due to race?" Well yes, obviously, because in proving there were differences between the races you prove it's not anything else!

This piece of shit is still around? I just remember his as a cuck from GamerGate. What's he been doing, blowing old Jews for money?

nuance = rationalizations and mental gymnastics

>And why should the truth come at the happiness of a person

"Races" aren't dumb because of genes, they're dumb because of brain damage passed down from their parents.

Compare: blacks, palestinians


Sometimes you have to throw out the spoiled chili. The whole fucking pot.

The only issue I have with it, is that they call it "news". RUSSIA is just plain entertainment.
People who believe anything RUSSIA related is actual news are on the
>wrestling is not fake

You seem racist

Does he have a degree in the field of physical anthropology? If he doesn't, he isn't gonna be debunking shit. Literally wrote my thesis on it.

>Even if you could prove there were IQ differences between the races, does that prove those IQ differences are due to race?
Not necessarily. Black people are poorer than white people, so you'd expect them to score worse. That's not the whole story though. Accounting for multiple variables, race is still an important determining factor.

>a literally who will debunk raw data

I'm racist because I care about the feelings of non-whites? Welp, sorry for being born with empathy.

>needing a video to confirm/debunk Race&IQ hereditary causes when you can juts go outside and see for yourself
And its clear that race does play a role in IQ.

No he won't. He's just going to dance around the subject using feelings.

>Black people are poorer than white people, so you'd expect them to score worse.
No. Wrong. The statement was if you could prove there were IQ differences between the races. If you can prove it's between the races, you have ruled out economic factors.