Why is this the only argument Trumptards ever make against Hillary?

Why is this the only argument Trumptards ever make against Hillary?

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Why is this the only argument libtards make against Trumptards?

there's much more to dislike than her documented crimes, foe example, spitting boogers into bottles on stage.

Nice photoshop skills mutt

why is it that pro-hillary trolls outnumber pro-bernie trolls 10 to 1
is it because being a pro-hillary troll is funnier? Or that it pays?

how much leash is daddy vladdy giving you idiots these days?

No there's plenty on corruption and murder too but if you mention those you're ne

This is literally what libtards tell themselves, I never hear Trump people talking about her emails.

Better question you should be asking is, why are Libtards so out of touch with the rest of the world? They literally still have no fucking clue how they lost the election.

How about "antagonising Russia and causing a war to appease a mainstream media that's collapsing anyway is a sincerely bad idea with literally no benefits for regular people who can't invest in arctic oil"..

How was that?


>muh goobly woobly!

let big randall redpill you

>lol at least we arn't drumpf
>vote for me because vagina
>our number one issue is putting mentally ill men in drag in your daughters bathroom
Why are democrats so fucking incompetent, its like they want to lose

Brian, I know you have work tomorrow. Is this your plan all night?

it's a felony

point proven

>panicked ruski-bots defend precious retard meme president
look at 'em go Sup Forums!

>it's ok to be racist against Russians
Shoo shoo CNN.

Sage for shit thread.

>but her emails
>but her home server
>but benghazi
>but foundation pay 2 play
>but that uranium deal
>but bill's speech fees in russia
>but those CNN questions
>but that DNC collusion
>but that state department donor special access

Damn those drumpfkins are a real broken record

Go to sleep Brian

Fuck off anti White libtard. You have no argument


No seriously, I want to see you justify the loss of thousands of lives just to appease a dying industry. I want to see you show everyone how retarded and insensitive you are.

>Russian is a race
C'mom at least pretend to give an effort, user

Why is 'but her emails' the only counter argument liberals have?

>lol it's only a felony and people have been jailed for much less

Klaus Eberwein, a former Haitian government official who was expected to testify against alleged Clinton Foundation corruption and malpractice next week, has been found dead in Miami via gunshot wound to the head.

>Body count
>Quid pro quo
>Private speeches
>Money laundering
>Rapist husband
>Russian uranium sales
>Chinese campaign backing


>b-b-but Russia hacked muh election
>Donald Trump is a pedofile huhuhu xD
>Pizzagate is fake news
>Donald is in bed with Russia
>Trumpkins going about Hillary's emails
>They didnt vote for Hillary because she a WOMAN!

the libtards sure are out in force today

The podesta leaks revealed a host of dnc corruption including: Hiring mentally ill people to cause disruptions at Trump rallies, collusion between the media and the Clinton campaign, her debate questions were pre scripted, she takes million dollar donations from authoritarian middle eastern theocracies for unknown reasons ect.... But Democrats will alway turn a blind eye to their own politicians shady business.

I mean why hillary ain't prosecuted for mishandling confidential property then deleting and breaking material under investigation.

Literally nothing.

Oh look, now Sup Forums will projectile vomit Kremin-approved talking points obediently shit right into their retarded brains by subservient slaves like Drudge and Alex Jones.
Their cute and predictable scripted responses give me a hearty guffaw consistently

Confirmed Russian secret operative and dedicated Trump shill James Comey even had to admit her innocence

>Oh look, now Sup Forums will projectile vomit Kremlin-approved talking points obediently shit right into their retarded brains


Is that you Mrs. Clinton?

She lies constantly. She even lies about lying. Then she lies some more to get people to believe her lies.
>I was against the war in Iraq
>I came in under fire by snipers
>Trump colluded with Russia
>The emails didn't have anything pertinent to national security
She was a compulsive liar who gained security clearance because of her husband then became one of the most talked about breaches of national security in American history. Not to mention all the shady backalley shit the clinton foundation does.
She covered for Bills rape charges, antagonized more needless war in the ME and bends over backwards for her financial backers.
>also she's a shapeshifting lizard

Because they desperately need someone just as shitty and corrupt as their guy, so they go back to Hillary (still waiting on those indictments for her "crimes").
a better question would be why are we still talking about a failed choke of a candidate? She should be consigned to the dustbin with Al Gore and Perot

If you're a content creator drill this into your head
>never insult, offend or defame your audience for any reason
Anyone reading or listening to you is perfect in every way unless you're making a neomodernist argument.

Calling half your electorate deplorable.. what a fucking tool. That's the kind of shit I'd expect from a union member in her 20s.

>Why is this the only argument Trumptards ever make against Hillary?
It's literally not you dumb queer.
>Sale of uranium to Russia
>"conveniently dead people"
>Clinton foundation
It's almost like you haven't been paying attention.

>source: Alex Jones
Dude, give it up. Everyone can see through your vapid and anti-intellectual excuse for an even marginally coherent argument for exactly what it is: Kremlin created and approved drivel

>all Trump supporters are Russian bots

Jesus libtards truly have gone off the deep end

Leaf but what would have sold me is that she's a HUGE cunt irl. There's plenty of sources about how she's a fucking battleaxe who HATES the vast majority of Americans. That, and she's not as funny as Trump. Goin' on with her hotsauce bullshit.

>Alex Jones
plz user, Benghazi is real, serious shit. That alone makes her unfit for office and everyone knows it, except for you lifeless, soulless, demon worshipping, kike loving, cock-in-mouth faggots.

well that and she's murdered like a dozen people

happy now cunt?

If I was going to troll to gain Trump support Id post like this

Nice source, meme flag

It's not. There were a LOT of reasons why she was/is unsuitable for the White house. Between Bengazi, Haiti, and a slew of other issues the "E-mails" was simply the proverbial icing on the cake

stop data mining you fucking shill

Waco, Ruby ridge, being Clinton's wife, out of touch, let US public servant's die and laugh about it later in interview.

I legit was a hardcore hilliary supporter during the elections, but the more I keep seeing shit like this and antifa and other reddit faggots making bait threads like these make me think Trump ain't all that bad really.

Is this the redpill?

wtf I like trump even more now

cheeky reverse "I used to be a Trump supporter" post

love it, original, thanks, but in all seriousness we can't allow him to get hold of the nuclear codes

They haven't been found/released yet.. and it's the only argument you recognize being brought against her.

If you were to come out of your bubble you would see there are dozens of arguments.

It's the content of her emails.

The left sounds like fuckijg grandpas when they constantly use this counter.

This is like someone having incriminating statements through Snapchat and saying