Now that Ethan from h3h3 is a confirmed Sup Forums browser, is he /ourjew/...

Now that Ethan from h3h3 is a confirmed Sup Forums browser, is he /ourjew/? He's anti SJW and redpilling millions of Gen Z. He's even bringing Jordan Peterson onto the podcast in a few weeks.

(He's confirmed Sup Forums from his recent Hugh Mungus video where he uses the REEEEE meme and his recent twitch stream where he kept referencing BLACKED and talking shit about it)

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>more eceleb trash
wew yeah totally /ourguy/ lets make another 50 gorgillion threads about a youtuber

what if you stopped behaving like this?

>Not all jews

Fuck off you goddam kike. I'll speak for all of us here in saying you're all faggots straight from hell.

claiming Blacked/REEEE and all those shitty memes haven't spread way beyond 4chinks borders mid 2017...

op confirmed retard

You need to be 18 to post on here.

This is why Gen Z is redpilled as fuck.

See: He's gone Sup Forums as fuck.

Yes and Yes, He is /OurKike/

How is he wrong?

Anybody who's fine with Peterson is fine by me.

He's not. He even defended it the week later in the next podcast.

Nope. No way. I was NOT there for the rise of Sam Hyde but I am more than old enough to watch this Kike copy his shit and purple pill his way to fame. Then beg for money over and over again. He met his fucking wife at a holocaust museum. NOT our Jew.

gen Z is redpilled because they can see the absolute fucking decay of millennials and society around them not x youtuber of the week

They're redpilled because they don't watch TV.

Sure a REAL celeb is an A lister jew from Hollywood
That is a person worth listening to

Ethan never got much fame from his Sam Hyde videos though. He's famous for his reaction videos.

Fuck that faggot with his pussy hat



Ethan is chill

NAXALT is not an argument.

He voted Hilary so of course he's fucking awesome

Ethan 'Sweden is doing just fine' Klein

Ethan 'Jews didn't do 9/11' Klein

Ethan 'NeverTrump' Klein


Yet he doesn't hate Trump and defends him.

So what? He regularly was star struck when Sam would comment on his videos. He is the SFW Sam and anyone who isn't new knows it. Life isn't fair and I know that, but it's reaaaally scummy to rip off the grassroots "alt right" then turn it into this Israeli money grab. He should have cut dies and denounced Sam. Sam actually proved he would not sell out and would not change his message even when it actually really did destroy his career.

It's not NAXALT.
It's "almost none X are like that".
What you claim to be the exception is actually the majority.

Voted Hillary

He voted for Hillary

So what? His opinion of Trump is civil and fair.

>three years and a day
the default viewer count on YouTube when they are still processing viewers.

Meant to reply to:

All the anti e-celeb stuff strikes me as odd.
It's you hate them for having an audience first and foremost. Otherwise why refer to them as e-celebs at all and instead just by name?
So go after Ethan or anyone else on YouTube for their content, but criticizing them for being e-celebs just sounds like jealousy.

someone post the webms of his wife

you know the ones I'm talking about

He's pretty sensible and not a conspiracy theorist, so I don't think he's Sup Forums's guy

His content is hit or miss for me but I like him, his wife and most guests they bring on their show.

is he /ourjew/?

He said he SUPPORTS her. He could abstain from voting if he hated both candidates, but openly supporting the most corrupt candidate means he's really not red pilled.

no he's a piece of shit SJW, hating on even more SJW than him


He is atheist or agnostic dunno and he thinks Israel is shit, no one can take us serious if we say every fucking Jew is a shill.

wow not bad i might resub to the beanie jew

"In order to destroy any movement, become its leader"

I've seen Hila get visibly annoyed at him when he keeps saying Israel is shit and he hates being there when they visit. Kinda funny desu

Never thought of this before so true

Please tell me what a 'good jew' is? Didn't he vote Clinton even thought in Israel he voted Netanyahu? HMMMMMMM

He is not from Sup Forums.He is from Israel.

daily reminder that the fat jew voted for clinton

Ofcourse,they do!

I fucking hate JOJI filthyfuck that fucking tryhard hapa cuck

Reeee isn't a pol meme dumbshit r9k created that


>literal kike from israel


He was born and raised in Los Angeles.




Delete this




Isnt this subversive kike met and become friends with pewds and jontron shortly after the elections?
They both became nazis afterwards.

something tells I mustnt trust this kike so much.


They've been friends for a long time and he defended both of them.

>Admits to vvoting for Killary
>O-o-our Jew
Suck my gorilla dick, Nigger.

Alright bitch, you've got about 10 seconds to show me that hole because this gorilla dick daddy is hungry - and if you don't blow me right, I might just kill you.


def /ourjew/.

Ethan is a kike who goes out of his way to signal against right wingers.
He attacked Joey Salads because Joey Salads spoke about Sweden. Ethan went to some nice city in Sweden to show all those Nazi racists that they are lying and Sweden is actually a great place to live.
Ethan's mom had 3 or 4 surgeries that cost the taxpayer over 1 million dollars. He was on air defending healthcare and talking shit about how evil Trump wants to kill his mother, how healthcare is a right and ''wow, if the government didn't pay for this I'd have to pay for it!!!''
Both Ethan and Hila have said that racists are disgusting sub-humans.
Ethan supports net neutrality and did an entire podcast talking about it.
He also ripped off Sam Hyde, straight up ripped off an entire video and ripped off his reaction concept from Sam Hyde. Now he pretends to not know who Sam Hyde even is, even though he was forced to give Sam Hyde credit on one of his videos.

The guy is an absolute scumbag.


He stole those from Sam Hyde, you retarded faggot.
He didn't just copy the ''mind blown'' video. This is the video his entire channel is based on.

filthyfranku is cringe ancapicuck

This guy's a fucking hack cashing in on what most kids see as wackjobs to make fun of, lefists. Typical kike. He always pushes out anti-leftist content since that's what sells, but he still tries to sell le horseshoe meme when he notices he might be turning kids right wing. He's basically just a kike trying to profit off of leftist insanity while trying to turn kids into centrist good goys.

He's a Jew. We can't be red pilled nor blue pilled. We are the architects

Frank is a deranged hapa with a nigger streak that has done nothing but create digital autism.

Everyone with an ounce of sanity is anti sjw.
He's just a basic dude who tries to be resonable in most issues.

>tries to be reasonable
>wants the taxpayer to pay over 1 million dollars to take care of his mom
Pick one

You do realise the REEEE meme is everywhere now right?

He probably got it from the Aussie side.

He is a taxpayer too.
As a tax payer he pays for other people's treatment too.

its kinda strange that theyre the only youtubers that became alt righters. its stranger that theyre friends with this kike.
in comparison, Arin, gamegrumps buddy of jontron never met ethan kikeboy and wound up never talking about politics or become an alt righter and secured his good reputation, continues making vids without politic drama and same goes for jacksepticye, close friend of pewds never met the kike and secured his rep.

Something tells me this kike who is fucking connected to fucking michelle obama and appeared on foxnews alongside paul ryan wants whites to be openly racist.

Gen Z is not redpilled.

They're majority shit skin.

Fuck off with pushing this lie constantly.

-for the benefits of kikes. Dunno why or what theyre planning but its always something bad.

>gen Z is redpilled

Good joke

Gen Z and millennials are the cuckiest generations to date

wtf I love inflated healthcare costs and forcing people to stay poor so they could pay for a few sick people who have family members that aren't even willing to pay for their treatment out of their own pocket now

He is not connected to Michael Obama, retard. That is just a random video of Michael praising someone named Ethan.
It is possible though that Kike Ethan is pushing people he meets into talking about politics. He comes across as the sort of person who would encourage you to talk about immigration and defend Trump in private, but then throw you under the bus in public as he is trying to be a left leaning centrist.

Gen z isnt some redpilled fash wave like you say user.

>54 of gen z compared to 69% think illrgal immigration is a problem
>minority dominated generation
>more trusting of (((government officialls)))
>more gen z than millenials/older generations think minorities dont have equal opportunity for work and wealth (i.e. muh opreshun)
>degenerate culture where fashion, music and art is dominated by niggers and rolemodels are twinks larping as niggers (pic related)
>low test men who look far younger than they are
>innocence critical for development taken away at younge age via social media use (and predation) and early age promiscuity
>most sexually experimental
>liberal on drug usage
>most obese

>nazy flag
How do you think healthcare works under National Socialism?

Kill yourself kike.

It doesn't matter, you stupid kike.
Should I also support Hitler attacking Poland because muh flag? I don't agree with everything NatSoc Germany did or stood for, especially not socialized healthcare.

>I don't agree with everything NatSoc Germany did or stood for, especially not socialized healthcare.

Are you... American?

Because "socialism" is right there in national socialism.

Why does his wife speak so shit?
I have seen videos with Israelis and they can speak fluent English, even the black and brown ones.

Le based jew!!!!! Fuck my ass Le based black jew man PLS!!!


I support using socialist policies for the interests of the nation, and only for the interests of the nation.
Socialized healthcare goes against the interests of the nation and only harms a nation.

Is FilthyFrank Joji now or some shit ?
Does he have a new youtube channel ?

I stopped following youtubers ages ago, but i liked Filthy Frank


wtf I love kikes now
reddit pls fuck off