Why don't millennials plan on working at the same company for 35-40 years?


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iunno, maybe they have greater than double digit iqs, unlike boomers? forbes.com/sites/cameronkeng/2014/06/22/employees-that-stay-in-companies-longer-than-2-years-get-paid-50-less/#4dbf4d1fe07f
>Staying employed at the same company for over two years on average is going to make you earn less over your lifetime by about 50% or more

Checked. No profits today.

because company loyalty is a two way street and most companies treat employees like garbage.

Because they demand success very early, and blame other for not achieving it in a unreal timeline because of the internet.

If they don't treat you well why would you stay??

Because they know they will be dead

Wagecuck mentality

Why don't companies hire based on skill anymore?

wtf shave that beard, is this supposed to be them working or are they having a chat in some coffee shop?

No company would employ them for 35-40 years.

Why don't 38 year olds with terminal cancer plan to retire through upwards of age 80?
Because they know there's no chance in hell things will last that long.

Because the company no longer gives a shit who's there and they'd probably prefer to pay low wages for new people every five years than foot the bill for someone who's stayed for forty years. My last job didn't even give out raises unless you had spent more than 3 years with them. Needless to say they have high turnover. And god forbid you actually care about the quality of your work. Anyone who does that just gets all the garbage jobs dumped on them because boss man knows they'll do it.

What a stupid slide thread.

How could anyone stand to do anything for 40 years?

yeah such rubbish, imagine living for 40 years

now go kill yourself

Wouldn't necessarily mean doing the same job for 40 years. At least in my field a good chunk of the bigger companies do a "toss up" every couple year where they redistribute people between the different branches of their company to make sure that they don't end up being too narrow minded and focused on a single issue.

They just also don't really have any interest in keeping you for 40 years because that gets expensive for them.

>Why don't millennials plan on working at the same company for 35-40 years?
They really don't know what they want. What they plan for and what actually happens are two different things.

I know what I want, but as you said, what you want and plan for and what happens are two different things. I've seen people who were just laid back and didn't plan their lives out turn out successful while those who did the right thing and focused on planning out great things turn out failures/mediocre. Sometimes life just comes out to get you with a great twist of irony.

Because they can't.

Not sure, it seems before you could work at a fucking Ford factory and provide for a wife and 5 kids. Now there is no fucking way, also all the stupid screening processes, HR gate keepers asking you completely irrelevant questions more akin to "muh socializing" because they don't know any better.

When there is little trust in the government, and its care for its people, there's not that much trust for a private corporation either. I would rather want to start my own. I do feel that boomers see the young as cattle, and expect to be treated as such at most normal "jobs" though surely there are jobs where this does not happen.

The world is not stable and does not feel stable. Having that kind of stability implies knowing the place you live will remain stable, how the fuck can you be so sure of that when you don't know whether your future kids school will be overrun by niggers in 10 years?

Because there's more money to be made when you go elsewhere. I was at the same company for 5 years and went from $75k to 95k. I left for a job that paid $125k, got let go after 9 months (startup) and got $145k at my current gig. 2 years later im making $148.

For those you Liberal Arts faggots, my CAGR in salary was very significantly l higher whenever I took a new job rather than stayed.

explains why population is declining and why our shit system has them tell us we need a growing population 24/7

Loyalty must be earned. If companies don't want to lose employees, they need to compete right. Offer higher wages, better benefits. Listen to your employees. Motivate them to want to work there.

More money is why

Only a complete fucking cuckold would think of wasting 30 years of their lives as some kike's servant. The company you work for sees you as a disposable tool. It's not fucking 1960 where you'd complete 30 years at the job as an executive with a gold watch & fat pension.

Why would someone be loyal to a company that cares absolutely nothing about you? Companies themselves are to blame for lack of loyalty, jumping ship the moment something better comes up is simply the logical course of action.

In Spain bein a veteran on a company have two really good things:
- You get a salary rise every X years
- It gets harder to fire you up to the point where you're almost unfireable

The second thing was destroyed by the legislation because a lot of people abused it by being really unproductive, but it made it so easy to get fired that it ruined it for the employees completely.
Salary rises are not a thing anymore as it's more common to get deductions and if you want to improve your salary you need to force companies to bid for you so loyalty is not profitable anymore.

Because after working at one level for a few years a person is going to be looking to move up the corporate ladder in some form. Used to be that you could expect that to happen at the same company, but with rising life expectancies and retirement ages the higher level positions just aren't emptying out fast enough. So now the strategy is to move diagonally upwards, finding a higher level position at another company in which you can go to. Sometimes you'll even end up back at the place you started after a few job hops, just now in a more senior position.

Because they're all temporarily embarrassed celebrity millionaires.

Probably has something to do with seeing their loyal parents get downsized, made redundant or outright fired after 20+ years of service.

Also practically 0 wage growth relative to job hopping.

I left my job after not getting a raise only to get hired on at my former bosses position 6 months later doing LITERALLY the exact same work i used to with 1 extra day a week for an extra 30 fucking grand a year. They could have given me an extra 10 grand and i would have been happy, instead they decided to tell me to fuck off.

Been at the same company for 5 years. Doing what they tell me. No raises and getting passed over for promotions.

Hate to leave but I have friends who have leap frogged over me two years ago now working at Microsoft and amazon while I sit here with a shitty watch.


Jesus, just fucking leave.

That's disgusting. I plan to retire before then. Are Canadians really so poor that they have to work longer than 20 years?

Well i can only speak for myself but I usually get bored and depressed so I start to slack until they fire me and I get unemployment. I also don't really plan or do anything. I'll probably be a crazy sleeping on the street one day or killing people and living in their house for a bit,

My aunt worked for a company for her entire life. Now that she's nearing retirement age they're cutting her hours so they can skip out.
You're a fucking retard if you give your life to a soulless entity.

My gramps started his own business. One of the things that made it so successful was that he had loyal employees that had worked for over 30 years. The most frustrating thing is newfags that work for a year become trained and then leave.

Because its boring.

>Why do millenials move on from a company in order to reap greater rewards than what they are currently getting?
Oh gee I dunno

Why would you stay somewhere if you could get something better elsewhere? I'm literally only working for my own profit. If something better comes along I would be fucking stupid not to take it.

I just took a job that was a 20k increase from my last position. I'll probably be working somewhere else next year with a similar pay hike.

That is when you go to your boss and ask for a raise.

because they're the YOLO generation

live once so do randam shit yo

I wish there were a company for me to work for that would last that long.

companies wont have american or even human employees in 10 years senpai

It's not like it is a choice for most workers. Companies and the tech behind them change so fast, plus outsourcing.

No, the success of the company was due to your grandfathers superior management skills.

He kept those employees because he's a good judge of character and built a system where people don't want to leave.

If a company has constant turnover of new employees, it's probably wise not to blame the employees.

>They just also don't really have any interest in keeping you for 40 years because that gets expensive for them.

No no no no. This is all millenials fault.

Because Boomers have clogged up the whole system and there's no upwards mobility any more. If you start working at a company and plan to stay for, say, 20 years, you're not going to advance much beyond your initial position regardless of how hard or well you work because the job just isn't there. Boomers dying is literally going to solve all the world's problems.

Because a lot of companies now don't hand out raises very often. You can trade up jobs and increase your income very fast compared to staying at a company for three years and getting 300 more dollars a month. Also there are Gen Z people in the work force now (currently 18-21) and they are changing up more than millennials.

>implying companies will stay in business for that long

Yeah welcome to the new economy, boomer.

a boomer was telling me how to "always be looking for a better job" what are you on about?

We always had competitive and negotiable wages. I think it is true though my generation (millennial), were the worst when it comes to a stable routine. I always felt there was greener pastures but I stayed when all my peers were coming and going.

Ching chong.

Boomers dying plus policies of mass deportation of cheap third worlders

I would strongly fit in your peers camp. I'm a millennial who will changes positions after 3-6 months if I don't like the job or the company.

Each change has resulted in a much higher wage and a better understanding of what I want out of work and life.

I came to the conclusion long ago that I'm only working for my own profit. In the exact same way how a good company is only working for its profit. It's a voluntary exchange, and if a better option is available there really shouldn't be any social stigma with accepting the best opportunity available.

I own myself, and maybe you should consider owning yourself too.

Any business that will happily train someone with no strings attached it completely retarded.
My employer offers numerous training opportunities within our area of work, but with an added clause that you're tied to the company (unless fired) for a certain period of time, in our case around 2 years.

Also from my experience, there is no reward for remaining with an employer especially if you're white.
A few of my female or less than white colleagues aren't doing so bad for themselves in terms of promotion etc but other than that it's a pointless exercise trying to demonstrate any form of loyalty.

But at the end of the day it all comes down to money. Take the most loyal employee you have, and then don't send him a paycheck one month as an experiment. What how quickly his loyalty diminishes.

Will that company be around in 10 years?

>raise is refused due to CEO needing another yacht
>meanwhile company down the street is offering a position with better pay and more interesting work

Truly this situation is a mystery.

This is exactly it.

Far too many people stay in one place and end up with little to no financial reward, then end up in the situation of where you work to be able to survive.

As it stands, I get enough financial reward at my job to give me extra for savings/recreational activities. The second that becomes squeezed, I will be firing my CV/resumé at employers immediately.

Yeah, it's like, why would I keep visiting the same mediocre but satisfying restaurant when there is a better more cost effective one next door?

Retards, man, boomers are retards.

Because some retards still seem to hold the notion that loyalty to an employer gets you somewhere.
It's the same myth that being a good hard worker and keeping your head down to the grindstone will get your promoted.

It's bullshit. You need to step on toes and take your labour elsewhere if you don't feel you're being sufficiently compensated for it.

Someone who will make a lot of money in their careers, are someone who can effectively walk into an interview and say to the prospective employer "why should I work for you?"

I'm almost 30, started at my company when I was 22 at 33.5k / year, and now make 90k + ~30+k end of year bonuses. starting grad school part time soon but there's a reasonable chance i will be a lifer here. i acknowledge how rare that is though.

>too weak for physical labour, even retail or fast food

>too autistic for social butterfly jobs like stewardess, waiter or call center

>too brainlet to get a degree

>plus in general very lazy and a nervous wreck

Wish I was born in a timeline where psychologists can actually fix people

In certain industries like IT, if you're not moving every year or two, you're not getting anywhere. I'm the kind of person who likes loyalty and wishes I could stay at one place, but even I know that that will get you fucking nothing.

This. The company man meme has bee ruined from years of companies taking advantage. The only way you have that loyalty now is if its your company you own.

You know why..


Maybe I am biased, but I think it really depends on the size and nature of your company. E.g. smaller/newer companies will provide much greater opportunity for personal growth and potential to move into management positions. But in bigger/older companies you'll probably be ready for that next step before the geezers you need to retire/move on leave themselves.

Because they are lazy as shit. Have too many sick days and expect lots of money for doing fuck all work.

Basically /thread.

Why are people still posting?

Gen Z here, please encourage me with your recent employment success stories.

The company wont need them after 6 months.

>call center
>social butterfly job
Just go do customer support or something, anybody can do that shit. Speaking from experience.

The only skills you really need in Hungary are languages. English at the very least, but if you can speak French, German or Russian on top then you'll have no trouble finding a job with a salary of 250k HUF net. Assuming you're computer literate.

Right now a person with more than 10 years on the same spot becomes useless. Things change very fast and its easier to hire someone else than expecting a fossil to evolve accordingly alongside the market

because 99% of the companies people join wont be around in 35-40 years lol

>university, which is not a meme here. Only 15% of young people graduate from university here
>Work at law firm
>Le 26.400 grand a year
>Are you gidding me.jpeg
>Gets worse.avi
>940 euro in rent
>tfw poorfag


If you really want longevity from your employer, join one that develops weapons and other various defence equipment.

I get nervous breakdowns from people getting angry at me or even midly impatient. I only do emails, in english (they don't let me use telephones yet) and I already go home thinking about killing myself and how much of a failiure I am

>not living on neetbux

wagecucks are the fucking worst


Working for a corporation is hell. You're a cog in a machine with no control. The end game should be to start your own business, not be a corporate slave. Society has the resources for everyone to go out on their own, we just don't have the will.

I might as well ride my local grocery chain out until they go out of business. I'm already 36 and I only net $19k a year. Hopefully I have a sense of direction in the next life.

or the starting capital.

You fucking tiny loser. WORK FOR A LIVING


Although my wife is disgusted by NEETS so I'm not sure she'd sleep with one.

Anyone know where I can get that sweater?

>nervous breakdowns from angry people
>wanting to kill yourself over emails
I have no idea what I could possibly do or say to help you with that. Is this your first job out of highschool or what?

Also if you're under 25 then I'm pretty sure you still qualify for some govt subsidized OKJ certificates. Couple of years ago you could still do those on weekends, not sure if they changed regulations to require you sitting in a class full time now, but I hope not.

Your boyfriend can probably lend you one

Nah over 25. I reentered college again, but I'm afraid I'll just drop out again

Are you a nip?

If it's any consolation, nobody's too stupid to finish college. Some people are just too lazy. You won't drop out unless you waste all your time playing video games and watching series.

That being said, half the point of going to college is to network so that's something you need to make the most of even if you do drop out.

Are these comments actually making fun of employed people or is this just self-deprecating humour?

I never made any friends first time around, and this will be by mail, so I'll make even less.
And I'm still lazy. Wish I could control it

Because you make a lot more money moving every 2 years.

There was a study saying if you didn't change, you actually were cucking yourself out of pay increases.

Because startup mentality is rampant in this generation :
>create a low maintenance, expandable, high risk company .
>try to make it work.
>sell it.

because working for someone else is cucktier

because adaptability > planning

You are a cuck if you work hard in today's environment.

Hard work is reserved for low IQ people only.

>t. trumpcuck who lives with mommy


Because every big company contributes to the well being of the enemies and direct threats to my race
And at the end of the day, melanin is more valueable in an employee than any type of loyalty or skills

Because those companies don't promote from within or give adequate raises.

There's no such thing as a career anymore and it's entirely the fault of companies and boomer management.

Basically companies fault for a complete lack of salary and career progression.

t. 27-year old soon to start my 7th job