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Who cares, at least the white house, house and senate have 0 liberals in charge. That's the most important.

yes so the solution is to vote in democrats to fuck things up even more, right? That being said I hate Republicans only slightly less.

Yeah, because zero legislative successes will really sell well for 2020 (maybe 2018 if it goes really bad).

Cmon man you have to think bigger than this. Maybe you can't, but even if you are some blue collar retard learn to think the long game. We want 8 years of successes to crush the dems, not a 4 year "muh internet memes" presidency. Seems you are too fucking stupid to understand that though.

You sharia blue nerd virgins should be aware everyone is blaming Ryan, McConnel, McCain, and Graham. No one I know at work or the boxing gym has ceded an inch of support for Trump.

Maybe you shouldn't have voted for someone that isn't a politician?

what is even worse than not getting it passed is how little interest and involvement he shows. all he does is invite save votes to dinner and tweet stupid shit about how 'they' should get shit done. what kind of leadership is that?

wrong idiot. he said that "it would be the end of obamacare as you know it" for day 1.

day 1 comes, he signs an EO declaring that obamacare would no longer be able to be as big of a financial burden on people who can't afford it, thus "ending obamacare as you know it".

>mfw shartblue retards are getting easier to spot by the day

stay mad, shit head.

Do you think it's good that most governments consist of corrupt career politicians who don't really give a fuck about their citizens?

He obviously doesn't know shit about healthcare. I have a little more optimism for tax reform and infrastructure, but if he doesn't get that he is a dumbass and is screwed.

Very true, but these guys know the only way they won't get re-elected is if they die and they know Trump support will be a little less come 2020 and Trump will be out and they'll 'get back to work for the people'. Truly disgusting the way these self-serving assholes do this...we will have Kamala Harris as the next President and these guys will still be squawking 'if we only had the Presidency we could change this country for the better!". We're done.

yeah sure. but at least he could throw in the weight of the presidency to rally support. thats his core competence and he is not using it. even worse he is pre-shifting blame. i mean he even fucked the house republicans over when he called their bill mean.



>implying outsiders care about people by definition



They might not care more, but they might know more shit about their job when they have some expertise in that area.

You have a point there. But I think this doesn't apply to Trump unfortunately. He is talented when it comes to PR but I'm doubful about his economic expertise seeing that most of his ventures failed despite him having more capital at his disposal then most entrepreneurs.




>who cares that they have control of the entire government and still can't get anything done
Why are you so dumb?

>honestly believing signing an executive order that literally does nothing is going to do something
No wonder you voted for Trump, you mind-boggling retard.

too many politicians making money off obamacare, no one wants to give up their piece of the action, so it is unfix-able
only other solution is to scrap the whole thing and let the market fix it.

So Drumpf will fail again?