

선택은 북폭or평화협정, 주한미군철수, 핵보유국승인

시간은 북한의편인데,,

그의 명령이 백악관에서 떨어질때가됐다

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=linguists on hangul&oq=linguists on hangul&aqs=chrome..69i57.3020j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

당신은 결코 최고의 한국을 이길 수 없을 것입니다. 이제 포기해라.

Nice stick men and houses you got there. A whole village.

gook pls

Lol, are you talking about the Korean writing?

google.com/search?q=linguists on hangul&oq=linguists on hangul&aqs=chrome..69i57.3020j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

I've studied Korean and I have to say it is the best, easiest, most logical writing system ever created.


Ching chong bing bong indeed my friend.


why are you laughing at your friends


What kind of runes are these?

칭총 닙 농

aww it's in asianese. CHING CHANG CHEE CHOW to you too

>korean post
>south korea
Use english as everybody else here you piece of shit

this pole is right, what the fuck are you doing

>it is the best, easiest, most logical writing system ever created

clearly hasn't seen Serbian Cyrillic


Go back to school and learn english you fucking faggot.

The official language of this board is American.

north korea is the real korea

ding ding bong bong nip nong ning jang

it'll make your head spin

i chink something is wong here
