Give me 1 reason why anarcho-capitalism wouldn't work

Give me 1 reason why anarcho-capitalism wouldn't work.

Because someone will get their friends and guns together and rule an area and enforce laws in their territory

Which is known as a government

Because if there is more than one group of private police, they will eventually go to war until there is only one, and that one will be a government.


What if the government enforces anarcho capitalism?

Then under that definition, everything is anarcho capitalism.

>what to do with all these toxins from my lead factory.
>would be a shame if someone would drop them in that river

Then that's just a free market and not anarcho capitalism

Because it's retarded and society within it would fall apart in a matter of hours.


people aint as friendly or willing to be as good a nirghbours as you think

Ancap dummies like their made up flashy terms but can't coherently define their beliefs kek

disappointed it wasn't first post.

Because you couldn't maintain a standing army, let alone nuclear deterrence.

Commies. They'll ruin anything.

Until the free-market can work out a solution to the pent up demand for 'free' helicopter rides, I'm afraid we cannot have nice things.


People don't behave rationally.


Can't we just kill all of the people that don't act rationally?

I was going to answer seriously but with this post and this flag I'd rather post a goose, cheers

That's our secret Cap. We're always Ancap.

Just boycott their companies if you don't like them

If you don't behave rationally, you don't get rewarded in a capitalist system. Simple as that.

1. The innate tendency of capitalism to monopoly.

2. The innate tendency of borders to the designation of territorial hegemony.

Because its anarchism, this movements are dumb, putting too things together that don't work

Ideally. We all know that nepotism is a thing though.

You faggot leaf, just look at current US monopolies and tell me companies won't bend over backwards to FUCK YOU RIGHT IN YOUR GAY CANADIAN ASSHOLE when there are no regulations to hold them back. Then again, you might enjoy it.

How would you screen for that?

child sex slaves

If a company practices nepotism then that hurts their efficiency and they won't be able to compete as well.

You forgot to pay the license and can't legally call it ancap.

Also, NAP is a meme that is magically invoked to solve any and all potential problems. It's worse than harry potter fanfic.

Eh. Plenty of nepotism exists in the world's most valuable companies.

Irrationality also has to do with more than just business practices.

Because without a state to enforce your private property, it doesn't exist.

rally make my brains do thinking

Fucking meme ideology through and through

Monopoly is currently allowed by the government, not Capitalism, Capitalism promotes competitiveness, government gives patterns and shit.


A private tribunal can not work, or how?

The private courts will compete for influence over communities and people will choose the courts with the best practices.