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No profits today

Next step, full repeal.

Replace later.

Drumpf BTFO!

That was full repeal.It already collapsed

how the fuck are republicans so fucking useless. Seriously. We control the house the senate and the judiciary and nobody is doing anything. Have they actually even voted on 1 fucking bill this year yet?


Is Trump the most useless leader in history?

I thought this was "repeal and replace"?

>still thinks republicans arent in the pockets of the rich

The states that expanded medicaid arent giving up that money

>Trump attempts to repeal Obamacare
>RINOs and Dems vote to keep it
>can now point to Obamacare failing worse than communism and go "I tried to get rid of this shit" in 2020 many times did Obamacare pass fail?

Read the headline.The plan collapsed yesterday and today they couldnt break 40 votes on repeal only
Obamacare is here to stay

Because they're basically Democrat lite.

Failure theater is their primary operating mode.

>oh gawsh, we sure tried to get it done, but those rascally democrats hoodwinked us again! Send money to our campaigns and elect more republicans and then we'll maybe succeed!

McCain faked illness like a BOSS!

That was the aim of the bill that was withdrawn yesterday. They could only lose 2 votes, they lost 4.

All I can hope for is that they keep trying.

shes terrible, fuck all rinos

This wasn't repeal only. It was repeal and delay it 2 years for a replacement

republican party is fucking garbage where have you been the last 20 years

full of rino globalist cuckolds


too bad his surgery didnt end up horribly

>you didn't repeal it today!!!

Implying it can't be repealed any time between now and forever?

What is the big deal about repealing it RIGHT NOW!!! Like I'd prefer if it was gone without a replacement but it's not like the end of the fucking word of it gets repealed now or in the fall or next year

Why does not veryoje behave like a fucking child

Lord Hades bringing the bantz.

It took over a year and the democrats rammed it through without a single reublican vote

It's essentially the closest you're going to get to "repeal it today," because even the GOP hardliners know that would immediately plunge a fifth of the US economy into chaos.

Trump just confirmed they are moving on
The jackass had passed nothing at all
If they cant even pass repeal a d delay why wpuld you think they will pass repeal only?

Yeah why keep wasting time focus on tax reform come back to healthcare when you can make progress

all fucking talk. republicants passed this bill every other week when obama was pres. now that they can actually pass it they just sit around all day shiting the bed. spineless comatose retards

Whats the point of having a president when the deep state could just filibuster forever. Actual change would take more then 2 term at this rate.

Well folks. Almost 7 months in and we have
>A watered down travel ban
>No wall, no talk of wall
>No Repeal and Replace of Obamacare
>No Job growth, in fact, reports of of layoffs.

But at least we have Russia to talk about.

GOP is full of ifiots, they can't get shit done cause of all the backstabbing RHINOs who are dems in disguise. I don't understand what we are going to be able to do, the RHINOs have hijacked the party worse then Trump and are preventing anything from being passed. You can't even blame this one on Trump, he is ready, it's the dumb fucks in the GOP who won't just man up and work on this.

Tax reform is also prob not happening.
The senate rulea allowing to pass bills with 50 votes expire in 10 days. They blew their time on this and now they cant pass it in time.
Trumps agenda is in ruins.

Republicans control every branch of government
Can't pass a single bill

I love watching your party eat itself.

>Control all 3 branches and can't do anything.

That's the whole point of #resist.

Make it so nothing can be done for the next 7.5 years until they get power back.

>No wall, no talk of wall
Being built
>A watered down travel ban
Being implemented
>No Job growth
There is, in fact, job growth
>No Repeal and Replace of Obamacare
This is the only roadblock and, surprise, its not because Trump is ignoring it

>be a republifag

>elect an old pig who's never maneuvered the levers of legislative government in his life

>surely if anyone can sell their healthcare pitch to his own party it must be this dumb faggot who sold frozen steaks at sharper image and big macs with the grimace

Republicans everyone

How come he doesn't get impeached even though it was CONFIRMED that he's a traitor to his country?
How come the opposition doesn't storm the streets of DC until he resigns?

>muh democrats

>muh media

>muh deep state

>muh rinos

How about you faggots look in the mirror and finally realize that you're just dogshit at government

Drumpf will be executed actually. They have it pretty much planned for 2018

>campaign on repealing obamacare
>get voted in
>w-we can't just repeal it now
Why are Republicucks such pussies?

Wall ia not being built. Money is allocated for it in the budget but you will need 60 votes in yhe Senate to pass it and Dems have said they will shut down the gov. to kewp the wall.
The first thing the senate will cut in a compromise session is the wall money.

>*loses the all three branches of government to the opposition*
>'re side is dogshit at governing
as bad as the rep need to go, dems not to go worse.

A little dramatic considerig it's been 6 months

The democrats control nothing and are eating themselves

But the republicans colllapsing is also hilarious

I couldnt be happier if both parties collapse and die forever

thanks based user

He was elected precisely because he isn't a lifelong politician

Why is this so hard for you to get?

You don't know what treason is

Not really considerig he promiswd day one repeal, a mass infrastructure progeam and tax reform hia first year. He has 3 weeks lefr and has passed nothing

In other words, the democrats are going to make themselves look like pompous morons if they don't agree to the budget and end with a shut down, OR, they admit defeat and just give us the wall.

The fact he isnt a politican explains why
he cant get a single bill passes

Trump is a complete failure

>You don't know what treason is
Selling your country to the communists and/or defending a guy who's doing it?

I agree with le leaf

No, the idea of a wall is only polling 30%. The Senate republicans will throw it out.

You mean a guy who legitimately wants to reform the political sphere in the United States in meeting resistance from the deep state he refuses to be a part of and you're complaining about this? Hmmm...

I know you are a liberal so you don't understand how things work but trump can only encourage and push so much for congress

As per usually our congress is useless which is a somewhat desperate problem than our dynastic presidential leadership which we managed to end in 2016 thank god.

The best thing we could do for congress is term limits, the healthcare bill isn't getting passed because a bunch of corrupt fuckers in D.C. Don't want to rock the boat and risk that re-election and 800 year old mccain is having emergency old man surgery

Great! All this would be solved with like a 3-4 term limit

But communism is good though
True communism has never been tried
Everything called communism before is farright fascism
Lenin was based though

Whoa man, I thought he was the best deal maker around?
By far the weakest president in modern history.

I get it completely, his base is full of fucking retards who conflate institutional knowledge and a working grasp on policy with crooked and bad to the point that they're voting for a failed steak tycoon turned reality television show star and Kid Rock to take care of them.

>I agree with le leaf
back to autismchan

Sauce, and that would also guarantee a purging of the old guard

Yes, and I'm okay with that, I hear conngress has "done nothing" and I'm happy

Doing something is what causes problems

And as said

An outsider threatening to upset the gravy train is meeting resistance

Imagine my shock

Waste of quints

Wow, don't you think some experience in politics would be useful IF HE WANTS TO BECOME THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES?!?!?!

>Stalin and Mao authorized the privatization of industries
Lol no

>legitimately wants to reform the political sphere

In favor of furthering croney capitalism and quid pro quo politics? Sure.

>Russians are communists?
>Russia is our enemy?
>asking a Russian for dirt on hillary Clinton is helping or enemies

Are you larping as a retard or just an actual retard?


>groundless accusations

Cry more bitch faggot.A presodent is supppsed to lead from the bully pulpit but Trump jerks off on Twitter all day.
Trump is a loser and an embarrasment

Putin has said many times that the fall of the USSR was the worst thing to ever happen. If he had it his way the USSR would still exist.

>thinks the President controls Congress

you are far too smart to post here. maybe you should try a different site where your knowledge will benefit humanity.

I think they are going with "Russia is not communist" now.
Which is bullshit, as it's being led by a literal KGB man.


I agree
Homosexuality is great though

>it's stupid to not support the plutocratic elite that have been fucking you over for 40 years

You are like those vampire familiars that help the vampires hoping for favor but will receive none

>dynastic presidential leadership which we managed to end in 2016

Thanks, I forgot Obama came from the long DC lineage of Obamas who have twisted arms and done deals under the table for decades.

No, "experienced" politicians is our problem

Lol cant even give me a source to the thing he heard on the Late Show. Cry more faggot, people want Trump and no matter how much you liberals abuse the 4th estate you will never get what you want.

You are to dense to understand Trump cant control every single congressman

He is still a rich fucker obviously but he is objectively less corrupt than anyone since jimmy carter

Let that sink in, as corrupt as he is he is less corrupt than anyone in your lifetime.

If that doesn't sound right to you, it's because you haven't been paying attention

Obama is a based people of color person though

The secret is nobody actually wanted to repeal. They just didn't like obama.

Or best use of quints ever?

The presodent also cant wholesale legislation. That congress's job. The only embarasment here is whoever taught you civics and spelling.

Let Obamacare fail and let the record show congressional Republicans tried to fix this fuck show two different ways, but noone was willing to reach a compromise.

That's fucking retarded.

It's like putting someone who can't cook in charge of running a restaurant kitchen.

What a fucking loser

>explaining division of powers is crying

This is why thenleft always leads to dictators, you guys are totally cool with tyranny as long as it's your guy in charge

Agreed with this user
But pedophiliaphobia is not ok

Trump said many times that he's a great deal maker yet he can't even make a deal to get one of his signature promises through congress. He said he would get congress to pass a bill no problem.

Except he doesn't understand how politics works.

Holy heist since when did thenleft become regan era republicans and McCarthy witch hunters

5 years ago republicans were worried about Russia and the left lambasted them for it

Bernie sanders went on his honeymoon to Moscow

>ITT: horribly battered leftist redditors, desperate for any victory, pretending like the potus is responsible for matters of congress
This is after 8 years of "omg I hate congress poor Obama wants to make the world better but the stupid obstructionists in congress keep blocking him. It's not his fault!"

Guess what, voters know who's slowing everything down. You're in for big trouble in 2018 if you don't get a real platform.

60 votes required in the senate and the Kochs own Rand Paul.

why are they trying to repeal and replace?? just let it play out. if Obamacare implodes so be it.

Illegal immigration numbers are way down, refugee numbers are down, and deportations are way up, especially of people that wouldn't have been deported in the past.

That's a good thing, these fucking cucks in congress from the GOP are enemy number one right now, they're gonna blow the unprecented national advantage they have right now with the dems being so unfuckingpopular.

We need these GOP cucks out and to replace them with Trumpian nationalist types, but that takes time we really don't have (because with each passing election, the demographics get worse for nationalist types) and a talent pool that isn't really there because Trumpism is a new phenomenon.

Tl;dr, we're basically fucked if the GOP cucks don't start cooperating.


Obama was completey entwined in the political class, he is obscure to laymen but how do you describe a nice well spoken black man going from nobody to preside in 10 years?

It's like he was built in a lab for perfect identy politics electability

>omg I hate congress poor Obama wants to make the world better but the stupid obstructionists in congress keep blocking him. It's not his fault!