Israel is the only reason there are Muslims in Europe

Israel is the only reason there are Muslims in Europe.

Without (((them))) we wouldn't have a Muslim problem.


Why does the (((UN))) push for the demographic rape of migration?


If Hitler did his fucking job we wouldn't have this p[problem

So what are you going to do about it, Goyim?

>maybe if I reduce all the worlds problems to a single element I don't have to be so scared!

Almost as sad as the leftists.

Stop handing out gibs and they'll stop coming.

Muslims have to go somewhere it's not like the jewish state of Israel wants them around when they expand Israel's borders.

Good to see Sup Forums realizing that the (((Muslim problem))) is the Zionist problem is disguise.

GOYIM Your women

Ugly oven dodger.

This doesn't even make any sense. Look up the Sykes-Picot agreement and US intervention in the ME then get back to me about blaming Israel you dumbass Dane.

that right elbos sharp as fuck wouldnt fucc

Notice how the kike is not even denying it but rather trying to derail the thread.

Yeah I have no idea why OP is blaming Israel.

Mass Muslim migration to Denmark began in the early 1970s as Turkish, Iranian and Pakistani guest "workers". They were useless and were on welfare 10-15 years later.

The catestrophic Udlændingeloven (law) from 1983 allowed these "workers" and the rising number of Arab "refugees" to get their family to Denmark.

Luckily that crazy law went away in 2002 but the UN/EU laws still forces us take some "refugees" every year.

Smut tilbage til Israel.


>Without (((them))) we wouldn't have ANY problemS.

Based mall shitter.

They really had to include every race in that scene didn't they.

What are your opinions on forced racial diversity in the western world