Will the Antichrist ever appear in our lifetime?

Will the Antichrist ever appear in our lifetime?
How would we know if he does appear? What would be some signs of one.
And the most important question would be...what could we do if he appears?

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The antichrist is an idea not an entity. Kind of like Jesus.

If you take it to be true that no one knows the day nor the hour, then someone must always exist that could potentially fulfill the role should it become necessary.

thanks for covering for me...

Napoleon was the Antichrist. Thousand of years of God's kingdom, predicted by Apocalypse, was the time between establishing HRE by Charlemagne and dismantling it by him. Napoleon was the one who ended Christian order in Europe. So the day of judgment is near.

You mean an archetype? Is it an '80s arrogant thieving and exploitive businessman playboy?

Antichrist is probably Obama. If he's ever head of the UN it's 99% confirmed. Screen cap this.


>Kind of like Jesus.
Begone, gnostic scum.

Yes, definitely, the end is coming, it won't be long now.
>What would be some signs of one.
The signs are all around us right now, this is the end times.
>what could we do if he appears?
That's kind of the point of the end of the world, you can't do anything about it.

Well... the dome of the rock is suppose to fall and well... Check out @FuryBlazing's Tweet: twitter.com/FuryBlazing/status/887393022886854656?s=09

I don't understand.

Never, it's a fucking story.

Who is the Pope?

lmaoing @ your life

A commie, that's for sure.

He is already here, he is 14 years old and is of Assyrian descent, but you wont hear about him for a while.



that poster doesnt know what hes talking about. he wont be revealed until the Harpazo

This is him

The scripture not only says there is AN antichrist (the endtimes guy) but there are MANY antichrists now, like the popes.

I've also heard that the Antichrist is also the Jewish Messiah that they seek so much.