Why do Americans pay more for health care?

Why do Americans pay more for health care?

I thought their system was supposed to be superior to universal health care?

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it is superior.
that's why we pay more.

a shitload of fat people and a lot of poison going into our heads that every little problem must be dealt with using drugs. it's mostly cultural here. plus we have a level of care that is the envy of the entire world. we have a better product, a more valuable product.

Keeping it just on me, it's an alright system.

I'm healthy, rarely get sick, and nothing eventful comes out of checkups. Biggest medical expenses recently is getting bad teeth pulled.

So what makes sense about me paying way more for other people's care when I'm already paying reasonably for my own?

It's an unholy combination of socialism and capitalism. It's not socialist enough so that the entire industry is nationalized and in effect self sufficient like it would be in some Nordic countries, and it's not capitalist enough for the free market to fix itself, which drives the market prices sky high and creates monopolies. It's expensive because it isn't capitalist and it's disfunctional because it isn't socialist. Going either way would make better healthcare in total, but since it's a partisan issue there, nothing will ever happen, because one of the two parties in control will be buttmad about whatever decision the other one proposes, even if it's amazing and fixes everything entirely.


But studies show that you're very much down the list when it comes to quality and efficiency?

What about your countrymen? Don't you care about them?

You pay more for good service

You don't get better service though.

Also you might need to fight your insurance coverage over who needs to pay what during your illness.

Single-payer for everyone who passes a basic fitness test. Those who don't can pay up. Instant solution.


Paying their way wouldn't mean I do care for them. That's kinda the point, that it's unreasonable to cover the entire nation's health with your money. My health is fine and I personally keep it that way. Considering that, how is it my responsibility to pay for someone born with something, or acquired through recklessness?

>how is it my responsibility to pay for someone born with something, or aqcuired through recklessness?

Ok so you're fine with universal health care if someone wasn't born with something or injured themselves through recklessness?

It's not YOUR responsibility to care for someone who has been born unlucky with some defect that will alter their quality of life and make it impossible for them to get health insurance. It's societies responsibility. Just like you have universal firedepartment. The same logic follows, "why should I be responsible if someones house catches fire? Mine isn't and I can pay for firefighters myself if it happens."

It might just be cultural difficulties between Europe and America that makes it so hard for me to understand how you couldn't show solidarity for your countrymen and make a system with free health care and education for all citizens. It just seems like such a basic thing for a modern society to function well.

But that doesn't explain why operation costs are higher in America than other developed countries.

I thought the whole logic behind making it private was that it would be inefficient and expensive to let the hospitals be run by the public sector?

Just because something costs more doesn't mean it's superior. That's the BS they feed you to rake you over the coals.

>More fat people
>More people getting surgery
>Time is at a premium for doctors
>Costs increase

Talking in ideals that will never happen.

>Houses are people

>Arguing for solidary for countrymen and greater good when the EU lets mudslides of Muslims blow up said countrymen.

Sage in options.

This. Implication fallacy. A good product can cost more due to higher quality of material, better design, and need more skilled labor to make, but a high price tag doesn't mean the product contains any of that. P->Q != Q->P

But that's not true either. It's a myth that american doctors are more busy than other developed countries. Actually countries with universal health care have far more annual visits at the physician.

pic 1/2

>EU lets mudslides of muslims

Stay on topic please.

>Talking in ideals that will never happen

No, but you say that you will not pay for those groups of people. Does that mean you would pay for the other groups of people?

pic 2/2

Paying for some but not others goes against universal care. We already do that in a way; people pay into Medicaid.

This thread is boring. Sage still there

Even then there's no guarantee you are actually getting that quality. Say for example you are sold space age concrete bridges and after the fact find out it's a thin later of concrete layered on Styrofoam.

But if someone is born with a heart defect, then they must just pay the overpriced procedures themselves?

Why not have a system where everyone chips in and at the same time everyone gets a cheaper system with free unlimited acces without having to worry about getting fucked by globalism and losing their job and therefore insurance?

No matter how you look at it universal health care is the superior system. You get the same (if not higher) quality of health care at a cheaper price? You would benefit yourself.

That's what confuses me about liberals -- they'l take notions of patriotism (eg. caring about your own countrymen) to push their policies when it's convenient but never take the logical next step -- that protecting one's own people is more important then other countries's people.

The current US healthcare system already covers people with conditions they're already born with. As for the rest, it's simply better for them to pay for their own healthcare.

Costs are ridiculously high in the US because of Obamacare, Obama's attempt at universal healthcare, which is failing drastically and explains why it's basically a worthless money dump.

>Costs are ridiculously high in the US because of Obamacare, Obama's attempt at universal healthcare, which is failing drastically and explains why it's basically a worthless money dump.

That's not true either. American expenditure as a share of gdp was already far higher than other developed countries before obamacare even existed.

See picture 1/2 for general expenditure as share of gdp for developed countries. And american expenditure as share of gdp before obamacare in pic 2/2.

Pic 2/2

Exactly. We've been paying through the nose for decades or more. That was one of Obama's campaign pledges to rein in those medical high costs not just affordable insurance.

Then look no further than to other developed countries to see the best way of insuring the best quality of health care for the cheapest price. Universal health care.

The extra spending is mostly accounted under taxes directed towards medical research to make your free healthcare accessible faggot.