This is a good thing ? This will stop all the

This is a good thing ? This will stop all the
in- fighting ?

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Hmm i don't know. How about we just get rid of all the brown people?

Bump. SPLC is a Terror group and needs to be shut down

we are going to be a hated minority in the coming near future. my plan is to leave while it's still possible



Yes. Brazil is a very peaceful country.

same thing happened in ancient Egypt

Yes, let's turn Europe and America into South Africa. What could possibly go wrong there?

Can someone give me a picture source on this image. Preferably from their main website.

I wouldn't worry about it. Beaners hate Nogs, the gravy-train will be ending soon and whitey will still be elevated to the highest echelons of power, just like they do in Mexico. They can't help but revere light skin, I think it's those Conquistador genes.

I can't seem to find it anywhere aside from Sup Forums and this one Sup Forums blog. Smells like a hoax.

Is it legit?

No, propaganda for newbies

It is because whites are the highest social strata in most Latin American countries

>we are going to be a hated minority in the coming near future
We've been the hated minority on this planet since forever.

Multiculturalism won't work.

Oxytocin Promotes Human Ethnocentrism:

Ethnic Conflicts: Their Biological Roots in Ethnic Nepotism:

What Science Says About Diversity (Part 1):

Genetically Beneficial to Resist Replacement Migration:

May not work, but it is happening

White Christians were always THE hated minority.

There is no country for White children. With no homeland Whites have no right to exist.

Our empathy is their weapon.

So are our virtues. We must deprive people of their self-assured goodness in virtue signaling.

Race theory in general is quite dumb and imprecise, which is why black people love it so much.

Do you not know about the lightskin/darkskin animosity? Confirmed for knowing no black people.

Brazil is kinda of a cultural problem.
Been robbed by white people, black people, asians.
It's a quite fun place where everyone is a nigger.

But in general, the dick is something that should not be messed with.

If the dick wants a white wife with white kids, the dick should get it, and not be shamed by shrieking socjus whales, into getting something it does not want.

what is the source of this image