For the Christians on Sup Forums

For those who call themselves Christians on Sup Forums, I sincerely encourage you to watch this.

We need to mentally distinguish the difference between the externals of the faith and anything political, and the actual reality of knowing God.

Other urls found in this thread:

Good channels, hopefully they help people.

A true Gospel presentation. Hopefully those who haven't heard watch, and those who have can share this.

>the actual reality of knowing God
everybody needs this.

the entire universe itself is God.
you're welcome.

Daily reminder: along with Marxism, Christianity is a jewish ideology whose adherents are charged with protecting jews from being held accountable for their work in destroying our nations from within.

While God permeates everything, God is not reliant on any part of the universe. God is personal, and doesn't need the universe to exist, as God exists independent of it.

The gospel is bigger than ethnicity or politics.

user. This is god's work. Use that holy spirit! I myself just recently began to love truly love others as Christ commanded. I have never been happier in my life and I know I am justified. Enjoy paradise brother/sister, I know I will.

This a completely ill-informed and illogical statement.

I'm glad to hear it! I hope the resources provided can be of use to you. It's funny, what seem to be the most basic Christian teachings seem to be the hardest to live by, such as loving others, and most importantly loving God above all things.

(((Christians))) lol ok, for those that wish to learn the ways of your ancestors

Also some good resources.

>loving others
>Christian belief
Stop this revisionism, god brings wrath upon his enemies

Knowledge comes from Gods word not mans. There is nothing you can teach me. I will pray for you. Perhaps if you dig deep enough into your accusations, you will see your own lies. Maybe that is how you become humbled. I love you too user.

>watching cucked nu-christian jewtube videos

Just read John Chrysostom. He said kikes are subhuman and need to be exterminated. He was /ourguy/. As for politics, the only political system ever explicitly endorsed by Jesus himself was Caesarism. A white supremacist Aryan imperium is the only valid form of Christian politics, according to God himself.

God does bring wrath upon his enemies, but that is the job of God, not the Christian. The job of the Christian is to serve others and worship God. See the example of Romans 9:3 "For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh"

>"Christian" left bull shit where they harp on 2 or 3 out of context quotes from the bible as if that's the whole religion

Joshua 10:13
And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves on their enemies
Kys Protestant

Yes, God had used the Israelite's to bring about his judgement. However, as Christians, this is not our calling.

"Matthew 5:44
But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"

God will bring judgement, but that is not our role in this era. Remember, a Christian is someone who God has had mercy on through no merit of their own.

tell your priests to stop raping children first

>The gospel is bigger than ethnicity or politics
Ignoring the particular is a sin.

If anything matters then everything matters

Luke 19:27

Reminder Sup Forums,

lf you choose to make a conscious effort to reject GOD in favor of satanic occult nazi superstition, nature worship, buddhism, the new age or any 'esoteric' belief system you will wind up directly in Hell for all eternity.

You cannot choose to reject a whole people like the Jews and continue to spew hatred and be seen as righteous in the eyes of GOD. You have a chance to embrace JESUS as your savior, repent and turn away from sin right now in this exact moment.

JESUS is the one and only Way, the Truth and the Light.

you will have to dig very deep and look for the pattenrs leading to pantheism,modern christianity or catholic jesuit crap was made by islam niggers

Supposedly Africans and Europeans Minophysites fused the moniphysitic Christian theology into the new Muhammad thus making Muhammad to become muhammed the Christ

when did all went wrong guys? who is behind the negrification of the world,

Jews are the mystical body of the antichrist. It is Christian duty to exterminate them without mercy.

I'm a Reformed Baptist, we don't have priests. The concept of a Christian priest did not exist until well after the establishment of the church.

How does the parable of ten minas relate to the role of a Christian? Do you claim to be the master? Please, I hope you at least look at some of the resources I provided. I care about you and everyone here. I do not mean a Christian can never be strong and zealous for God, but God is the ultimate judge.

I'd highly recommend you listen to Chuck Missler,

>For non-christian Sup Forums, agnonistic
Here's him breaking down Genesis in 24, 1 hour long sessions

enjoy your trip coming to understand the Lord!

love you all

Kill yourself kike sucker

wow yhal need to get off /pol this is my board and its an anti christ board I am god nothing will happen unless I do it .
go fucking die.
also your religion is a conglomerate.
also jews have you enslaved.
fucking cucs.

Jews will eventually repent and become Christians in the end, come brother and join so you can be free from the worries of this world

Sir, the duty of a Christian is to pray for the conversion for all. The body of Christ is made of Jews and gentiles. I don't think the modern Jewish people in the world are stronger than God, or provide any more threat to his kingdom than any other non-believers. Regardless, if you claim to be a Christian, a sermon calling you to examine yourself should be something we all go through from time to time.

>Jesus called the Jews the "Synagogue of Satan" because he was secretly trying to enslave Gentiles.
ummm..... what?

>(((Chuck Missler)))
Fuck off kike

your persecution only makes him more credible

thanks for this thread OP. It's nice to see a good christian on this board act without vanity.

>The body of Christ is made of Jews and gentiles
Wrong. As an enemy of God, you will be killed alongside your believed Jews when the day comes.

Christian Zionism is never credible.

what can I say? Prophecy is prophecy

I would point you to 1 Corinthians 12:13 "For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit."

None of us gets to choose what's in the Bible, but we choose whether or not we're in submission to it. I pray you consider that. I do not believe that Paul was wrong to pray for the conversion of Jews any more than he was to pray for the gentiles.

Yes which is why Christian Zionism is not credible.

>Paul Washer

Eh, no thanks. I'll pass.

try Chuck Missler!

ive watched alot of Paul Washer, john piper, ect myself but ran out of videos

He is talking about a convert. A real convert, not crypto-jew deceivers like the jewtube video presenters you like to watch. For an example, see Israel Shamir or Bobby Fischer, who both also agree that Jews need to be wiped out (as is proper Christian belief).

Hey, sometimes you just have the beat the fuck out of money lenders in the temple.

My ancestors were Iberian. They converted to Christianity 1700 years ago. What about those 85 generations?

Will you go to Heaven when you die? Here’s a quick test: Have you ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain? Jesus said,
“Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
If you have done these things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart,
and the Bible warns that one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell.
But God is not willing that any should perish. Sinners broke God’s Law and Jesus paid their fine.
This means that God can legally dismiss their case:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
Then Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death. Today, repent and trust Jesus, and God will give you eternal life as a free gift.
Then read the Bible daily and obey it. God will never fail you.

So many Zionist retards on Sup Forums lately smdh. Where are you newfags coming in from?

Jesus called his followers Jews, and the Pharisees who later went off to Babylon and crafted their little Talmud were condemned as the "Synagogue of Satan".

At the end of the Tribulation, when the Jews have come to the end of themselves, they will turn to God and receive Yeshua as their Messiah (Zechariah 12:10, Romans 9:27-28, & Romans 11:25-27).

Jesus will return and regather all believing Jews to Israel (Deuteronomy 30:1-9)

Really i don't know how you can argue any of this regardless if you even read any of those verses,

>Consider covenant established with Abraham

I was referring to ethnic Jews who convert. I do not believe a Jewish person who does not accept Jesus as God will be saved. What in particular in the videos or channels I sent seem deceptive?

Thank you!

Like I said, everyone who does not repent and believe in Christ alone for their salvation is lost. There isn't any limits on God's free will on who he picks to save.

"All cretins are liars."
--St. Paul

Talmud was their attempt to re-write their laws without access to the Temple and the ability to give Blood sacrafice

Talmud was not divinely insipred and is considered a historical reference to the time period like josephus or other apocrypha

it's not anymore satanic than reading The Code of Hammurabi or The Epic of Gilgamesh

it's not in the bible because it wasn't divinely inspired

What makes it Satanic is the encoding of philosophies to dominate all the other men of the earth. Jews tend to get thrown out of countries because of their shenanigans because of this very philosophy.

Look bud, you already know Satan is the ruler of this world; and if he wants to influence and corrupt and pervert society through the hearts of unbelieving jews that's his choice.

Maybe he thinks it'll make God more angry that way, what do you want me to tell you. Come to Christ and free yourself from slavery and leave Satan to his own business, your business is in the Kingdom

You should have mentioned the great commission of the christian church.
to spread the gospel of Jesus christ and to bring them into the kingdom of God.

we are to get as many human immigrants in to Gods kingdom, so that they become citizens of the kingdom of heaven

that is our calling.

Yes, you are right, we have to spread the gospel.

right now, the 2 witnesses are in Israel, they have a few months till they die.

but they are spreading the gospel as much as possible to the Jews.

soon, the 7th trumpet will sound, and jesus will come and we will go with him.

stay strong in the faith.
(this goes out to all my user brothers as well)

>What about those 85 generations?
if you're christian, then you along with them, will have your faith awarded soon.

The two witnesses are not currently here, and they don't come until after the rapture anyways.

Israel hasn't been beset upon all sides yet

>join our meme religion thats a bastardization of what your virtually alien ancestors maybe worshipped
I understand posts like this are just D&C bullshit, but honestly why would you bother to proselytize to a group of devout Christians

Also, there's a lot of good material here.

Reading Proverbs is the best thing Sup Forums can do if they want wisdom and morality.

There is no higher code.
