Do these cunts ever stop doing bullshit trump-russia stories?

Do these cunts ever stop doing bullshit trump-russia stories?

I was looking at colbert's channel and he had something called russia week and I was just astounded, all he ever talks about is trump-russia

It's as if it's their (((job)))

what else can they really talk about? how is the weather over there?

stop watching them

go watch dragonball z abridged instead

It's almost like they don't have a choice.

Even if Herr Mueller completely exonerates Trump and his entire campaign of any wrongdoing, they will never stop beating this dead horse.


I thought Colbert was a bit smarter than this. I know he leans left, but not full-on retarded.

I honestly think he's getting ordered to do this shit from the network or something. It's just too lame for a semi-sane guy to be so fixated on.

He's a disappointment. He's either a sellout shill, or he just slipped into horribly unfunny retardation.



Brainwashing the retards that watch their shows are their entire purpose. Theres a screencap where a psychologist breaks this down perfectly. The way their show is broken down its purposefully designed to be hypnotic, and the cued applause and laughter conditions you to associate them with whatever theyre approving or disapproving at the moment. Its full on programming, not comedy.

>stop reporting on the active investigation into the most powerful man on earth
yeah why don't they cover more interesting things like pizzagate?

>I honestly think

you might honestly be right, boy-o

>stop wasting everyone's time with this fucking unfounded witch hunt
Absolutely correct user.

In basic persuasion training, the more you repeat something to someone the more important it becomes in their mind.

By simply forcing the idea that Trump and Russia are colluding every single day for months on end, people will begin to believe it. It is a simple persuasion technique.

they're literally share blue the show.

I used to love Colbert, now I can't get through 5 minutes of his shit. It's like they have everyone's family members under gunpoint and if they don't trash Trump at all costs nanna's gonna lose a toe.

>Ignore these far left comedians and pay attention to these other far left comedians instead!

If you're gonna suggest watching anime stuff, at least say to watch the source instead.

You're not the target audience.

it's worse than that
>we'll eat your kids

>trump administration keeps doing things that make them look guilty
>keep changing their stories
>keep giving shit excuses
>more and more evidence keeps coming out about things they lied about
>'why does media that focuses on modern events for humorous purposes keep talking about this russia thing'

Because he's a faggot kike who has zero talent and is not funny at all. He has to draw a crowd somehow. Look at those beady eyes. The guy is just pure faggotry.

>CNN keeps coming up with shit that didn't happen and creating stories out of it while minimizing to downright ignoring his actual staggering accomplishments such as employment numbers, the stock market records and immigration being reduced by double digit percentages

I can't figure out who is, even my mom finds their repeated formula boring now.

>actual staggering accomplishments
is this b8?

LBJ said it best.
Trump could walk on water and the press would run with the headline "Donald Trump can't swim!"

What active investigation? All I see are twitternauts and media personalities looking into it.


I would imagine demographics: 16-35 y/o middle income, suburbanite/upper middle income city dwellers.

Siciographics probably social media heavy users, identify as athiest, bachelor's or lower (left skewed distribution).


>that horse has already been processed at the glue factory so really it's both staggering and pathetic now.

Meant for you

Funny this thread pops up.

Watched the first 15 minutes of Colbert tonight, it was one forced joke after another. Basic formula here:
>did you guys hear that trump wants to do (extremely exaggerated thing)?
>out of context clip
>I mean come on!
>shocked disbelief face

Sorry, I'm high

The Donald Trump-Russia story is the SOLE REASON Stephen Colbert has food on his table. I think the Trump name has made him more money than Trump himself. Thank God for Colbert, or we'd all be talking about what a piss poor replacement he is for Letterman.

yeah, its b8. I remember libshit cucks spamming obama's "list of accomplishments" too.

I used to love watching Steve. Also, I thought John Oliver was hilarious... Until I realized that they were globalist-lizards. They eat babies and they will eat your babies. They want nothing but to eat YOUR babies. No babies are safe from the globalist-lizard brigades. The only thing that can save your babies, is the second amendment. Godspeed.

the next 20 years should be fun