Why doesn't Trump use executive privilege to unseal and expose Eric Holders crimes, that Obama covered up?

Why doesn't Trump use executive privilege to unseal and expose Eric Holders crimes, that Obama covered up?

He's waiting to do it all at once.


Bump, and what about 9/11? What about Clinton cover ups?? Bump.

Because people already assume the worst of him. They'd say its fake. So he goes through the motions.
Also there's mountains of old documents on top of the real current work to be done. Can't just fuck around for 4 years hunting down dirt.

He doesn't go after dudes. Only dude he goes after is Obama. Otherwise he only has it out for broads. Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, Hillary. You get the idea.

bitches always think they gonna get the pussypass

i hope they get whats coming

i was expecting a lot of secrets to be exposed with Trump. I'm starting to think even the most probable cover up theories would be explained, or better investigated etc.

I'm just saying all it takes is an executive order, since Obama used it to seal the records from a legal inquiry. Fucking unseal that shit Trump, and start pulling at the loose thread until the whole swamp sweater comes undone

Also it would give us a break from all this Russia bullshit in the MSM and force them to cover the treasonous behavior of Obama and Holder

bump. we need to make sure Trump knows we want this!

>going after a former president
It's like you people don't have a clue.

It'd probably be sufficient to put away some of the underlings.

Eric Holder needs to be publicly tainted from ever holding public office again, right now hes working as an anti-Trump attorney for the state of California to "resist" federal policies


eh probably to use it as possible leverage. honestly i feel like trump is slowly trying to get as much dirt as he possibly can and release it if it seems like hes not going to get a second term or have the presidency taken from him. like the current witch hunt going on.
hes in his 70's. he has absolutely nothing to lose. and if you ever read up about trump, the man loves revenge.
you can also bet if they try anything to don jr. he will go nuclear mode. if they try any sort of charges against his son i'm honestly willing to bet hard money trump will go ballistic.

With the exception of his tweeting time, he is focused on his agenda. Going after his predecessors is not part of his job description.


>trump will go ballistic.
please let it happen




If it's really bad the evidence would be destroyed rather than hidden. At absolute best a few people in the Obama administration will go to jail, nothing really juicy, sadly.