What happens to mixed race people in your ideal ethnostate scenario?

What happens to the mixed racers around before the ethnostates happen?

What would happen to new mixed race babies?

They get kicked out with their parents, both the white one and non white. The whole cancerous family is kicked out. Except for hapas. They are granted half citizenship.

What about when the whole word is ethnostates?

Also, why only hapas?

East Asians are allowed partial citizenship in my ethnostate because they are useful. Other mutts can fuck off. Also, only a small amount of Asians and hapas are allowed obviously.

Nuremburg laws.

If your ethnostate considers white Americans "white" then take in the children and white parent assuming they can still have kids.
Rationale: American whites are mixed to begin with so "muh purity" doesn't apply here. it only takes 2-3 generations to BLEACH a bloodline, so you might as well take the opportunity to make more whites rather than kick out potential white baby makers


Sterile (chemical castration)

>Except for hapas

KYS, chink lover.

If they are half white and identify with the white side and choose to not act like a degenerate nigger from the ghetto they can stay.

Personally I really don't care about mexicans or asians that much as long as their immigration is restricted. I don't mind some diversity but a white majority must be maintained for the character of the country to remain intact. Ideally a super majority of whites or no less than right now.

For practicality, the current state of things should be established as the base line, and things should not be allowed to get worse and more diverse.

Free plane tickets to Brazil or a free ride on the Gas Chamber Express

Sterilize all mongrels.

Maybe however hapas should still have to undergo sterilization

Fuck off

Asians maybe but there should be anti racemix laws where everyone must breed only within their race and mongrels be sterilized

Nothing because there is only one race

Natives and Japs only.

they belong in an oven.

op is a faggot

There is only one human species (not counting the bush men,Pygmies and Aborigines). There are many races.

Used for scientific research


I forgot about natives, obviously they can stay. Full citizenship but they can't breed with whites.

Depends on the mix but they'd be excluded from certain benefits (most related to fertility rate) and forbidden from marrying or reproducing with people with reservation status. Basically a system in which there is always a sustainable, ethnic majority where all the mixed people now would simply become a staunch minority over time.

That or some sort of balkanization that would just end up dividing after a domino effect occurs with the formation of white ethno-state. Like I'd imagine all the Koreans in Canada basically making a new Korea and inviting over all the American Koreans to bolster themselves. The Indians would likely do the same.

The African Americans would just sort of end up getting pushed into some sort of Somalia tier zone or just keep moving south until they hit Brazil where they'd be welcomed. This would depend on whether or not the more educated black folk would be able to get a handle on them but that's wishful thinking, the inner city nogs would just kill them all and try to establish a civilization based on gang morality.

Hispanics would probably try to conquer "Atzland" since if there was an ethno-state born in american soil it would not care for California beyond cascadia.

Mixed people would probably be dispersed between the ethno-states or between the possible civic states, which would obviously be composed of people who rejected the ethno-state formation.
Europe on the other hand already has a foundation, they just need to expel everyone who isn't native.

Natives are worse than nigs

Back to where the other half of them comes from. First solution.

If they resist, they get the gas. Final solution.

There'll also be punishments for white inbreeding. Anglos for Anglos, for example.

No, nigs are much worse. And besides, there is nowhere to ship the natives to.

honestly this they can be useful for eugenic experiments

>where da yellow womminz at

>T. Monkey

Ship them to a fucking mass grave

>except hapas

beta as fuck, no wonder we are outbreeding you cucks

Nice. According to this I'm good. My great grandmother was an indian, and it's left me with an olive complexion. But by this, I'm eligible for full citizenship. I promise not to marry anybody darker than me

the ethnostates is never going to happen

The nazis sterilized the half breed niggers in Germany and revoked their citizenship.

Go into detail.

this is all fantasy and its fucking hilarious

Yes, this is all hypothetical. How does this prove an ethno-state won't happen?

>except for hapas
top kek
do you stutter when you meet hot asian women in your area

useful by going on killing sprees and an heroing?

because all you dorks do is sit behind your desktop eating corn chips. but keep dreaming about your glorious white Utopia that isnt going to happen. have fun being a minority in 2050 hahaha

Ah, ok now I know what you are.

If they're half British and the other half is white they get full rights

If they're three quarters British they can stay and with full rights

If they are half British and half nonwhite they can stay with resident status only

Muslim converts are excluded from both the white and British categories.

Otherwise they go.

not in denial?

Probably because he is one

Actual White Nationalist here:
>What happens to the mixed racers around before the ethnostates happen?

Nothing. Assuming that the state would be a violent inhuman regime is inherently leftist. We wouldn't do anything to these people, they would be able to live their lives to the fullest. Nobody would harass them, they wouldn't lose any rights.

We don't have to remove these minority groups from society. We simply give financial incentives to our own people to encourage them to have families, and larger families. By enforcing our existing immigration laws, and by stopping the influx of nonwhite immigrants, we would be able to reverse the trend that started in 1965. The cultural changes that would bring would inherently be good for our people.
As we increase in proportion as a demographic, as other groups don't have the same incentives, the minority populations shrink naturally over time.

Financial policies can influence human behavior in either direction. Its as simple as that.
Our goals and how we plan on achieving them are entirely practical.

only guy in this thread thats not a complete fucking idiot

You're ignoring the "If people are around each other, some will fuck" factor.

who cares

They are given White genes

I'm not. Even now when mixed race relationships are heavily promoted in media we don't have an outrageous proportion of intermarriage. Over time as these minority populations shrink the likelihood of intermarriage decreases. Its a downward trend across the board. Even if its not a statistical 0% of the population, its still insignificant enough that it wouldn't pose a threat.
The culture would be continually shifting away from the narrative of tolerance, and opinions in the general public would be more nationalistic, more insular, more realist. Discussion of the identity issues that mixed race peoples deal with wouldn't be a taboo topic, and that alone would likely do a great deal to discourage such relationships.

Culture is an incredibly powerful tool.

Anyone who is over 70% European on a DNA test gets to stay.

Sure thing Jerome.

How do you plan to remove 50+million spics (my people)?

We'll ask the Serbs for help

Do you?

you send them out to spread white genes to the rest of humanity in case the ethnostate ever fails and other people come in.

the top right quote is actually a quote from Herod's son, not Jesus, it's not Christian doctrine.

Send them to nonwhite countries to make them generally better in a couple generations.

>Except for hapas.
Can I get uhhhh a failed ethnostate

Any criminal charges is deportation to their native nation, same with drugs.
If no record, only allow them to breed with other half breeds.
Anyone who is not half white is deported.

>Assuming that the state would be a violent inhuman regime is inherently leftist. We wouldn't do anything to these people
Get a load of this faggot. Guess what? If you want whites to survive, you have to fight for it. What kind of a white nationalist is ok with nonwhite citizens in his country.
Bullshit. one in ten whites marries out, and that number is set to only grow as the number of shitskins increases. And once white genes are tainted, they're tainted forever. The shitskins breed faster than us, we're below replacement level, and each generation breeds out just a little more than the last, and you're not concerned?
And you have the gall to call yourself a white nationalist. Disgusting.

>allow them to breed with other half breeds
I'd only allow them if they got sterilized. Basically, you're saying you would be alright with a new national minority, distinct from the white populace, which is not desirable.

I would say the same thing desu, but it would suck knowing that some odd generations back in your family tree there was a nigger

Minimum 75% white and and the rest only useful cunts like nips Ill give em a 5% and 20% slav

People who spout this nonsense aren't in our ranks. The only place we encounter this type of rhetoric is here on Sup Forums, even the older generation on Stormfront understand that winning this fight requires picking up the very tools that were originally set upon us. So right off the bat you attempting to present yourself as if you're a nationalist when I know you're not belonging to any real nationalist movement is comical.
The Hart-Celler immigration act was a piece of legislation that brought about numerous cascading changes to the face of the country. Reversing its effects can also be done by simple matters of policy.
Its not that we are "okay" with different ethnic groups on our soil, its that we understand the best way to remove them is to allow their numbers to shrink while we bolster our own in comparison.

We have real tangible political goals. We understand that race and culture are directly intertwined, so changing demographics inherently influences culture. You have immature and ill thought out shitposting. Thats the difference between you and I. The holier than thou attitude doesn't hold any water. You're just angsty and ineffectual.

Ethnostates are for tards, it's all about culturalstates. One of the largest and most prosperous empires survived on the idea of inclusivity, as long as those included assimilated to the culture.

Everyone out. The whole family.
You cannot risk cultural or genetic contamination.

American Europeans are guilty of indulging in slavery despite the fact Jews were responsible for the slave trade. Not only this, but blacks also owned other blacks. To repent, America should allow up to 20% non-white citizenry, but preferably 10% like pre-1965. Permitted these non-whites adopt our morals and follow our laws.

Europe and Scandinavia should be strict white ethnostates.

Of course, none of this can happen properly without first assisting the other Nations in the building up of their own States, otherwise we kick people out of our white Nations and send them to desolate deserts and the whole world becomes our enemy while we remain in our utopias isolated -- sitting ducks.

>What would happen to new mixed race babies?
Deport them all along with their families.

Libtards start screaming "that's so horrible" while supporting antiwhite discrimination policies for decades. You fucking hypocrites!

>What happens to mixed race people in your ideal ethnostate scenario?
Ask the Jews what they think about Jews race mixing with non-Jews.

INB4 You do not ask Jews about Jews race mixing with non-Jews as Jews are traditional against the idea but it does not fit modern day political correctness and questioning the Jews is not something liberal would ever dare consider.



>holier than thou
>projecting this hard
You are never going to make pro-white policies palatable to the normies unless we have an economic cataclysm, and at that point, I'd much rather just get rid of the shitskins by force.

Can you have fertile babies with the bushmen? Yes? Then you're the same species fucktard. You may be able to claim them as subspecies but even that is pretty far fetched. Neanderthal is more likely a subspecies than it's own species, and bushmen are much more genetically similar

stolen or squandered DNA will be subject to reclamation.

his in finland, there are only asian women in his area

They opted out of the ethnostate, they have to leave.

>civic nationalist
Plebbit is that way

I would have said just bleach their genes until they are fully white, but it would fuck up the 1 drop rule.
Sterilize them.


When the rest of the world is against you, there are no resources to waste.

kill yourself.


What happens to non-Chinese people in the Chinese state??!??!?!?!? DO THEY GET GAS CHAMEBRED!>>>!>!>!??!?!?!!?!?

Do none of you fucking tards know anything about human history? We've been fucking each other across the globe for over 200,000 years. Yes geography has played a role in how we look and act but we're all one. That being said, some people from certain geographical areas have undesirable traits, but that can be applied to anything.
Africans more violent
Europeans more heart disease
The list could go on, but these traits apply to specific genes

TLDR: just cause someone is black doesn't mean they have shit genetics, just cause someone is white doesn't mean they are worthy of producing offspring.

This is a numbers game, and you're not aware of the numbers.
The sentiment is already growing among a segment of the population that is heavily polarized. That segment is white conservative male voters, and we're continually pushing the overton window right. This by its very nature is shifting the entire party further right.
As this is currently underway the present administration is enacting measures to remove illegal immigrants. They have to do this to both fulfill a campaign promise, and to ensure their own survival in the next presidential election.

By removing illegals, ending the financial incentives that they come here for, making them fearful of their future prospects, this administration is removing votes for the left. Weakening the opposition while we solidify our base is how we take the first steps in winning this battle of attrition.

With a weakened Democrat party and more right leaning voters being swept into nationalistic frames of view we end up with a powerful political majority. The key player in the upcoming election won't be minority groups, but instead will be white middle class Americans, as it should be. Though now the white middle class is faced with the choice between immigrants, violent Anftifa, open Communists, or their own fellow white people.

We win the counter culture war. We win the elections. We win the policy battle. We win the nation. When the nation is ours then the economic and financial systems will be ours.

If it's about being useful, why wouldn't you accept the highest IQ nogs and mutts. They'd be useful, if not better than the average citizen of your country. It's not about being useful, in your case, it's about conforming to your own twisted ideas of race. If you're going to make a white only fantasy country, you need to make it white only
If there's hapas, then it's not an ethnostate.

Fuck yeah that's cool with me, I don't give a flying fuck if you look like me, as long as you act like me.

>wants to pass on his problems to others who have it even worse
>not a nigger
pick one

My view is you give them the option of deportation or forced sterilization with no political rights.

>he actually believes (((democracy))) can save the white race
Go back to r/t_d. Our country is a monstrosity that needs to collapse, and only then will we be able to do anything to help our kind. Anything else is just naive. By all means, try to change things peacefully and politically, but we must absolutely be prepared to fight if and when that fails.


Conservative white men Balkanizing as a voting block would control the entire country. We're the single largest voting block there is, only we have been conditioned to not pursue our own interests. Fear of being labels a racist, not being tolerant, etc. These things have a market value approaching zero. The left has thrown the overwhelming majority of its social currency down the toilet, and they have nothing left to control whites with. Trump's brazen personality and unflinching crass behavior is proof of this. The younger generation who supported him can't be shamed into accepting any position.

This isn't merely a Balkanization of whites who vote along party lines, it is a reawakening of the white European spirit which this nation was founded on. The GOP isn't an institution that we have faith in, it is an institution that we are going to usurp and bend to our whims. We're not voting for welfare and social benefits as other demographics do for their party. We're voting in a conscious exercise of political agency knowing full well all its implications.The GOP will de facto become the White Nationalist Party of American.

Your infantile petty insults don't amount to anything.

>just cause someone is black doesn't mean they have shit genetics

That is where you are wrong, Tyrone.

>>Nuremburg laws.

This for all mixes minus Blacks.
Black mixes can not be more than Octoroons and only accepted on a case to case basis with only a very few being allowed in at all.
Any full breed white that breed with a full breed non-white to make a 1/2 mix will be deported as a non-white.

>Still believing republican cuckservatives will do anything anymore
You will keep voting for the same shit for next decades and nothing will change.
Cuckservative don't enact enact change anymore, but rather more preserving status que of mess which libfags did and strop all progressive shite for a while until new generation ruins all again.
Democracy sham won't help you anymore but rather blind your impotent rage with illusions of hope...

At least have a courtesy to change the flag when you promote failed game called democracy.

As I said, we don't have faith in the GOP as an institution. It is a convenient tool, one that we will end up holding the reins of. Party staples like McCain and all the other old bags have their days numbered. They're old, on death's door.
This is culminating in the dawn of a new era in modern politics. The largest voting block in the country won't be thinking in terms of left or right. They will vote white.

With the Mexican and Central American immigration problem addressed we are left with one major ethnic minority to address. That ethnic minority is one that is doing everything possible to kill itself olf. Blacks in America have already crossed the replacement birthrate threshold, and this is with ghetto black women having half a dozen kids to collect more welfare every month. If we weren't bringing in black immigrants from Africa every year their numbers would be shrinking year over year without us lifting a finger.

We can take this country back by means so simplistic is almost laughable. This is the dirty little secret in politics. High agency whites who are self interested are the most dangerous force to established power. This is why we're so heavily targeted for campaigns of demoralization. The enemy can't afford to let the majority know how fragile their hold is.

Deport the degenerates to Australia like in the good ol' days

How does Sup Forums feel about people who are Aryan by Nuremberg race laws, but not 100% pure.

They get to stay, as long as they are Christian capitalists.

They all get sent to Germany.

spoiler: they don't.
>but this handful does!
their kids won't.