I unironically love "fash" American asthetic. This is a thread where you go ahead and drop'em

I unironically love "fash" American asthetic. This is a thread where you go ahead and drop'em

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Drop what, redpills? I have plenty

>Hillary Clinton sided with Russia on sanctions as Bill made $500G on Moscow speech


>Germany’s Merkel Defends Russian Gas Pipeline Plan

America is always fash-lite and always will be. Under the thumb of the Jews as long as they let you.


Sieg Heil

>symbol for welcoming immigrants with open arms turned into a symbol of fascist nationalism

is this what post-irony looks like



>ywn live in glorious fash americana timeline


Greatest goy.

Hey, redpills work too. Never hurts to have a few more to send to people who need to be enlightened

Israel has nuclear ICBMs. We can't defy them openly. That doesn't mean we like them. This isn't the 1930s, and different times call for different strategies.

Maybe. Isn't it ironic that a "communist" party is supposed to work for the people and be for the workers, but in actuality abuses workers even harder than any other system? If not it's still pretty funny that communists claim to want to get rid of class and want everyone equal when that is inherently impossible with human nature and the people you put in power :^)

>human nature

You had me all the way up to here. Good one, user.

please immediately drown yourself in your nearest river or other similar large pool of water

people like you are responsible for never knowing my grandfather

Barry Fenroy Bass.

Friends, I'm not even a Stalin apologist, let alone a Khrushchev-and-beyond supporter. Your anger at me is entirely misplaced.

just finished this show and made a bunch of webms. it was fucking great for sightseeing. let's see if we can kick off an aesthetics thread


if you think that if communist system would be installed again, the country's inteligentia wont be eradicated, then you are far too young and naive for us to have a discussion

it was actually jarring to go from watching this show to the grocery store and other places irl where there's no white people and everyone's dressed like shit

Wow they've fucked up and not read about nazis at all.



haha because real Commieism never been tried yet?

yeah the show completely forwent research, realism, and politics in general, the show was really a bunch of standard liberal propaganda points lightly strung together with spiritualism and shit desu

You support theft and wealth redistribution. Helicopter rides are In your future


give me the red pill.

This series needs to have some anti nazi propaganda in it or else it wont exist in the current year. how bad is it?

99% of people watching a tv show wont know what Welthauptstadt Germania means. Berlin they can figure out though. Use common sense.


Don't call it fash that's gay as hell

though you have to admit they've portrayed the main Nazi character (Smith) in a decidedly sympathetic light, plus Hitler wasn't portrayed as a complete monster

>he doesnt want to live in the 21st century nazi reich

It's actually not that bad. Aside from the occasional dystopian thing, like one character being told his son has to die due to a sickness, it actually makes the nazis seem pretty good. Especially compared to the Japs.

Plus it's set in the 60s, but the tech is far beyond what real life tech was in the 60s, so it sort of admits that fascism was good for technological progress.

What could have been

>mfw we actually have helicopter pilots standing by

oh yeah, I couldn't believe it. he was fucking great.

that show turned to complete shit.
they completely lost me and i have no fucking clue what direction they're going with. there's no cohesiveness and the thrill of suspense is gone.
and here i was, thinking i found a red-pilled series that hasn't been tampered by jews. foolish ol' me.
the fargo series is something to get into if you have time to waste, unlike man in the high castle that will leave you seething that you spent so much time trying to stay awake


That's the great irony of the show. It was clearly meant to be a zero-thought Nazi-bashing, leftist propaganda piece... but then they made the mistake of making the "good guys" all retarded, selfish, cucked, or sociopathic and making all the Axis characters interesting, sympathetic, and compelling.

I finally decided to watch the show figured all the posts can't possibly be paid shills.

I can't believe the show as green lighted - Obergruppenführer Smith is more or less portrayed as a good guy and the ham fisted muh holocaust and muh dead cripples is actually kept to a minimum. The resistance is shown to be thugs instead of flawless diversity brigade angels.

my thoughts exactly. I hope they're not going the "epic pull off the revolution and throw off the chains of fascism so we can smoke weed" route, with smith defecting or something retarded

especially in comparison to the japs, holy shit what were they thinking putting early 60s natsoc america side by side with a bunch of liberal retard characters and the chinatown pacific states where whites are second class citizens that are lined up and shot in broad daylight

Wait is the name of the airport in that Lincoln Rockwell named after George Lincoln Rockwell?!

obviously kek, for a lefty show bashing nazism they sure did their homework

Exactly. Main jew guy had his sister gassed, becose he played tough guy. Then become mindless terrorist. Assasinate japs HQ. We should feel sad for him.

Every Communist revolution in history is simply a means to install the Vanguard Party as the replacement Bourgeoisie
All the worker/peasants have ever accomplished is tying the noose around their necks tighter

Holy shit they did, I might start watching this. Is it on Kvetchflix?


god bless that man

amazon prime

The West is dead
Long live the West


Still thinking that book is better.


>Actual helicopter pilot on standby
I feel leftie buttholes clenching