/Polder/ General dutchies get in here

PVV / FvD voters are allies DON’T FIGHT
>Coalition tier
>Rape victims tier
>Useful idiots
50 Plus
>Just fuck my country up SJW tier
>Meme tier
Nieuwe wegen
>Traitor tier
>Niemand is perfect tier


> discord () gg () t6sQe8t


EXPLANATION OF PARTIES: pastebin.com/rM2x5tqQ


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fix die kankervlag en dat kankerlijstje eerst

White nationalists got btfo. How will FvD and PVV ever recover.

6 seats in the polls boi

Dit was ook het geval voor de verkiezingen. Nieuwe verkiezingen komen er toch niet omdat het partijkartel te graag wil regeren.

Dat waren 6 zetels in de polls van FvD. Dit zijn 6 zetels in de "officiële polls" van de Hond enz. Het partijkartel gaat regeren, maar ik denk dat ze het niet heel makkelijk gaan krijgen met 4 partijen in een kabinet

Did anyone read the interview in HP de Tijd?

Which one?

The extra T H I C C zomernummer has a long interview with Thierry

Zo lang Zalm de nieuwe informateur is vrees ik het ergste. Segers zal wel moeten toestemmen met een nieuw partijkartelkabinet omdat ze hem anders nooit meer met Carola naar een U2 concert laten gaan.

Do you have an archive or screenshot perhaps? I tried to read the article from the 5th of July but it's behind a paywall

When I read about how minority group X did something fantastic contrary to anyones (including liberals) expectations, I always suspect some kind of cheating in order to save the narrative. I've seen too many 'hey rabbi watcha doin' to trust the WhiteLeft Media directly, including Hilversum.

Regardless, I don't think PVV and FvD are against smart foreigners coming over. From what I gather from Geert etc they don't mind them as long as they integrate into Dutch culture. They know that they will lose as soon as they steer their politics towards biological racism. Doesn't matter though, your country will be white if you put expectations of moral and intellectual performance high enough.

djerrie bidet :DDDDDD:DD:DDDdd

FvD is voor pubers die makkelijk te beinvloeden zijn, door mensen zoals Bauded

Yes, SP is much better, i like me some free stuff.

A good thing they did get some seats then.

Derry patat xxxDDDDdd

Hallo Stroopwafels :DDDD

Why do we have this thread did something special happen?

Nothing special ever happens here.

whats wrong with the prinzenvlag? Or do you mean OP's flag?


I'm not sure yet whether our media are receiving (((directions))) or if they're just weak fags trying to do the right thing and prevent the evil fascist nazis from gaining support. I mostly see them lazily following the talking points of american media by copy pasting CNN articles.

Any arguments for either scenario?


>t. klaveryasser

Pannekoekenleaf if you're still here, we haven't forgotten about you. Hope you finally got that poffertjespan.

>He still believes the polls

>proxy deen

shoo shoo ahmed

Most newspapers and media channels have political agendas. We've seen it with CNN but during the campaign NRC journalists were and probably are lurking here. The posted an article in the actual physical newspaper about FvD, this site and memes. They actually posted FvD memes in a newspaper. The rabbit hole is deeper than you think
Pic related, one of the memes they posted

How exactly is Forum voor Democratie anti-establishment other than being anti-EU?

Give me a run down Nederbros? Did de coalitie fall apart yet? Is Wilders involved yet? Been checking every month or so. Coalition building seems to be difficult.

Coalition will not come. New elections soon.

please, this is just a unemployment cuddler party.

Coalition will be formed in september/october. 4 parties might be unstable and the kabinet might fall. Don't think it'll make the 4 year journey

>Coalition will not come. New elections soon.

Interstellar coalition between the Dutch and ayyy lmaos to avert "evil" Wilders when?

They don't want a majority cabinet. Instead they want cabinet positions be filled by the best candidate, regardless of party association.

Geert ((Wilders)) is a Indonesian Jew.

What a joke. Thierry and Theo are our last shot.

Pro referendum, they support initiatives that take power away from the institutions behind the major political parties, like elected majors instead of appointed majors and alternatives to a coalition government, and they want to reduce media bias in public broadcasting.

It will be funny to see how VVD is going to form a cabinet next time when PVV is still the second largest (maybe the largest) party and FvD als with a lot more seats. Gonna be a massacre

They are trying to make a VVD, CDA, D66, CU coalition. Talks between these 4 parties have been going on for weeks. Nothing big about it in the news, but if this fails I doubt they manage to find combination that has a majority in both houses.

This has been debunked so many times its not even funny anymore.
Don't believe everything you see in the internet, kiddo

I don't think so. I think they will be unable to form any kind of coalition. If they do though, you're absolutely right in that they won't last 4 years.

I hope that CDA and VVD will fall like PvdA did

Debunked by who? ((Volkskrant))? ((NRC))?

Who are you kidding?

It is common knowledge for anyone with a few brain cells that Wilders is in no way the real opposition we deserve.

Fortuyn, yes. AIVD got him killed by Volkert because they had incriminating evidence that Volkert killed a farmer in the 90s.

Theo started talking about this a bit too much so they also had him offed.

Are you seriously wanting us to believe that the AIVD and MIVD knew about the Hofstadgroep and their plans to blow up parliament, but didn't act on it until one of them killed van Gogh? Quite convenient if you ask me.

If they can't form a coalition with CU theyre just going to try a minority government which will definitely not make it through the 4 years
CDA lost it's momentum and is slipping away in the (((polls))). VVD will stay top dog, Mark is too good at making idiots vote for him.

Yeah the VVD, CDA, D66, CU variety has 76 seats in the second chamber. Only one parliamentarian has to nope on something to cause infighting.

CDA, VVD and D66 should have gone with a three party coalition in the first place. They have just been wasting everybody's time by acting like a four party coalition was possible.

he doesn't even have to lift his finger, if you vote on the VVD you don't know anything about politics and vote the VVD because ''every vote counts''

I said right after the election that coalition formation would be an issue here.

Hopefully it falls apart and a proper government that is representative of the people (not a pro-EU clusterfuck) gets in.

>t. white britbong who lived in NL for 4 years and who loves the Dutch people and culture.

Goeie dag mense, hoe gaan dit met julle?

they want to reform the Netherlands into a Republic

They're also heavily Nationalist

>for weeks

it's been months now

they're on their third fucking formateur

Goed, formatie van het kabinet ligt nu 2 weken stil. Hoe is het in Zuid-Afrika, ik hoor dat de rassenoorlog voor de deur staat?

I was talking about the talks with the CU, not the formation in general.

It's very likely that they force something and then no one can keep his election promise because of topics they can't agree on. Then their support falls even further. Rinse and repeat often enough until the majority of the people get pissed off/wise up and vote for FvD and PVV.

Herverkiezing wanneer???

I'm starting Electrical Engineering at Tu Eindhoven in a month. Is Tu/e SJW infested?

It conveniency is your argument then you my friend are forming the cancer that is currently destroying the core of the FvD. Every meeting there is one you conspiracy mongrels that makes the whole FvD look like a bunch of conspiracy idiots. Fuck you and fuck whatever you are doing. Its good to not believe everything you say or hear but using conveniency as an argument... Mother of god, get a life.

Over 4 jaar.

Don't listen to anyone that responds with "kiddo"

>they want to reform the Netherlands into a republic


Eindhoven is philipstown, don't go to Woensel West, Doornakkers and Bennekel

me too.

A minority government isn't any good right now and they know it. They won't be able to get anything done at all and make themselves look like even bigger clowns in the process. The only way for this to work without having new elections is by forming a coalition.


The longer they talk about forming a coalition without actually ding so, the less support they get. The less promises they keep, the less support they get. And inevitably, the less support they get, the less support they get (no one wants to be on the losing team). So at the end of the day this might actually be a good thing.

>gekozen minister president
>compleet ceremoniele rol voor het koningshuis

ze willen een republiek

good luck dad

Heb net weer gekeken op hun site naar de speerpunten van hun agenda, maar kon nergens vinden dat ze voor het afschaffen van het koningshuis zijn.

heb het Thierry gevraagd in een live facebook Q&A sessie vlak voor de verkiezingen

moet nog wel ergens op hun facebook pagina te vinden zijn

I'm going to switch out to anglo-speak here to dodge another ban.

Ag, politics is all quiet here, if you're interested at all then wait till the issue of succession in the ANC comes up. It'll make or break the next 10 years for many people.

Otherwise it's colder than usual but nice, there's actually snow in the Cederberg, really nice at a place known as Matroosberg. Saw a few Dutch tourists today, lots of Germans too.

Also, I hear they're trying to make a VVD/CDA/D66/CU coalition, how effective will this be at legislating and what happens if the talks around formation break down?

Are you at all worried with the shit that's going on with the ANC?

Don't get me wrong, I'm fully aware of their agenda. I'm just wondering if we are directly (owner, CEO etc) or just indirectly (((influenced))).

Fug, apartment is right in Doornakkers-West. How screwed am I?

Is this in any way a refution of the aforementioned two posts by me? Is all you have to say 'you're wrong'?

Typical tricks schlomo

idk, it was condidered as a problematic neighborhood in 2007 but it has probably changed now
Eindhoven is still a shithole in my opinon

If the talks break down we need new elections. Like the other user said a minority government wont work out.
I'm thinking they are getting influenced by people higher up the ladder

Ayeye ayeye jesse mfana ayeye ayeye

In terms of the parties and their respective agendas, medical-ethical issues and immigration policy seems to be the only areas where they collide.
Keep in mind that this coalition only has a +1 majority in parliament, though minority cabinets are becoming a reality in The Hague and politicians are finding workable solutions to maintain stability by forming coalitions wih "opposition" (constructive) parties.
If talks fail then new elections are very likely, though I doubt this will happen.

If the shit jumps off, Europe would absorb any refugees I am sure. S. Africans are generally very redpilled. I'd rather white women here had kids with boers or white S. Africans than the niggers who are chimping out on the cape.

Honestly a lot of Euros would probably come out there and suppress the locals if this was a different era, but you know. We have our own issues, and sometimes you have to take a step back before you can move forward.

When is this election BS going to end?

>how effective will this be at legislating
Problematic. The combination has only 76 out off 150 seats, so one dissident could kill a government plan. To make matters worse D66 has been pushing for legalisation of euthanasia and the CU is fanatically opposed to that. Finally the parties are split on how to handle immigration. However, it's possible they find a compromise, but I doubt it will survive the full 4 year period.
>and what happens if the talks around formation break down?
Likely a minority government of VVD, CDA and D66. I don't think the PvdA is an option; they got slaughtered in the election and now they want their former voters to realise that their opponents are worse governing parties.

Wow, why are Dutch threads the only intelligible coherent threads?
Thoroughly enjoy this. btw Geert Wilders is a loser that wouldve been prime minister by now if he wasnt so inflammatory and incompetent.
FvD is /ourguys/

Should add- absorb any white refugees. We don't need native Africans exporting their problems here.

It's not as bad as people here make it out, most of it effects us so little that we tend not to care. But I get myself involved.

Like I said though ANC succession is very important. Other than that corruption, crime and the rest is just something you have to live with for now, Ayeye as the Zulu say.

How do you stay sane with such small margins?
What's the point of it all if one seat can destroy the coalition?
Wouldn't bigger parties with more mandate be better?

I'd feel like my vote doesn't matter if the government had so many small parties in coalition, one would think that a Swiss-model would work better if the ballot is so diverse.

Well, just know if things go badly, you're welcome in the motherland. The lower the % of non-natives the better.

even with South Africans it's still civilised lmao

Is that document true?
Most of whats on there is true, but I thought he worked in a kibboetz in Israel and met a politician there.

I live in Eindhoven. It's booming. The biggest tech town in the Netherlands. Lot's of foreign people (poo in loos) working for the tech company's. You'll see all kind of different people, creative girls with their stupid clothes, IT guys, scooter driving Moroccans, old Dutch people, and starting professionals like myself. It's not SJW infested at all, it's quite the serious uni. Have a few friends with degrees from the uni and they never said anything bad about it. There are a lot of creative types in Eindhoven but I never meddled with them so I'm not bothered. Have a good time Hans, lots of shit to do in Eindhoven.

Some parts of town are quite shit but it's mostly good now. Housing agency's figured out they'd rather have students in their houses instead of "youth".

If you want to know something, let me know.

I have a British passport and my girlfriend is German, I'm probably going to propose soon so I can square of that too.

But if the shit hits the fan I'm staying to fight. I'll burn everything down and die in the flames before I cede one inch of my land to anyone. We've been here since 1688 and I'll be damned if I'm the one to go out and not put up a fight.

hey nederfriends, I'm afrikaner and I'm trying to improve my dutch, but my pronunciation keeps defaulting to the afrikaans way. How can I learn more easily?

The only bigger parties are the PvdA (Labour), the SP (commie) GroenLinks (Green/SJW), and the PVV (Wilders).

Nobody wants to work with Wilders and even if they did PVV + D66 is a nearly impossible combination. The SP doesn't want to govern with the ebil capitalist VVD. The PvdA doesn't want to govern because they lost 75% of their seats in the election. Then there is GroenLinks, but they already tried forming a government with them and that didn't work.

Adding a fifth party doesn't make sense if you can't even make a deal with 4 parties. So this is the last chance for a majority government.

Say kanker twice a day.

No but, look for someone Dutch to practice with.

I understand that, I feel much the same way about this country, and to a lesser extent the US and The Netherlands, who I do have ties to.

If something should happen and you folks die, I'll be sure to raise a glass to fallen heroes. Who knows, I might be killed myself. Chaotic times.

The irony is that you imported the niggers you will be fighting.
Niggers. Cheap labour for a few decades, problems for centuries.

Knyp jou neus as jy praat

You pretty much sum up the entire West though.

>Forum for Blanda Up
Get your head checked

1688 and 1820 settlers... And my family has never really left the Cape, we dindu nuffin. Nig nogs swarmed in because it's nice here and shit works.

Dit werk eintlik 'n bietjie hahaha

Well some of these margin parties have the potential to become far more powerfull than they ought to be. Say MP Douchebag decides to fuck over his goverment party and starts his own party while retaining his seat in the 2nd chamber (they want to roll out new legislation to prevent this, happened too often in the previous cabinet). That means the current coalition becomes a minority and needs new MP's that can warrant the cabinet policy. Preferably the coalition would in this instance, seek out a margin party of like 2-5 seats. This way they don't have give away too many concessions to the margin party. Though a margin party could always ask for more considering the coalition will become reliant on them to keep up the stability of the goverment.

I need to see that inorder to believe you.


The Kekistan shitfest has, indeed, it's roots on Sup Forums, but it has mutated on it's own on reddit, facebook, and most importantly, Youtube. The_Donald and the collosal faggot and attention whore that is Sargon of Akkad have successfully opened the path to our board to normies by copying and corrupting Kek and most of the memes surrounding it. Thus, giving birth to Chanology 2.0.

The massive influx of normies will not integrate shall the Kekistan cancer be left to flourish. If they are attracted and stay here, the only way to redpill them is to ridiculize their unoriginal, cringy and retarded play-pretend. They will either see it for what it is and adhere to one of the real Right-Wing ideologies or fuck off.

This cringy cancer is not helping the right-wing, but the contrary, it undermines it from inside. The Kekistani faggots have adopted a lot of libtard beliefs, such as "civic nationalism", LGBTQ support, etc. while still considering themselves "right-wing".
