She. Won.
She fucking won.
She. Won
Other urls found in this thread:
>I don't understand how American elections work: The Thread.
Poor bait. 1/10 for making me reply to the thread
USA is a republic, nignog
>implying 5,700,000 illegal spics didnt vote for Hillary so they could carryout their disgusting shithole reconquista plan
Funny how Trump said it would be rigged against him when if anything it was rigged against Hillary by Russia.
California does not decide who is the president with its tons of illegal and dead voters, retard.
It's almost like America is a Republic.
Why do Trump supporters think a human being can be "illegal"? Do you not see how fucking twisted and sick that is? To invalidate and dehumanize someone just because they happen to be one side of an arbitrary, socially constructed line in the sand known as a border. You fascist fuckers are beyond saving. And I speak as a libertarian conservative Republican.
Popular votes don't mean shit. You're represented by the electoral college.
I wholeheartedly agree, Trump should be impeached for allowing the Russians to hack the election.
Why do faggots and kikes think that nazis are inhuman? Isn't that dehumanizing a valid political form where it is actually for the people and by the people?
fresh OC
Population of the top 3 most populous states
Florida: 4 million
Texas: 4 million
California: 9 million
California is more populous than the second and third most populous states combined.
If you minus commiefornia, the outlier in this election, trump won by 5 million votes.
THIS is what the EC is for, so that one state can't control the election.
The votes of rural vegetablepickers have 3 times the voting power, thanks to the (((electoral college))). Such is live in America.
I hate rural and suburban retards so fucking much.
>California: 55 EC votes, soon to be 63 in the recount in a couple years
>Flyover state #7: 3 EC votes, not changing in a couple years
Maybe because they cross our sovereign borders... illegally?
>committing a federal felony
>not illegal
Pick one faggot
Nazi scum don't treat minorities as human so why should we treat nazis as human?
fpbp and checked.
>Be Hillary
> Be playing the game "Running for POTUS"
>Goal is to get as many States as possible
>Fail miserably
>Act like a kid and start changing rules when i lose
Those numbers are wrong you idiot Trump supporting buffoon.
California has a population of 40 million
if she won how come he the president you fucking idiot
>individuals don't matter, only state landmass!
Trump voter logic
Lol i know that makes the God Emperor's win that much sweeter
the thing about it is trump won this popular vote too, they just kept counting (((votes))) like a month after the election, that only went to hillary for some (((reason))) mind you, and started shilling away. quite a pity when you think about it
You're right, I should have clarified that those were the voters of the population
Is this to slide the latest HRC murder?
We don't care who one, only that (you) lost.
Why are you still posting?
You got BTFO.
Everyone knows over 5 million illegal beaners voted.
Just stop youre starting to look retarded
most of the country is red, so we got the red president. this is literally the simplest way i can say how the electoral votes work for your 3 IQ brain. so.... YOU. LOST. GET OVER IT.
>Nazi scum don't treat minorities as human so why should we treat nazis as human?
Minorities are a different sub-speicies, why do we have to treat them as they are the same sub-species?
starting to?
She won in 2008 too. Got more popular votes than Obama.
Enjoy your echochamber, oh and see you in 2020.
*mutters Trump's abyismal approval ratings under breath*
>states don't matter, we are one big state
Retard logic
Neither does the Midwest full of uneducated rural retards.
Are these threads made ironically?
Only if you count Michigan where Obama got 0 votes.
>uneducated rural retards
only people i hear say this are faggots who never worked a job harder the McD's and think they do a hard days work. MFW
And stay out you passive aggressive little bitch
She didn't
Having more pieces on the board doesn't mean shit in a chess game
No. She got more votes. Sage.
Hahahaha still triggered faggot? I love these daily she won threads, always reminds me that libtards resist because they don't know how to respond!!! She lost, your not counting all of the illegal voting that was going on but you know that already
based michigan. kid rock for senate!
Trump played the objective
Shillary worked on her k/d
She lost, and that makes me happy every fucking day... even if Trump is a closet Jew felching cunt
May she drown in the tears if her own nervous breakdowns over that... slowly... don't bring checkers to a chess game bitch