Holocaust didn't happen

>Holocaust didn't happen

Other urls found in this thread:

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/search/pages/results/?state=&date1=1789&date2=1924&proxtext=6000000 jews&x=0&y=0&dateFilterType=yearRange&rows=20&searchType=basic

>(((kekistan))) flag
>holocaust acceptance
back to r*ddit you go

To answer 2 and 3: torture wasn't considered a terrible way to get information back then. You can make anyone say anything under those circumstances. As for recantation, would you have? Everyone already hated you for supposed crimes, claiming that what you said was a lie when literally everyone in the world will deny you is at best a futile effort and, at worst, pointing a gun to your head

Not an argument, cuckold.

Also 16: It is well established that the Soviets faked several of their documents and pictures for various reasons. It is also known that every camp inspected by the Allies that didn't include Russia was reclassified from death camp to labor camp. Is it that far fetched to believe that the Soviets couldn't have faked anything?

It probably happened, but who cares? The Jews had it coming.

7. Gas was used for disinfection. They were ALL shaved.

One would think that hydrogen cyanide is lethal, no?

5. The prophecy is that after 6 million of them die they will return to the promised land. The 6 million number was repeated after every disaster until somebody after WW2 accepted it.

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/search/pages/results/?state=&date1=1789&date2=1924&proxtext=6000000 jews&x=0&y=0&dateFilterType=yearRange&rows=20&searchType=basic
169 RESULTS FOR 6million jews before 1924 alone!

Not in killing lice amounts, Bennito

13. Is complete bullshit. They had a goddamn rotating doors in the original blueprints. After the war, some edits were made, they even admit it if you go there as a tourist.

Go find that audio on youtube. Now find a video of Himmler speaking something else. Compare the voices. They don't even sound remotely similar. Even his wife stated that he never gave that speech.

Funny they specifically ask if it is not his voice

2. and 3.
There were blood stains on papers they signed admitting that they did commit the crimes. Must've been a bloody nose, huh?

Well go and compare, figure for yourself. No arguments, so they use the already debunked ones.Many such cases! Sad!

This is a common tactic people use when they know their argument doesn't hold up. They overwhelm their opponent with too many questions and too much info to sift trough.
Notice how when people deny the non-existent holocaust they bring up one or two points. They present their strongest bit of evidence that the holohoax didn't happen. They don't list 21 things and post links to tl:dr bullshit.

You see this kind of stuff on Sup Forums a lot. I used to do it too. A lot of people will simply overwhelm their opponent with complete bullshit to get the last word.
Feminists do it a lot, they overwhelm anyone who doesn't agree with feminism by listing 10 different things and when you try to address one thing they switch to another.
Scientists on the other hand usually just present their one strongest bit of evidence. Even the king nigger Neil Degrease Tyson spoke about this and how he argues with flat earthers. He was on Joe Rogan's podcast talking about how he wants flat earthers to bring their one single best piece of evidence and a condition for what would it take to disprove their argument.
On the other hand see what the flat earth believers post. They overwhelm everyone with bullshit. The list 20 things, post 20 retarded images that all have to be debunked individually, but it doesn't matter because they have another 20 you need to debunk.



It isn't the job of the denier to supply evidence.

You have accused the Nazis of a crime. You are responsible for producing evidence to support said accusation.

We cannot be expected to disprove the holocaust anymore than you can be expected to disprove Santa clause and big foot.

I have seen no evidence that large scale extermination took place during ww2 and have yet to see a single source that can explain how it was done.

Truth hurts doesn't it, kike.

>This is a common tactic people use when they know their argument doesn't hold up. They overwhelm their opponent with too many questions and too much info to sift trough.
I sifted through. Every time they post that shit, you post this:
We still have the truth on our side.

>1 post

>1 post by this ID
Yes Shlomo 6 gorillion were gassed and you are next.

Actually look at the shit you are posting and then re-read what I posted.
These people do it on purpose, I know because I used to do the same.
The ''debunking'' you do on this shit is pathetic and makes you look like you're in the wrong because it takes more effort to respond to the 21 questions than it takes to come up with them.

It doesn't make you look good when someone asked you about ''4 einsatzguppen units'' and you go ''HEY GUYS, I ASKED THEM ABOUT EISATZGUPPEN! SURELY THEY AGREE THIS SOMEHOW PROVES THE HOLOCAUST IS REAL!''
It makes you look like a lunatic.
You should be either calling these people out on their tactics or you should respond only to their first point, and debunk it in great detail.

The Rabbi walks back into the Auschwitz concentration camp barracks and says 'gather around my fellow Jews...I just spoke with the Nazi High Command and I have good news and bad news.'
The good news is all us Jews are going to our Promised Land in Palestine...they are carving us our own country in the Holy Land and it will be called Israel!
Out of the back of the room a voice pops up...'vut is zee bad newwz?'
The Rabbi starts waving his arms and goes 'the bad news is this half of the room is going as lampshades and that half of the room is going as soap.'

Holocaust jokes never fail to make me laugh