What really killed off all of the Dinosaurs?

What really killed off all of the Dinosaurs?

>implying they exist

packs of dogs


an ice age

When Allah himself decided to be a suicide bomber

I killed the dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs didn't exist.
Just some bullshit Jews made up.


They do exist, it's just that they were never big


No wait!


Then how do you explain all of the fossils they left behind?

The Earth is not 6000 years old you know...

Dinosaurs you are taught about in school and shown in movies never actually existed.

Dust cloud kills plants.
Lack of plants kills herbivores.
Lack of herbivores kills carnivores.

I think it's much older than that. Probabally closer to 20,000.

Weak gains

Don't respond to bait.


God no longer wanted them




You know there's a company that can fossilize a teddy bear for you in time for Valentine's day, yes?

I ate them

>Be dino
>Fat and Autistic like mart sharters
>Eat Eat Die
>Rape and colonize all other Dinos cuz muh-racemixing rights.
>Rape and steal female dinos from other race cuz they've tighter Pussy and non-rusty ass.
>Get AIDS in the act.

>What really killed off all of the Dinosaurs?

Trump obviously

Sooooo...the leaf was right after all.

/Retarded thread that has nothing to do with politics.

I don't even get how you're trying to be funny. Re read your post about a thousand times and all I can conclude is autism


Obviously Dragons burned Dinosaurs off the surface of the planet, think about it, it makes perfect sense.

Well, big reptiles I do believe existed, but stupid shit like Brontosaurus and Tyrannosaurus are made up. Most of what the claim are extinct never actually existed. Alligators and Crocodiles probably lived much longer and got much bigger. Things like komodos an iguanas, snaked etc never stop growing up I'm sure a few thousand years ago they got very big.

Things such as dinosaurs are made up to further push the macro evolution hoax.