Brit/pol/- p wills and georgie edition

>UK inflation unexpectedly slows to 2.6% in June

>Theresa May tells cabinet to show unity

>'Brexit WILL happen and Government prepared for no transitional deal' Chris Grayling says

>What’s Labour going to do with the middle classes?

>Probe is launched into 'students who voted TWICE for Jeremy Corbyn': Election watchdog investigates 1,000 complaints after surges in registrations in University towns

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/).

Fuck Yanks

Reminder that Mogg voted in favour of the Snoopers Charter, despite depicting himself as some sort of traditional conservative or classical liberal against increased state power and defender of British institutions and traditions.

Reminder that Mogg is a notorious carpet-bagger and stood in seats from Scotland to Shropshire to Somerset before he actually won a seat.

Reminder that Mogg disavowed the ‘Traditional Britain’ group after he caved under pressure from the leftist media for speaking to a genuinely socially conservative group

Reminder that Mogg helped to campaign against UKIP’s Mark Reckless in the 2014 Rochester By-Election – a crucial make-or-break moment in UKIP’s history that would’ve destroyed the party’s momentum and prevented Brexit from ever happening had Reckless not been elected.

Reminder that if Mogg placed his principles and nation above party and career then he would’ve defected to UKIP alongside Carswell and Reckless back in 2014, back when there was significant UKIP momentum and it seemed as if UKIP could gain several seats in Parliament


>spectator article being recommended
we establishment now

Watch him

My dog is German
My coffee is Colombian
My IT is Indian
My car is English
My food is Italian
My TV is Japanese
My diamonds are South African
My licorice is Australian
My computer is Chinese
My wine is French
And I am an American.

Why can't Brits just accept that multiculaturalism and globalisation benefits everyone in the entire world, including third world countries?

Even 100 dead Brits is nothing compared to the carnage you guys caused in the Crusades.

Want to help stop ISIS from doing future Terror Attacks in the UK?

[Pic Related] is the Shill Operation being done against the KB Threads/Comments( bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/).

The Shill Op. was started on 6/2 & then on 6/3, the London Bridge Terror Attack happened. The Shills involved had prior knowledge of when the Terror Attack was going to happen & pulled a CNN by doxing the wrong person in hopes of attacking someone/something else.

The Shills also put "Deep Drive" CP(It stays in the computer even if the images are deleted & requires special/advanced hardware/tech/security systems to spot/find) into those "Frank Memes/Images/Pics" they tend to post.

Erogenous zone
A chat with nan on the telephone

incase the american moved to this thread before i posted

our police actually do a good job at keeping back antifa


He's consistently voted against gay marriage, right etc. He's voted against promotion of equality and human rights consistently. He just wants to keep his place is all

Why's the horse got a pair of y-fronts on his head?


>snoopers charter

bit shit but it would mainly be capturing islamists

>carpet bagger

who gis a fuck man

>Traditional Britain Group

What do you expect him to do? He did a speech there which says a lot. He has to consider optics as a politician.

>Mark Reckless

Don't really understand

>Principles and nation above party

He'd now be in a dead party and have to go back to the tories which wouldn't look good.


>Nige arse-licking every call
Starting to get a bit sick of UKIP sycophants myself desu.

I fucking hate antifa


>working class


>americans think Sup Forums larping will stop isis

It's no use debating deep communists. They aren't reasonable anymore.

Sounds like someone here has phoned in...

to protect his identity


>people actually believe Mogg can "bring the electorate together"
>editor of a meme page

This is the type of person who Moggposts

lol a guy from a fucking Jacob Reese mogg meme page is on the phone to nigel

How is it even possible to be a staunch tory? Is it just like a tradition thing?

>Middle-class memes for Rees-Moggian teens
what the fuck is this guy

Thoughts on his page?

Some extremely good shit I've followed it for a while

>it would mainly be capturing islamists

>who gis a fuck man
It's certainly an insight into his political intent.

>Don't really understand

>He'd now be in a dead party and have to go back to the tories which wouldn't look good.
>I don't understand the past tense


There's a reason I'm so hostile to these silly cunts. I don't actually hate Mogg anywhere near as much as my posts make it seem. I just don't want encourage those people here in greater number.

Does this look like someone from Brit/pol/ to you?

one of his posts, i approve

Tried phoning in to LBC but it wouldn't work.


Is facebook down?

There's literally no way that person is from here

keep trying lad

It looks like the lad below you yes.

>using kikebook

>bit shit but it would mainly be capturing islamists
Considering our government is arming and training the Islamists I'd say that the Snooper charter has some other purpose.

Keep trying your get thorough eventually might get put on Clive bulls show

not an argument

>Political intent
Yeah he wants to get elected, no fucking shit mang


>I don't understand the past tense
You misunderstood me. If he'd joined then, he'd be in a dead party now.

Forgot pic
t. editor of the page

What are they even talking about on the nige show? Nothing happening it's silly season

Jo who?

>Muh Jo Cox



WHAAAAAAAAYYYYYY, argument immediately lost

To stop them when they get here?

the last caller said:
but mogg went to eaton
britain is not "great"
RIP jo cox she was a true saint


Despite this being an anonymous board that prides itself on this fact - there are people amongst us who believe themselves to be particularly special and above all others here. They believe that their posts and opinions are more highly valued and more important than the contributions of others - these people are known as tripfags.

They are a rotten pustulent cancer that has destroyed this board - along with their allies: The Karenposters and the miscellaneous food item posters - they have worked tirelessly to derail all forms of rational discussion in favour of their rampant egomania. Their almost unquenchable narcissism has derailed countless discussion and caused a great rift between the formerly united posters of Brit/pol/.
The Tripcunt is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a narcissist, egomaniac, arsehole, attention seeker, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But tell people to filter his tripcode and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
You can stop tripfags by simply not responding to them ever. You can hide and filter tripcodes by going to the [SETTINGS] link at the bottom of the page and adding their tripcode to the FILTER option. BE SURE TO HIDE POST STUBS.

This will improve your experience here tenfold - as it has done mine.

Who is this caller talking about lads? Someone Cocks?

That said he's right about Mogg, you won't get enough people to look past that poshboy Etonian exterior and if they do there's a good chance they won't like what they find anyway. Even the Tories won't make that mistake.

Dear lord what a horrific smile

>1 post by this ID

If you aren't subscribed to You Kipper, then what are you doin, lad

Post life stories and i'll rate. Am bored af.

>Grenfell tower meeting
Can't even speak English, gets applause.

fucking great channel

Nothing wrong with a bit of Etonian education turning boys into men.

I got through but it was too late.


there's a liberal cunt here now. he's graced with the last call too, disgusting

upper classers have to be excluded from politics because of their class hatred

praise jo

fuck me relax the thread barely just started


I want to hear your voice.

Better luck next time.

>Yanks yet again undermining us

>muh gay rights

youkipper and master brew are gods among shitty youtubers

nige sounds like hes got a hard on for moggy

how can you post the same shit so much but not know how to filter all trips

literally don't give a shit

What were you going to say?

My opinion on him changed. I don't care about the fact he's a genetic failure that was destined by God to die and will within 10 years. I just appreciate the symbolism.

I had this dream almost two years ago, had completely forgotten it, I found this written on my phone. I thought you'd like it.

>Nigel Farage is in a shopping centre. He commits a crime and then assaults
A police officer. Nigel throws him off a ledge or shoots him or both. He runs off disguising himself by wrapping himself in plastic sheeting and putting black buckets on his feet. He runs through London traffic and away from a police car. Those police were actually on there way to a burglary. In fact two burglaries have happened at the same time. One burglary was in a white home, the other not. The police were dealing with the white home first. Nigel remarks that the other family should have rang the police earlier. He makes his way to an allotment to hide. He becomes aware of the amount of food and tools that he can sell that are in the allotment. He takes up selling other people's stuff as if it was his own, like a market stall man. He makes 821 pounds in the first day (exactly). By this time he has grown a long beard like a vandal's and he says he is someone famous, not Nigel Farage anymore, he just a famous person. He then proceeds to become famous, people think he was a movie star. They ask him to talk in parliament. I wake up.

Just let the poor fucker die with dignity. Stop prolonging his pain for fuck sake.

The Mogg copypasta.

Fucking kek. How the fuck did this become an international political incident?

I don't disagree with the sentiment, but its a bit economically illiterate. It will certainly appeal to those who feel down-trodden but, in reality, all these polices will lead to a poorer, less free, crueler Britain for all.

You Kipper is just one of those guys who pretend they love the country, but don't. They want to bulldoze it and rebuild it as they want it. And they don't mind who gets bulldozed along with it.

Just because they call themselves patriots doesn't mean they're in any way pro-British or good for Britain. It's almost always the opposite.

>i love the bbc is unironically trending on twitter


I'm not saying that I will, but your said if I do phone up farage and tell him I want to eat him out on air that you would convert to Catholicism, does this still stand?


Edgy m8

By whose standards? Fascism for example is a very soft central position by actual human historical standards, but obviously deep-end far-right to modern nutters in the West.

>World class treatment
The eternal Amerifat will prob just circumsise him

#DefendDACA is trending on twitter with a whopping 3k tweets, in a country with 360 million people. Twitter is a fucking ghost town

Just had a though that if he does get treated in the States, will his parents get lumped with a massive medical bill?

People who use the term "economic illiterate" turn out to be the most pretentious and obnoxious fuckers.

They have raised the Shekels to pay for it already

Lads I'm listening to a speech by Anne Marie Waters and it just dawned on me that she sounds very similar to Diane Abbott and now I cant stop thinking of it. How do I get these horrible thoughts out of my head?

They already raised the money, this shouldn't even be a story and now they can get the fuck out of 1984 and come live in America

I also find it's almost exclusively used by those who believe (((economic growth))) is the most important goal of human existence (there's usually never even any attempt to justify it either).

It's true though. Imagine a scenario where a child with a genetic illness that effects 12 people in the world that makes him brain dead, deaf, blind, paralysed and kept alive solely off modern medicine and life support. His options are 1. to die, which is what I meant, this is clearly what will happen. His life expectancy is 2 years or 2. become a guinea pig in the US.

The latter is going to happen now. I don't know whether the kid can feel pain or not, but hopefully he can't. He won't have a life. He lacks all the qualities of an actual human, not just the blindness part, but the being able to live without a machine part. I don't know how hyperactive parents made it this serious.

This too.

By your own standards. Hence "how would you describe"

I've thought of this as well and despite my stance on it, I agree on the idea of him being used a guinea pig for this treatment and I actually think it could be a good idea, but on the other hand I can't help but feel he should just be allowed to die without going through any more suffering.
