Sup Forums on suicide watch

Sup Forums on suicide watch

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The left brain controls the right hand? wtf

I see the irony in left-brained people being rightists and vice-versa.

This is the only suicide watch Sup Forums has been on.

This means 90% of people alive are intelligent based on this, as the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body and 9/10 people are right handed.


You learn that in high school biology

What is the significance of this?

ya but they also teach that boys have vaginas, girls have penises, and that being exclusively homosexual is something that occurs in nature

some people are left brained, some are braindead

Wasn't the left brain/right brain business proven to be a massive exaggeration?

That was like 10 years ago. How am I supposed to remember that?

Where does the nigger fit into all of this?

kek cuz true

This was typed with the right side of my brain


Go into STEM, not History, faggot

Most of what you learn in school is a massive exaggeration. See also the 6 million Jews.

Can't you read? It controls the RIGHY hand

Black people are undeniably weaker in the left brain but I think it's very clear they're superior in the right brain.


Damn, that really made me think.
OP is a literal fag and posts pseudoscience.

But they're just too dumb to explain their shitty ideas :^(

Not to each other.
Your stupid white right brain can't intuit the meaning of their grunts and lip smacks.

Thanks for the info

Leftists, I presume.


It's logical to say that communism and socialism are failed systems there you go.

>tfw left handed

Better just kill yourself now, your antifa brain could go full Commie any second now

This isn't pseudoscience, this is observable.
People that have damage to their cerebral cortex on a specific side, will demonstrate an inability to perform certain skills (the one opposite their injury).
Just because you haven't been to Uni and taken A&P doesn't mean this is pseudoscience

>be left handed
>can't into arts and shit
>prefer math and science
>writes terrible though
>tfw minority of minorities

I'm probably already on the local antifa's watch list
I'm the most rightwing person I know, most of my friends are alt-lite to alt-right
I'd kill myself if I ever went commie

I'm left handed and more right wing than any person I know, what's it like being an inferior being? I bet you have brown eyes too, ya shitskin.

nigger are you fucking serious

leftists use no part of the brain


wtf i'm left handed but am not creative for shit
I just watch chinese cartoons and read doujins all day maybe that's the issue

I used to date this broad who gave best handjobs with her righy hand

I still miss her Sup Forums ;_;

The left brain is where your consciousness resides. The right brain is just another consciousness that your left brain has enslaved.

>tfw suck at math
I'm so sorry right side, please forgive me.

History is the only humanities subject worth a damn

Not a whole lot of a damn, like king of the manlets, but still

>1 post by this ID

I am very bad at math, numbers confuse me and make my brain think about thousands of different shit all the time when doing math. Can i heal that?

In speaking, logical thinking and geometry i'm the best.

But working with numbers just fucks my shit up. Also im very emotional, whats wrong with me, am i using both sides?