Are women actually inferior?

Looking at math/science natural ability, it would appear so. No offense girls...

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Yes they are.

They won't admit it but they like this fact.

They like to be domanited and treated like cheap whores.

They're closer to the average, but there's enough niggers and white people who definitely deserve to be called nigger to remind all of us that no, women are not inferior.


They are out of their element in the modern age. They are supposed to be home raising kids. they are superior in that. Inferior in every other way.

Just listen to this and you'll maybe get your answer.

It's neither equality or inequality. The genders are complementary, with one different, but building off of and against the other.

Males actually dominate in most species.
Females of some species are superior, but in most speces the male is bigger stronger and more resourceful.

>have vagina
>literally Samson option with it and hold the survival of the human race hostage every ~100 years or so
This isn't domination, this is subjugation. Men can't simply ignore this shit because our biology itself tells us the human race has a right to exist and an imperative to advance and develop. Women can abuse this, they can degrade r he human race by shaming their peers into dating down for certain demographics, but don't you dare pretend any of this indicates great intelligence.

Threatening survival is a Samson option. Women literally resort to this EVERY time they don't get what they want, they go straight to the Samson option.

You already know the answer. Men are more intelligent than women on average and they have a much flatter bell curve. There's something like 20 times as many male geniuses as there are women at 150+ tier IQs

When over 75% of you on pol get it wrong, the real world has no chance.

Women are closer to children than men. Even if they are intelligent they are vulnerable to emotional thinking. Women are inferior: They are children with the sole purpose of raising children.

I just had an interview today where one woman threw an off-handed joke about how I lit up more when I was introduced to the other woman (both 60+). It was fucking stupid because I was in touch with the latter for months and just met for the first time.

It was a joke, but all jokes are based in reality. Women are a fucking joke and have no place in the workforce.

what a stupid fucking statement

This is half bullshit. Not all men do shit to impress women. Thats part of it, but some people are natural born pat batemans.

This man knows his shit. Fatter tails belong to the men on the iq bell curve.


You realise millennial women have been badly raised by their gen x feminist teachers? We simply cannot have an accurate, valid or reliable perception of women especially if the majority of the ones we meet are millennial.

Protip, ask a boomer woman about the connection between Hegel and Marx. She will have an answer.

Hes probly got some 300 pound white welfare queen for a girlfriend who doesnt let him eat her sweaty, cheezy vagina unless he preaches to her that women are superior to men.

In a merit based competition with no emotions involved, nature dictated women are inferior. However they say prostitution is the oldest profession, the "art" of catering to an individual's desires physically or emotionally, and that eventually puts merits in the backseat. That's where the world is at today. Where selling oneself out in exchange for money or power becomes the norm or necessary -is when society declines and degeneracy runs rampant. People no longer are true to who they are, they become depressed etc... and behavior that was frawned upon previously become more and more acceptable.

Yes! Next question.


Also yes

It´s always external factors, they have been oppressed, raised badly, x, y

no they are just women, inferior.
Read some Schopenhauer about this topic, he will tell you.

everything in its right place

i love this movie, layer cake is easily top 10 movies ever made imo.