Anyone else feel like nothing is real anymore...

Anyone else feel like nothing is real anymore? Nobody seems to have any real idea what's going on and it seems like things are changing so quickly and so fast. It almost seems like the whole world has become possessed. I just can't explain this feeling.

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You should feel strange, the most retarded generation are about to become our leaders and deep thinkers.

I don't think it matters anymore who runs the show anymore because it's all an illusion. I think most people have realized that governments don't really work anymore and voting has become almost ritualistic nowadays. Every few years we go out to vote but nothing ever changes. It's insanity, because we do it over and over. We have no choice. The world has became insane. It's hard to make sense of anything anymore.

I completely understand you.
There is a global shift taking place and only a few of us notice it. Everyone else Is too caught up in materialistic hedonism to notice it aside from being constantly agitated and angst ridden. Humanity is likely entering a new age of nationalism and truth but it will get worse before it gets better. Be strong user we're almost to the promised land







Dude take the black cock out your ass and sort yourself out

Yeah I'm not feeling too confident in Gen Z either. We'll see how things play out.

there's weird shit going on OP on the psychic level. like vibes and shit. energy.

the thing is, Sup Forums isn't a metaphysical board but the reality is that metaphysics and politics are intricately related, just like everything else.

everything has changed. somewhere along the line things went off the rails. things were on such a nice linear path before, then something changed. maybe a timeline switch, maybe it was mayan doomsday in 2012 (that seems to be when things started getting really funky). personally, i blame anita sarkeesian and the SJWs. i think their ultra-left-wing stupidity and evil made a whole in the fabric of space and time, and right-wing populism is what sprouted forth from that hole.

liberals had "the war" won. if only they could have stayed "liberal". if only they could have kept a hold of what made them great to begin with. the promise of freedom, "tolerance" (even the "tolerance" of people with different ideas), and looking out for poor folks / those lost and embattled souls.

LIBERALISM used to have NOTHING to do with "multiculturalism" until recently. now that the two are invariably intertwined, all hell is breaking loose because apparently in order to want any sort of left-wing utopian principle then you have to want the death of the white race too (or at the very least be unwilling to stand up and defend it / call the powers that be out on their bullshit)

things are fucky OP, no doubt

It's stuff like this that makes me realize how lone wolf terrorists get made. Its some industrial strength blackpilling

There's no going back once you take that red pill brother

Have faith in generation zyklon they are the silent generation reincarnated minus the fighting Hitler part

wtf happened to millenials?, i would be so embarrassed if i was one

They are worse. I have a cousin thats gen z and his buddies were over. I dropped suddle drops of bait like if a rap song came on
>im sick of these niggers
>i wish those white people would have some pride
Results exp. 1- FAIL

>still triggered

Results exp. 2- FAIL


By the time they are RedPilled it will be too late, they're already programmed to hate themselves.

Lol dude Gen Z is literally the most degenerate generation, ffs they are literally undergoing sex change surgeries before they have even finished high school. I think you are completely being delusional about Gen Z. The only people in Gen Z who are right wing are the social outcasts, the large part of Gen Z are conditioned to degeneracy.

Nope. The work of agents of chaos to confuse reality are pathetic and limp-dicked. They haven't worked, not even a little. Little Donnie, i'm afraid, is downright low-energy.

Future Shock, by Noam Chomsky.

>It's hard to make sense of anything anymore.
Stop watching and reading the news for an entire two weeks. Weather on your phone or a website is fine but nothing else.

Your life will improve tremendously and you'll find 99.99999% of it either a) has no effect on your life or b) you can't do a damn thing about it anyway.

Also research modern Stoicism. Learn about it and begin to practice it, you fucking pussy.

Everything is a lie and nobody cares

>low energy
I hear new aged commieboys use this term often
Get the fuck out you new aged faggot. Donnie is 6'2 and the one in charge, not you, some limp dicked, 5'7, 27 year-old fuck.

Its Russians psyopping the West in return for the economic sanctions.

Total confusion makes your brain stop working effectively. When everything is strange, ratio fails to parse reality, and you resort to very basic truths that align with your prior views and biases. You also become highly suggestable. Trump is not helping by calling everything fake news.

Black lives matter and Brexit are other tactics employed and furthered by the Ruskies, the first to destabalize the US and polarize them, the second to weaken Europe and Nato (who are creeping further against Russian borders).

Tldr: russian operation mindfuck.

it wasnt sarkeesian. it was the ridiculous lies surrounding the trayvon and mike brown shootings fed to us by the media, and the Obama administration's way of pouring fuel on the fire

Look at Vladislav Surkov and HyperNormalisation

You could not possibly be any more bluepilled if you tried

I need to do this.

Solid advice actually. Cheers!

You're on to something. It's either the Russians, Chinks or Jews who are causing the mass confusion and apathy.

I was thinking this the other night and im red pilled as fuck. Could it be, dare i say it, the Yin and the Yang, the duality of life!!!! Kek just kidding fuck this thread and fuck my life.

There's no two ways about it

Idk about nationalism coming back. Everything is pozzed to hell. Even most whites. God needs to come back and purge the shit, which is going to include many churchy types along with the degenerates.

Read the Unabomber manifesto, he talks about this.

>thread theme

are we experiencing the quickening

Explain yourself

This 100%

I stopped checking Drudge Report for an entire month, and it was more difficult than any bad habit. I used to check it 20-40x daily, maybe more. After two weeks, I was calm. I eliminated TV news and other websites like Deadline and Pitchfork, and started reading books, or working out, or doing hobby shit like painting. By a month in, I was a different person. I knew nothing about day-to-day "news" but you hear any big shit secondhand within an hour, shootings, disasters, deaths. I promised myself I'd maintain. But then I discovered Sup Forums. And then I began checking Drudge again in the Trump era. Now I check both 100x a day. Save yourself. Too late for me.

You and me both brother

I feel like I'm in a movie watching all this shit go by me. What hits me most is how the masses of people just play along with it. Feel like I'm in fucking deus ex in this dystopia

what did he mean by this?

Discipline yourself when it comes to Sup Forums. A man does not need. I shall repeat this a thousand times, A. MAN. DOES. NOT. NEED.
You become enslaved when you let something rule you. A man is a ruler. He should rule over himself and reign over his kingdom. Discipline is the only path to Freedom, and therein lies happiness.

i agree with you, I also have that "feeling", the problem is that there's no way to externalize it since it's only based on my perception of how things ought to be, or how things seem to have been in past generations, but neither of those things can be observed objectively.

If anything it's a forlorn feeling, like this aura of sadness or disappointment. I don't know... maybe that's how it is for some percentage of people from every generation throughout all of history, or maybe we are really fucked, who knows.