McCain has brain cancer

>McCain diagnosed with brain cancer

What does this mean for the future of the Republican Party?? Holy fuck.

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You meant S


McCuck got roasted hard

That explains his bizarre ramblings during the comey testimony
>president comey

Here's to a big giant F to "No Brain McCain"

It's the Trump curse with the ultimate consequence, a long, slow, probably painful death

I've been silent on this for a while but seeing as with this new information coming out we can't let McCain get his hands on his daughters magnificent titty codes.

That's horrible.
Imagine how those cancer cells feel being trapped inside of this nutjob's head?


His w-what?

He's fucking 80 years old, he has never been "the future", it was alwaysnjust a question of when he would go

This is a tragedy

Bruh :DDD

Haha, he disagreed with me politically, I'm glad he's going to die slowly.

He must have had it for the last twenty years considering his foreign policy recommendations.

Diagnosed with brain cancer.
Trump announces he is cutting funding for Syrian "rebels".
A great day indeed.

Can't stump the Trump!

die neocon scum


what a shame


He made more sense than the rest of the party

Why couldnt this be the don

We're laughing now, but a leftist is going to take his seat.

What's the difference?

Well time to retire
and good riddance

it means trump is draining the swamp with the hell of god

he has risen!

Yeah, no shit.





That would require a brain. Fake News!


Trump will literally destroy the republican party, they will soon lose congressional majority soon and at this rate I don't see him getting re-elected in 2020.


can't. arizona law is a member of the same ruling party takes over the seat

why does everybody hate him again?

>What does this mean for the future of the Republican Party?? Holy fuck.
McCain was the most important anti-Trump figure in the Senate, maybe in the entire government. I'd say this unifies the party a little more and his replacement will be significantly more conservative.

The Governor of Arizona picks a new senator who serves out the next 5.5 years.

Good job though.

>We're laughing now, but a leftist is going to take his seat.
How so?
>red governor
>red state
>a governor and a public that are pro-Trump
>state law says replacement must be the same party

Where's that image of people going against Trump and getting bad karma?

>muh sympathy
I'm glad the neocon "songbird" is on his way out

holy shit that was a good laugh



Bout motherfuckin time, that cock smoker can't die fast enough
Fuck you John McCain, you traiterous little bitchboy. Where is your Admiral Daddy now?
Joe Arpaio for Senate
pic related


What a loss. The poor children.


photos of him being chummy with isis leaders made the rounds a while ago, him being complicit with arming fake muslims to destabilize middle eastern countries for the jews drew him quite the ire.

oh shit, it is a tumma!



Good. I hope his brain melts down along his spine, causing him to become blind, mute, deaf, paralyzed, and incontinent. And only then does he get a torturously slow death.



He will be dead by Halloween. check it

In 2007 my liberal parents hated McCain.
In current year he's one of their favorites because he criticizes trump, and this makes them sad.

Why are people the way that they are?
What is it about trump that makes people completely unable to think? I've tried to get through to them a million times over and at best they just start yelling when they run out of rebuttals.

Great news for civilisation
I thought he'd live long enough to outright join the democrats

Shit, it must be the Trump curse.

>No principles
>No balls
>Not capable of giving a Roman salute

Sure thing buddy. This was definitely a person who would never be super corrupt or collude with terrorists or anything.

It was time he was diagnosed with something. The guy is fucking crazy. We've been saying that there is something wrong with his head for months.

This is a "whatever reason you want, family,health, free time....resign or I btfo shit out of you" ops from Trump to protect the Republican party.


John 'my brain cant sustain' McCain

this.... see:

It's not "Trump". It's what the globalist masters of TV & social media dictate they feed the sheeple, utter dumbing down of the masses. Zombies can't take their eyes off their facebook feeds to cross a street or even drive. People are toast. They care more about celebrity tabloid trash.
This is why Faux Opinion channel is dedicating tons of time to OJ's parole these past few days. People look to that shit for "news"? My parents watch Faux faithfully & don't know who Dennis Hastert or "Cardinal" George Pell are, let alone all the child molestations going on!

P.S. Tell as many people as you can about One America News Network. They, literally, report news all day sans speculation & opinion. Only two hours during prime time will you ever hear discussion on news stories besides just the facts (8-10 p.m. Ledger & Wheeler shows.)

>but a leftist is going to take his seat
So, an anti-Trump Republican seat goes to an anti-Trump Democrat seat

What changes exactly?

Remember when mccain was asking comey nonsensical questions and the late night talk shows mocked him for it? What do you think they are feeling now?

It stops hurting the Republican party and unifies them.

Also McCain was likely the agitator for the anti Trumps in Congress. Without him, Trump will have it easy.

Rot in hell, neocon scum.

So the brain cancer McCain has is an aggressive form of brain cancer, even in the best case scenario only 14% of people live longer than 5 years

Were you trying to fucking kill him?

I think that sort of resistance is an important counterweight in any democracy. I support trump, but I also think that the things he proposes should foment an argument, not a a blind allegiance. Granted, this sort of thing can be taken to an extreme where it is unproductive. But I think that is just one price we pay to play the democracy game. When everyone agrees I get worried.