While liberals are already claiming victory saying "demographics are destiny", they are missing a crucial detail: Trump's interest in White Immigration

Trump and Loyalists like Bannon and Sessions want to increase Immigration for whites. While Blocking immigration from most of the third world. He's interested in replacing the 1965 immigration act with a modified version of the 1924 immigration act which would benefit white immigrants. The whites will probably come from Europe/Anglosphere/Southern Africa when it comes to the country of origin. Instead of Southern/Eastern Europeans being blocked in this modified immigration act. It will target the most third world instead, As they've been flooding the US nonstop since 1965 with little to no success. It could also make immigration numbers shrink from 1 Million to 250,000-500,000 immigration arrivals, Most of which would be from Anglo or European countries. This immigration proposal might completely reverse the demographic downfall of America as the nonwhite birth rate is started to shrink, and since less and less third worlders would arrive the number of nonwhites births will shrink while the US will gain 1% of white growth in America each year because of this Pro-European/Anglo immigration plan. This, Along with the RAISE Act, Mass Deportations of both Illegals and Dreamers and Lowered Taxes could keep America a white majority country.

Related Links:
Sessions Praise of the 1924 Immigration act

Pat Dollard's White Majority Project

Donald Trump’s Aides Develop Plans to Halve Legal Immigration

If we can improve the economy and slow Brown migration in favor of backlogged European Migration we can alter the Demographic trend for decades.

10 years of solid birth rates combined with Euro migration will keep America white for a century more just like the baby boom.

I don't know how to feel about this as europe is more important that the USA is. I was just there and it's still white, only our flyover states are still white

Also this map is not correct Arizona is like 64% white.

This, desu. We should evac every SAffer, though.

Ah, but what if non-Whites from Europe apply? Are you claiming that Bannon has a race-based mechanism planned to keep them out?

We'll probably get a few, no way to avoid it.

Do arabs count as "white" in the map? Or is it by the census that says that they are?

Here's what's really going to change: nothing.

No, it's just non-hispanic white counted

How the fuck does Hawaii have that many beans? How did they even get there, it has to be easier to get to New Mexico than fucking Hawaii.

They're not beans, they're Polynesians, Asians, and Eurasians

Fuck me, my reading comprehension is at an all time low

>delusions of grandeur

Get back to me when congress is passing a bill to limit colored immigration. Until then, this is all circlejerking faggotry.

eh, it happens to the best of us
take 5 and youll be better

>limit colored immigration
tell me about it
we brought a few indian shitskins as slaves through the turks and now its biting us in the ass
at least theyre leaving
but not to india unfortunately

Europe has fallen to the Muslim hordes. This is the last stand for Western Civilization. I am all for this.

it aint that bad yet
eastern europe is mostly alright
the only ones that are bad are albania and bosnia
russia has integrated its muslims i think

thats 1% growth including whites born here?

Fuck off, we're full.

We don't need cumskins from europe to come over here and defend Muslims.

>Maine 93.5% white
man, best state desu

Okay, you got a point. Based slavik countries hold their own pretty well. I should have said Western Europe is screwed.

If this happens I will immigrate to the US.
Australia is too cucked politically, it's going to be a full on chink colony in a few years

If you are a conservative or libertarian, I welcome you!

Or you could stop being faggots and breed more while kicking out the minority 5th column

look at the bright part
native irish birthrates are above replacement without immigration
same with france but im not sure what they count as native french

I'm anything as long as I get to have an assault rifle and riot gear on a nice bit of land in a comfy majority white state.

Sorry Juan, we don't consider you to be white.

Yeah, the Irish can't even stand each other. I can imagine they would tolerate outsiders much. Not sure about the French. They just seem so cucked.

Never realized how Hispanic Hawaii was.

Hell, you can move in next door then! Lots of public shooting ranges and good whitetail hunting around here.

4 years can't go by fast enough. Can't wait to get this moron out of office.



Better make it eight years, cupcake!

>more immigration from Europe
>now Europe has less whites
How is this fixing anything?

And why would any European want to move from their homeland to America?

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What a stupid question

based West Virginia

no wonder William Luther Pierce set up shop there

>Russia has integrated its muslims
hahaha, no

>russia has integrated its muslims i think

What is "Chechnya" for 500, Alex?