What are white nations supposed to do with all this dead weight?

Assuming the west fixes its immigration problems, what do we do about the millions of hispanics, africans, syrians, etc. already living in these countries? I hope people are thinking about this because it will be the next challenge we face, if we ever get our shit together in the next decade.

Germany has taken over a million migrants in the last two years, do they just breed with the Germans and produce a mulatto race over time?

What about the 12-30 million undocumented spics living in America? What about the blacks in America? Are we supposed to eternally keep giving mo money fo dem programs in the hopes of elevating them to the status whites have achieved, or do we just accept a permanent underclass of people willing to menial jobs that the average white won't?

The most popular baby name in the UK is Mohammed. What the fuck are we going to do about that? In the positive spirit of esoteric hitlerism, I'm not even against them being there necessarily except that it's at the expense of whites. If they want little enclaves or whatever that's fine but they are changing the demographic landscape, and therefore the fabric of society. Is there any hope?

Other urls found in this thread:



True, watch Spain, it got flooded by Hispanics that now they are almost the only population present besides Catalan and Basque minorities. To solve this, I dare to say, we need to mass-gas all spics, niggers, slavs, arabs and chinks, to be ensure our survival

I'm not against zyklon, it may be the only way. There needs to be a massive shift in the overton window though, the typical normie unironically believes there is only one race: the human race. Before we can gas the untermensch, the population needs to understand that people who cannibalize each other, never invented a written language, are severely inbred, cut off clits, etc. (Africans, Muslims, Abos) are not human in the sense that whites are. Anyone who has been looking at these chink hate threads understands Asians DO NOT value human life the same way we do. We are incompatible with these cultures due to massive GENETIC and CULTURAL differences, people need to truly understand that. Not superficial racism, but genuine understanding.

Also checked.

Deportation would work except it would probably achieve the same effect as gas. We'd round them up in camps, getting ready to peacefully send them back to where they came from. Then some countries will interfere on behalf of (((them))) and bomb our supply chains, killing most of the people in the camps due to lack of food/medicine. Kikes will rewrite history to ensure that our final solution was to kill them and not gracefully remove them.


Sterilize anyone under 90 IQ.

Automation is going to hit is like a tsunami.
It's going to devastate the working class, including office workers and even doctors and lawyers.

Population tranfers. If you have a few pogroms they will move themselves. It's going to happen. The blood of the lesser races will flow through the streets. Heads will be placed upon pikes as warnings. You might as well get used to the idea. Whites WILL have their own lands back.

genocide them all

I'm ashamed to say I'm weeb enough to know the name of that village.


Start killing them and don't stop until they've all self deported or have been liquidated.

Most of them will unironically leave when the gibs dry up.

Who'll want to stay in this damp, cold, rainy island except for a native?

Rivers of blood.

Pretty simple really. Tell them they have 6 months to leave or they will be Executed.

Basically if every an automation economy takes over totally, we get a post-scarcity economy where we'll get all the resources needed and subsequently provide with unlimited welfare, because rather than taxing workers, we tax robots.

Trail of tears their asses over the wall, or kill them.

Sorry for thr "every"

Is the one were Higurashi take place?

isn't that japan though?

Many such cases.

We need to deport any, and all demographics not European... which requires us to have a fascist, Natsoc government.

Try to deport me, the last thing i do if you try is kill some of you fuckers.



Gladly, Achmed.

You want a more politically correct response? (I know you don't) Pay them to get out. Cost of relocation, some country that needs people, and a little propaganda will work wonders.

this looks cozy as fuck

Nigga we ain't even gunna get that far. The black pill is all that's left

>Most of them will unironically leave when the gibs dry up.

Fuck me you are naive. They will never leave, unless by force.

This is true in general, most of them will leave if things just become more hostile towards them. The recent arrivals will leave the same way they came. There will be some that have to be forced out though, thankfully their home countries are not in a position to say no to us sending them back.

We need to selectively breed ourselves into super humans, then stockpile our sperm and offer it to anyone who wants it, hopefully, all the stupid races will want to use this sperm to give themselves a brain boost.
Being stupid is no fun.

The way I see it, from most to least humane (and possibly most to least likely):
Incentives for voluntarily going back. I believe this has been tried to some extent already.
Forced deportation.
Giving them second class citizen status. Essentially bullying them until they leave. This didn't work very well for the US, however.
Fertility control measures / sterilisation.

That's literally paying ranson and will just encourage more. Also a lot of them have already gotten undeserved money through our social systems and committed rapes etc. Plus, what are you going to do to the muds who married a mudshark?

Don't forget about the biggest dead weight of all: Women.

Gibs is basically paying them not to riot at this point and even that is working out less and less well.

This. Also the reason well never get there

faggots detected. seriously though it takes serious investment to sway women, to the point where it's inefficient. men should organize things from the top down and women will fall in line

A short period of hefty amounts of gibs to help the ones who could in fact elevate themselves if given the opportunity do so, followed by a shift to mandatory sterilization for anyone who still needs gibs. Wouldn't get rid of all of them, but would get rid of the most problematic ones (plus some of our own chaff). Let the people who scream "DAS RAYCISS" name their price on how much reparations are needed, then give them it, on the condition that once we try things their way, we do things our way when it fails.


All the white people take to the stars. The Earth is fucked, excpet maybe Iceland, Poland and Hungary but we wouldn't all fit in those countries.

I still say the next Mexican-American war will start soon and we'll see right wing taco hunter vigilantes start taking the streets.

Here in the states the Mexicunts are our biggest threat.

I'm ok with this

and this

We're already doing it
If people leave (even when their asylum request is denied) they get 800-1600 I think (dont quote me on that) depending which country they are heading.

this guymay have a point. I considered this when I was younger in terms of international relations - in broad strokes, anyone who wants to come to US has a year to do so. After that, the US does things our way. Which means glassing everyone.

Then I realized niggers aren't human. But it's feasible to suggest a one time reparations payment or gibs program as a last ditch appeasement, after which there is an understanding that the leftovers will be executed/deported.

Been there several times.
It's getting ovrrun by the ching chongs.

Look, immigration won't slow down until we (at least western european countries) run completely out of money. And then we won't have money for those things, hell, I hope our politicians will at least figure out a way to pay the police during that time so it won't end up in a complete warzone.

Tell me a scenario with another outcome, please, I really hope I'm wrong.

Just cut off the gibs. When they can't take from us, maybe they'll go away. If any stick around, start deporting. Then if they don't all leave, we start raiding their areas and forcibly removing them. If there's pushback then we resort to ultraviolence.

Cut off the niggers and tell them their free housing is where the immigrants live. Send the niggers to the spics, muzzies, ethiopians, etc.

Canada has litterally run out of money for gibs and weedmans solution is to lol just print more so the migrants keep coming. I don't know who we're borrowing from, but unless we literally cannot take out any more debt, they'll keep coming.
Please cut us off, mysterious lender. Guaruntee you every refugee here gets on the first flight back to Syria.

They are going to have to be annihilated, men woman, and children. Or else they can return to their lands. If people think we are just going to live peacefully with these people, they are mistaken. It's going to be us or them. Make no mistake they will do it to us if we are not willing to act first. One of us has to go.

Street Battle Between Italian Traders and African Migrants

Civic nationalism. Genocide and such will never happen so the best plan is to meld into one with shared values.
Here are some facts: The boomers are 85% white meaning a huge chunk of white women are post menopause. In addition white millenial birth rate is 1.2.
If you count active wombs whites are already a minority and the gen z is only 49% white

But automation usually narrows a handful of jobs to 1-2 while providing new jobs to those involved in the automation company. Will the drop really be that drastic and that soon?

But what about inertia? They're already situated there and many like the idea of conquering new lands. Also it'll still be better than whatever shithole they came from won't it?

Thats not even the important question. The real important one is what do you do with the massive amount of mongrels that are being spit out across Europe right now. I work part-time in retail while at university and of the young people that come in, easily over a quarter are mixed race realtionships.

This may be edgy, but after you've cleaned up the welfare state, allowed free association to return, and returned immigration policy to restricted whites-only, then the country will have to be BLEACHED.

Once whites are stable and growing again, we will be able to use our adventurous women as bioweapons to bleach out the remaining minorities who can themselves hack it in a free white country without special preferences or welfare for them.

Especially regarding the Hispanic Question, remember most of these people, especially the ones able to survive without government assistance, are already part-white or entirely white. desendant

With the appropriate policies in place, and a proper recognition of the hispanic peoples as white or part-white, descendant of Spanish conquerers, their alliance with their squat Incan remainders will rightfully be dissolved.

>What about the 12-30 million undocumented spics living in America?

What is it about Sup Forums and not understanding that Trump is president? That problem is already being fixed fuckhead, the next problem is getting rid of the other 20-30 million immigrants and the 10 million anchor babies.

One bullet at a time kiddo


Anchor babies are citizens and even if you change the 14th amend they stay. None of which change the fact whites are simply being out bred. If you got rid of all illegals tomorrow it would change nothing because the white population is heavily concentrated in the older baby boomers

Gas em all

just tell the dumb fucks they will x-amount of euros, but x is the average expense incurred per fugee sent back. like 800 for airfare, 50 for transport to airport, 70 for meals before and during flight(MRE ration), ect...if they bitch then hand them a 500 euro note, but be sure to tell the local crime syndicate near takbir airport that the fugees will have crisp red euros

Should've used something other than a picture of a japanese town for the thread, user

We already have that for people who have a NEGATIVE asylum request.
And almost all of them STILL don't leave.
While some people take the money and immediately ask for asylum again after they "lost" their papers.

>what do we do about the millions of hispanics, africans, syrians, etc. already living in these countries

Deportation for the illegals, and refoulement for the "refugees".

Finger print and iris scan? we're doing that at the southern border now

>colonize mars in secret, white europeans only
>when stable colony is established, destroy earth's atmosphere, just to be sure.

We can't do shit except expelling them or killing them, and both would trigger millions of people.
Also why are you posting a Japanese picture when talking about Europe



>when u think u smart but r actually dumb

There are 4 million kids born each year and 2 million white kids, it is impossible for the millennial TFR (whether white or all together) to be 1.2 when there were only about 2.5 million white kids born at the peak of the millennial generation in 1989

And the boomers are 72% white you mongoloid

This works when they don't exceed five percent of the population. In France for example one third of the 0-15 generation has a non-European background. You can't bleach them, you'll just create a mulatto race.

Move them all to well-to-do areas, even if it means building massive tower blocks, and getting each posh house to give up some rooms for newcomers. Those are the people that got rich out of mass immigration. All the posh schools also. They need to experience what the rest of us do.



we have pretty much the same problem with spics crossing the border, being deported, then coming back in. that could help with the fugees "losing" papers. would be pricey tho

Well in France they also have feminism, secularism, and are below replacement.

What we're all talking about here is totally hypothetical, and implies a massive culture shift to pro-white and pro-survival, but my hypothetical of BLEACH is the most realistic and also the most sustainable in the future.

In reality, y'all need to read up on 5th Political Theory.

>retard strikes again

Underage children cannot remain in the USA unattended, the six million under-18 anchor babies will go back with their parents you mouthbreathing idiot.

And no, they aren't concentrated in the boomers. Literally all you had to do was google this shit for a few minutes to figure that out, instead you relied on your own retarded brain to make retarded assumptions. By 2027 there will only be 49 million white baby boomers out of a total population of 199 million non-Hispanic whites, or 1/4 of the total.

>it would change nothing

Yes it fucking would you fucking goddamn idiot. There are 400k-700k anchor babies born each year out of 4 million total kids. There are 2 million white kids born each year. If you remove the illegals then the fucking anchor babies will not be born.

How the fuck do so many people not understand that if the illegals aren't here the anchor babies won't be born? You need women to be physically present for a baby to be born.

fuck, this is exactly what i didn't want to see.

fat americans and gooks, literally hell

>if we ever get our shit together in the next decade
Not going to happen. But I guess a proud boy can dream.
We don't have a ''spic problem'' but we have something similar with others.
And the way I see it, in this dream scenario, those who have not caused real trouble, who's only criminal act are their illegal presence. Deportation, firm but polite - to the point of letting them gather their personal belongings. The rest, the rope. We have some truly horrible "human" beings living here on what's called "tolerated residence". This means that even the lefty-cunt-courts agree that they have no right to be here (Danny Abdalla aka Hussein Ali Abbas and Gimi Levakovic for instance). "Danny" has an official death penalty waiting for him in his home country, so "international treaties" means we can't deport him. Those people, and the ones like him. Let's just make it simple. If they get executed if we send them home, lets save the money and spare the environment the transportation. And just turn them into fertilizer right here. (wherever here might be)

If solving the problem results in being hated for gassing people whether you did it or not, doing the decent thing has no incentive, no reward. Might as well jump straight to the final solution.

Your theory is fucking retarded because the muslim french and the white french fucking hate each other and don't want to mix in the first place, meaning that fascism is literally the better option.

>being a huge bitch and wanting to mix yourself out of existence because it is the least scary option


Not going to happen, especially EU wide.
For example that "17 year old" afghan who murdered the daughter of some EU faggot in Germany actually was supposed to be in prison in Greece for pushing a woman off a cliff.
Still got gibs in Germany.

We also COULD just not give them money.
We also COULD just not let them in.
We also COULD just kick them out of our country and live in prosperity again.

I don't think a better government surveillance program is the answer. When did that ever solve anything?

>execute them here

Or just imprison them. What is it with Europeans and being afraid to just fucking imprison people?

Once we create super AI it will quickly realize the existential threat of shitskins. It will then genocide them with unmatched efficiency.

That shit costs.
Do you want to pay for that? Given your Ancap flag I highly doubt you do.

Gas isn't necessary. Just cut off gibs.

Offer them money to get sterilized.

There's a big segregation in France though, and everything you said about France is pretty much the case for almost all of Europe.
You can't bleach one third of the population. It just turns them into muds. Look at Latin America, this doesn't breed Whites.

No no no, I'm assuming a white baby boom that would, especially in regards to the United States, allow for integration of our large, legal, mostly-white hispanic population.

Granted, in the US or European countries, ending the welfare state would drive out a massive number of shitskins. Our Latin American Indio welfare leeches would have no host to suckle off of to justify their breeding 20 little cucarachas, and self-deportation is a very real phenomenon. Even the euros who came here at the turn of free market the 20th century had mass amounts of return because they couldn't hack it in the Anglo-supremacist no-welfare USA.

In France, a white baby boom, ending the welfare state, and a return to religiosity (none of which, realistically, could happen nonetheless a GAS EM ALL awakening) would recreate the supermajority and then they'd just be dealing with muds.

Different situation in the US, where our invaders are gradients of Spanish descended. A guy like Jorge Ramos (pale, blue eyed) has zero non-ideological reason to be racially aligned with squat sub-80 IQ Incans. In a serious country with healthy white identity, such a character could be easily integrated into the white milieu.

HOWEVER IN REALITY y'all need to read up on 5PT. What we're actually going to have to do is de-nationalize whites and become a subversive diaspora interested in the benefits of our people above others.

Rural white sacks of shit make up the biggest drag on the US by a longshot. West virginia and kentucky, 2 of the poorest and most destitute states in the country that suck down entitlements like they are going out of style, are 95 and 90% white respectively. You can talk about 'per capita' all you want, you are still just as useless as any other parasite. Trumpcuck genocide when?

You're not getting rid of these people.
Neither is the US.
Europe will collapse financially.
That's the long-term plan.

They are always going to vote their own interest as a group, which means anything to build them selves up at the expense of you. If they ever get the upper hand they will keep this up until they CULTURALLY evolve to the point your civilization has reached, where it develops magnanimity - the crowning 'virtue'.

And that after it has raped all your holes and you are but a husk of your former self, on the edge of death, with no possibility of being a threat to them ever again - unless they have learned the lesson that they should finish you off while they can from your own cultural suicide.

You can't end the welfare state. Do that truly and you end the reason for borders at all - your country will be overrun by economic migrants who will work more cheaply than you until the benefit of being a national of your country equals zero.

It is a race to the bottom.

The only solution I see is for one group to dominate the other as benevolently as they are capable of doing while protecting their ethnic solidarity.

The groups will have to come to terms with each other as mutually hostile groups who none the less choose to coexist as neighboring and even intermingled groups, or else fight to finish each other off.

I would lay the blame for this at the feet of those who having the power allowed lesser groups to make threats of themselves. Such stupidity deserves to be punished.

The boomers are 85% white.Once they die off the whote share of the population will plummet
Anyone born here is a citizen.
Citizens cant be deported meanong they can be left with family members.
The rate of whote births has dropped and will continue to drop.
You are an idiot.

If a War breaks out & welfare dries up, many will leave, not all, but a shit ton

They have no loyalty to the West, or do you think Muslims came to London for the beer & dogs?

>t. child who has never paid his own bills in his life


I prefer solids.

Ask a hundred people and you'll get a hundred different answers on this topic. No one can really say. All we know for sure is that fields like robotics, language processing, image recognition and general AI are advancing along an exponential curve today.

it looks like a Pokemon village from the original games.

Probably because that's a Japanese village

The Boomers are less than 75% white by all reported measures you fucking idiot, which should be obvious by the fact that we've had mass immigration of mostly non-whites for 50 fucking years. Do you lack the capacity to google or even just apply critical thinking?

>the rate of white births will drop cuz I said so lol

Literally all you have to do is look at recessions and see that weak economies cause drops in white births you fucking moron because people take longer to have kids. If the economy is good white births will go up.

>anyone born here is a citizen




Did you misquote or are you retarded? What does paying bills have to do with deporting illegal immigrants?

No, they'll chimp out and try to extract the gibs by force.

>you need to read up

No thanks.

>subversive diaspora

Or Europeans and Americans could just deport non-citizens in large numbers, like Trump currently is planning on doing.

I have no problem with prisons. It is a neat solution in a lot of cases. BUT it does suggest that there should be a chance that the prisoner can learn it's lesson and return to society as a productive member. In OP's scenario we are dealing with '''people''' who do not belong in society, thus imprisonment is just a meaningless drain on resources.

Is this a bot? Neither of these posts have anything to do with anything in this fucking thread.

>given ur flag

Did you know I can pick whatever flag I want?