Why is interracial attraction a thing?

Why is interracial attraction a thing?
Shouldn't whites just love whites, asians asians, and blacks blacks?

Why do some people of another race seem attractive to us? (don't lie to yourself Sup Forums 100% you've seen somebody of another race you wanted to mate with)

Is genetic diversity really increased by a lot if you procreate with somebody of another race?

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Exotics. Simple as that, really.
That said sticking your dick in a nigretta to get kids is cruel to the nigretta and the kids. And your ancestors. Sex is sex, but continuing your bloodline is important, user. Even if your bloodline is stained and twisted, no need to ruin it further.

Probably a large majority of people are attracted to those of the same race. Are you asking why it happens even 1 out of 5 times?

Additionally, I don't know if it's the same for everyone but I cannot stand the nigger faces. They seem disgusting to me, absolutely disgusting.
Yet a black woman with white facial features and coal-dark skin is immensely attractive to me. Same as for a fair bit of locals, I've noticed, in the shill threads promoting interracial most of the well-recieved black women are ones that
1. Have good body;
2. Have white facial features.

So they don't look like a chimp, in short.

>don't lie to yourself Sup Forums 100% you've seen somebody of another race you wanted to mate with

Being a white guy, I've dated a handful of white women and decided to venture out once with a smokin Dominican, 10/10 called me papi and everything. It's not worth it.

Venturing outside of your own race has a very short-lived thrill, because the differences that distinct you from one another become very apparent. She was extremely short-tempered and overly ambitious. To her, as a white guy, I was supposed to be the sole bread maker and I wasn't gonna deal with that shit.

White women are useless and crazy, Spanish women are useFUL and crazy, but still, somehow it is not worth it. This is my two cents on dating outside of your own race

I think you are all out of love Ahmed, only misery and degeneracy from now on, also lots of divorce, if Merkel allows you to split.

I wonder ((((why))))?

The only attractive africans are caucasoid ones. Think about it. The apple never falls too far from the tree.

>She was extremely short-tempered
>wants you to be the breadwinner

God damn user what do you want, a perfect German princess who's both submissive, chill, a gamer and works as a translator to let you be a neet?

> Why is interracial attraction a thing?
Because the human sex drive is extremely powerful and overpowers a lot of other instincts, at least when they're in isolation
> Why do some people of another race seem attractive to us? (don't lie to yourself Sup Forums 100% you've seen somebody of another race you wanted to mate with)
Same as above, sex drive doesn't completely disciminate when dealing with somebody who looks fertile, healthy, etc. Also nice projection.
> Is genetic diversity really increased by a lot if you procreate with somebody of another race?
Not really, humans themselves are actually not particularly genetically diverse

semon demon

There is only one race, the human race. If whites and blacks couldn't make viable offspring then they would be considered separate races. But they can so they aren't.

Now watch all the butthurt fags cry about my intentional use of "one race, the human race" phrase because they are so easy to trigger.

Blacks have ugly curly woolly hair.

The ones who have straight hair use fake hair.

>Why is interracial attraction a thing?
it isn't
but nice try trying to convince us it is, kike

i love white/yellow/black/brown girls
why would you limit yourself to only one colour?

Race =/= species
Pretty sure some non-Sub-Saharan blacks don't have wooly nappy hair, like Ethiopians and Eritreans, their hair can be either curly/wavy or straight.

Coyote, dog, wolf
Ok dude.
Yorkie and coyote. The same. Ok.

shill thread. Saged

We are one species, though many breeds.
All dogs are not equal, nor birds or fish in the sea.
You and I are very different.


pretty much

>Why is interracial attraction a thing?
It's mostly not, interracial couples are still a tiny minority.

>Exotics. Simple as that, really.
This. Just because it's different. Some people go far enough to find xenos attractive. Not me though :^)

>Controversial topic
>1 post by this ID

White and married a light complected Mexican and have a mixed child. Guess what everyone complements us on how adorable our child is. I also acknowledge that Mexicans are about half-white because of European background.

Forbidden fruit

>Why do some people of another race seem attractive to us?

Go back in time and they wouldn't be.

Look up African Albinos. Skin colour is irrelevant, in fact they probably look even worse being white. They are physically very very ugly.

What, aren't you attracted to this beautiful white QUAN?

>Why is interracial attraction a thing?

Genetic mutations.

Not everyone born in a tribe will be loyal to it, there are those who will eventually develop xenophilia.

Usually those who develop such a condition tend to be the weak and unfit members of a tribe who see in foreign people a chance to raise their own worth.

This is why killing off the weak members or babies of a tribe made sense, like in Sparta.

Despite whatever contributions they might bring, they ultimately will attempt to destroy the social order by allowing more mutations like them to exist and flourish.

>I was a successful mutation, so why not them?
This is the basic justification that eventually snowballs into justifying ANYthing.


Inbreeding dramatically increases the risk of negative recessive phenotypes manifesting. Genetic diversity strengthens the herd in every species of life.

Ever hear of the Hapsburgs?

Im pretty sure you can still mate within your own race today without it being inbreeding.

reminder that nigger females are 65% more likely to have an std or abuse their children

reminder that nobody wants nigger females despite what the shills say

*sigh* Jesus Christ. Listen, lab partner:
You can still eat fertilizer that smells of shit without it killing you.

But there's an evolutionary reason you don't.

> implying you can decide and control who you're attracted to

Is that why you decided to be heterosexual, OP?


It's a fetish

> meme understanding of genetics

>(don't lie to yourself Sup Forums 100% you've seen somebody of another race you wanted to mate with)

I'm not lying. I've never felt that before in my life. Sounds like you are projecting, probably due to the loads of brainwashing you receive in that shit hole country.

At this point I'm married to a hot red-pilled babe and guess what. She's white, user.

What do you think the back of his neck smells Like?

Tuna mixed with cocoa butter

>>married to a hot red pilled babe

Pic related

What the hell are you talking about? If inbreeding was such a problem, then the races would not have branched off and remained the same.

History and evolution has shown the races branching off, not amalgamating, its only in the artificially produced modern west where mixing is normalized.

No other animal species, racemixes to prevent inbreeding.

This is as dumb as the "i only like red heads". At some point, you'll see a blond or brunette that are just what you want.

Dude, I'm 28 yrs old and I still only like red-heads exclusively. Even women I have dated from other races have had their hair dyed red.

>>history and evolution has shown

You're gonna have to show your sources, there, Cleetus.

And what the hell are you talking about? You're literally using examples of successful species to say unsuccessful ones don't exist.

I know you're redpilled because you probably just want to rebel against all those lane teachers who told you you were a dumb shit. But damn dude. Try a little.

>kike shills come to Sup Forums

its so obvious

I've noticed that the only times I've ever found myself being attracted to someone of a different race is when they, in some way, have "whiteish" characteristics. Then it's only a mild attraction.

>You're gonna have to show your sources, there, Cleetus.

Sources for something that is CLEARLY fucking apparent?

Are you saying they didn't diverge? You would have to be a fucking moron to not accept that they did.

>And what the hell are you talking about? You're literally using examples of successful species to say unsuccessful ones don't exist.

I never said anything about success, i guess divergence = success to you, right?

>lane teachers
The same LANE teachers who couldn't teach you how to spell?

Indian here
"White features" are just considered attractive universal.

Made me laugh. Thanks user.

I'm a white male and I'm really attracted to Asian women for some reason.

>Why is interracial attraction a thing?
Every sexualy selecting animal (usualy the females) are attracted to the familiar but exotic.

Christ dude.

Instead of arguing you could've taken the two seconds on Google I just did and find an easy to digest explanation.

It's no mystery to anyone why you people group as you do. You're threatened by subjects you find intellectually challenging. And rather than own up to it and try even a little bit, you dive into the soft headed non science of fatass radio personalities with a GED.



See the "exotic" women of The Orient, from
The age of exploration.

until recently human races were interchargeable with human subspecies

hell i still have the school textbooks that list them as subspecies

It's not. Interracial is not a thing even in porn.

>retarded women say my ugly af kid is cute therefore race mixing is wonderful

>That said sticking your dick in a nigretta to get kids is cruel to the nigretta and the kids.

BLEACHED. colonize the pussy. you can always have more kids with a white woman later on

>2 examples out of the rest of the animal kingdom

Still does not disprove the fact that divergence is the norm.

And there are plenty of other factors, contributing to the extinction of these animals, besides "genetic diversity".

Yes because Hungarians are mongoloids, so it's only fitting that you are attracted to them.

All I know is it is a lot easier for me to be attracted to a white than any other race, I find average-looking white girls attractive, but average-looking Asians or blacks or Indians or whatever are quite unappealing to me.

I think this is really the key to it all, we want to mate within our race UNLESS we have the opportunity to mate with a particularly high-quality genetic specimen from another, we hold other races to higher standards of attraction, probably because we know our children will be outcasts on a tribal level if we were to mate with them. So the payoff after racemixing has to be very good (offspring have to be very genetically strong) to outweigh that carnal fear of the resulting social ostracization, this is such a strong fear that it is literally baked into our genes, only allowing us to truly feel attraction towards the absolute best specimens of other races.

The internet skews many people's perspectives on this, mostly because the internet naturally filters out the standard specimens of all the races and only the most attractive rise to prominence, so a lot of people think they have "yellow fever" or "jungle fever" because they see attractive asians and blacks on the internet, BUT in real life when you actually live in areas where there are a lot of asians or blacks around, it is a very different story, the vast majority of them are ugly and unappealing, only a few truly catch your eye.

I also think that is why racemixing is so "popular" now, the media shoves these beautiful exotic women of different races down your throat, but in reality most of the women of these races are very average and unattractive looking. It's all due to lack of exposure, too much media consumption

>Meet future wife at a Halloween party.
>First thing I notice about her are how beautiful her eyes are.
>Fireworks reflected in her eyes, making them twinkle like starlight.
>The conversation came easy, we clicked and hit it off right away.
>We have the same sense of humor... She's legitimately funny, it's just so casual for her.
>She's beautiful, naturally sculpted eye brows, high cheek bones and a sharp jaw that adds an aggressive bent to her care free demeanor.
>She's native and I don't particularly give a shit because she is so witty, charming and beautiful.
>White women are cagey, they can't handle a joke, they're more sensitive to edgy racist humor.
>White women can't handle men being men and must be treated like a child.

The truth is that I married a member of another race because we get along. We fight from time to time about mundane things that all couples fight about... but I have never been called out for my thoughts and feelings like I have with old white girlfriends. Whites are arrogant and not worth my time.

Nobody ever said there weren't other factors, Cleetus.

Now it's your turn. Find something that explains why genetic diversity is unimportant. Go ahead.

>Why is interracial attraction a thing?
Novell things are attractive.
>Is genetic diversity really increased by a lot if you procreate with somebody of another race?
Yes, although the results are a coin toss, just like purebreed mutts. May end up with a great dog or with a dog that is best taken behind the shed and given both barrels.

yes, is that so much to ask?

You know that third cousin is the perfect genetic distance?

>Abused white women suck.
>This native chick who was never abused as a child with guilt, is way better!

Hey, if you dont want to do your part in fighting the memetic disease of modernity, thats fine, but when the time comes, whites will remember the choice you made when things were bad.

>...and Listerine isn't that bad anyway!

>sticking your dick in a nigretta to get kids is cruel to the nigretta and the kids.

How is that cruel, retard? Not every case of WMBW is due to a white man exercising some slavery fetish. Sometimes, its just love between two people which fuel the relationship. I swear, so many of you faggots are detached from reality.

>Whites will remember, blah, blah, blah.
If they make a big deal about it they'll. Get shot. Another advantage to not marrying the upper middle class white women I dated previously is that my wife fully supports my firearms collection. You can make passive threats all you want, but always remember that the range can go both ways.

Im a hispanic from East LA, moron.

"Genetic diversity" also comes with its own problems, never heard of outbreeding depression?




It's cruel in that the little shits will not be smart enough to be on level of whites, nor will they be nignog enough to fit in with niggers. It's giving them an outcast's life.
Yes, that's a lot. Take something imperfect and better her, you can't just find a perfect diamond laying on the road.

My wife doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs like most of the degenerates that pass themselves off as women. I don't know if you are aware of the modern culture, but we have a serious fucking image problem when it comes to substance abuse and sleeping around. Quite honestly, Mac, I'm not going to involve myself with toxic people because of your expectations.

people are attracted to people who are sexually attractive. If you're hot enough things like skin color, nappy hair, flat faces or chinky eyes can be overlooked.

Consider the following
>Black guy who likes black dick porn
>Cucks who like black dick porn
Notice the difference?

Hey retards from /r/The_Donald. Learn to report off topic garbage like this for once

If Ögödej Khan had lived longer, European women would have looked like this.

But WMBF couplings tend to do best. Lower rate of divorce and all that.

If youre too much of a beta to domesticate a white woman into accepting your lifestyle, then there's probably nothing much to fear about you.

You will run out of ammunition eventually, and you wont be able to hide behind the tools that whites invented by remaining loyal to their race.

Everything has its disadvantages. But having grown up on a farm that didn't fail I can pretty definitively say that outbreeding depression (which is entirely dependent on external environmental factors, btw) is nowhere near as dangerous to the group as genetic diversity.

Sounds like the missionary position through a hole in the sheet is probably her jam too.

Men: weak genes and/or insecurity + want to destroy another tribe's genes.

Women: weak genes + insecurity + looking outside of one's own tribe because of lack of success

Hence the trend for white women eschewing the gamer-bodied softboys in favor of literally anything else.

It's weird because it's not all X. For example some Chinese chicks that are gorgeous by our standards, are not attractive in China. Their beauty standards are whack.

Yet here you are on a computer invented by Caucasians. Fuck you

That still doesn't explain why the races diverged, if inbreeding is the problem you make it out to be, then the races would not have split into the phenotypically and genetically distinct groups that exist today.

Because Chad won't take them and they don't like it. Besides, it's cool to have a darkie.

WHY is it cool to have a darkie? I really don't get it... how did this happen!

>It's cruel in that the little shits will not be smart enough to be on level of whites, nor will they be nignog enough to fit in with niggers. It's giving them an outcast's life.

You're just fishing here. You have no hard data showcasing that identity issues severely hold back mulattoes from living their day to day lives. Also, idc about the avg IQ of mulattoes. You don't need to be a theoretical physicist to be a law abiding citizen, pay taxes, and take care of your children if you choose to have them.

Again, too many of you fags are detached neets who have no idea what you're talking about.

I had sex with an adopted Ethiopian girl (so, not a filthy immigrate, i want to convince myself that's a thing). She was an athlete or something, lean body, long legs. I like fit bodies, probably too much... but the color of her skin made her muscle pop out SO FUCKING NICELY. You could not the veins, like on a white fit body (which is kinda weird),There was just this uniform coloration, no spots, no marks, no nothing. And she would not blush when aroused, nothing (even more weird).

Since then i've been masturbating regularly to pictures of Ethiopian Jews (those who came from Operation Solomon). God i wish civilized niggers were a thing. I so much damn wish that....

(((I wonder))).

Daddy told them no, media said it's cool.

Kek, crying

Nigger, I make parts for Space x, Tesla and GM, what are you doing?

t. extinct neanderthal

homo erectus branched off into different hominids and those hominids interbred at a later date.
whites = h. sapiens + neanderthal
nigs = h. sapiens and some unknown hominid

Get it now?

>Civilized niggers
>Looks at flag

You're very obviously a Jew. It shows when you insult him using stereotypes like "Cletus" and then accuse him of being "anti-science" because he disagrees with your silly kike theories.

This but also Sup Forums made me want to become an oil driller.

Months of the exact, EXACT same slide thread and people replying to it.

>nigs = h. sapiens and some unknown hominid

It probably deserted h.Sapiens after getting it pregnant.