Mueller Expands Probe to Trump Business Transactions




Sup Forums BTFO

>you must hate your president goy. he is electorally-incorrect

where did the russia freak conspiracy theory come from again?

>Trump’s sale of a Florida mansion to a Russian oligarch in 2008

Go fuck yourself Mueller.

>Not doing due diligence in clearing the POTUS of wrongdoing

Being called a "Drumpftard" and being told that "it's over" every fucking day for the next 7.5 years is going to get old, but it's a price I'm willing to pay for a great, great wall, illegals deported, and pedos rounded up.

Mueller investigation leaking like a sieve
Conflicts of interest with Comey run deep
Time to pull the plug on Mueller
He has no authority in this matter given his lack of credibility here
His word will literally have no weight among Trump supporters

I can't wait for the receipt for some business deal with the Russians from years ago to be paraded around the MSM as the silver bullet for Trump.

Yes, impeach Trump. Can't wait for president Mike "14 pounds and 88" Pence.

Oh I'm so scared. What ever am I going to do? Mueller just took down the entire government and Hilldawg is going to take over. Flee Flee run for your lives.

Pence is likely going to be caught up in this too. Same with Paul Ryan. Idk about Hatch but he could end up president.

I'm a millennial. Wasn't fully redpilled until 2014. Knew something was wrong and would lurk on feminist websites like Jezebel Gawker Salon Vox Slate for years in order to understand and establish a narrative. What were they after, what did they want, why were they doing this, why were they seeking the active destruction of my people and civilization. I'm part of a Facebook page of Alt-righters. This came from a member I trust. Mueller is a degenerate goon that has been planting seeds of destruction and the minds of people for years. This is a war for all that we are. If I'm given a weapon of opportunity I'm going to take it. You do with it what you will.

Maybe they'll get somewhere with the 6 degrees


Funny how no one will lend to Trump because of his history of defaulting on his loans and suing the bank he owed money to except the one bank that was caught red handed laundering money for Russian mobsters. Funny how he literally defaulted on a huge loan to this very bank and sued them for $3,000,000,000 and they still kept lending to him.

If this is the kind of shit they think is going to make ppl turn their back on Trump....lmao. I guess this is the sad predictable repsonse to all the new polling showing that none of this is working. Congrats on continued imaginary approval polls. Trump is stronger than ever and growing stronger by the hour

>I think people still listen to us or care about any of our psychobabble anymore!
Awww, sweetie! Heavens no! Nobody cares about any of this except for you, little guy. Totes adorbs, is what you are! ;)

If the dominoes start falling, I'm hoping it goes far enough down the chain that we end up with President Mad Dog.

Hillary made it up and then faked some electronic "evidence."

It doesn't matter though because they're going to keep this investigation open for 4 years so he can't get anything done, and vote him out of office if he tries to stop it.

It'll be either him or Madam President Pelosi; either of which would be fucking hilarious.