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A bullet is enough?

We already pay her, its called welfare.

she looks like a smuggie without the effort of opening ms paint

I think blacks should pay reparations to Asians, Whites, and Hispanics for their disproportionate about of crime and welfare usage.

She's actually a college professor for evergreen university

What a loveable little blob of tar! Here! Just take my money, you adorable, helpless thing!

I think slavery was a terrible institution and the blight of America. Because now we're stuck with niggers. I would satirically enjoy whipping the back off this gorilla.

so our kids are paying her, whatever.

Thanks for proving my point she already gets welfare

>so our kids are paying her, whatever.
you think she paid for any of her college tuition?

they're going backwards as a people. Whitey should take away all of their toys; abandon them. Whites who cuck to them or show any emotion AT ALL should be shunned by the White mind. these monkey's are one of two groups that should never live down their follies; forever and ever. never again.

>you think she paid for any of her college tuition?
They surest sign that college educations mean nothing anymore is that niggers are able to pass.

>Because now we're stuck with niggers
no we're not. no Whites alive today are responsible for them, and no one is keeping them here against their will. everyone knows they are a complete failure, but no one has the maturity to admit it; much less them.

it's in their interest to continue kicking the perpetual professional victim can down the road; because they know only how to live parasitically/ they have no value, and the planet needs a haircut; badly

I need ideas on how I could off me nigger and then make the body disappear. The challenge is that I don't want to have to actually touch the nigger in the process.


how bad do you have to be to not get accepted into this college.

It's disgusting how badly this open hostility against whites has gotten, this behavior is actually encouraged by liberals too.

This shit has to come to an end. The longer we tolerate these chimpouts the worse it is going to get.

How does that invalidate what he said?

>hard fucking work

> W = (MA) x D

Technically, it is correct! a being of such tremendous mass does more Work just heaving its useless carcass out of bed than the average person will do in an entire day.

We're only stuck with them because we refuse to kick them out.

Let it get bad. They'll kill the leftist "allies" first anyways.

Then the purge commences with people fully aware of their violent tendencies.

two birds, one stone

What hard work?
All she seems to be doing is flipping off a camera.

did pharaoh pay the slaves? are you going to pay the ancestors of the people your ancestors enslaved? slavery existed all over the world, including for millions in Africa to this very fucking day

'fuck outta here bitch nig

Why are black women so fat, like a good 90 percent of overweight or obese why?

>Why are black women so fat, like a good 90 percent of overweight or obese why?

What did she mean by this?

No way thats the same Bitch Commie Raycistest Teacher from Evergreen Collage. I know from here OG Swastika tattoo on her titty

Mcdonalds is the only thing they can afford

Because billboards.


But I'm Scotch-Irish.... I literally did nothing wrong.

Big Beautiful Handsome Manly Man?

stay alive

When you give a monkey access to as much food as it wants, what does it do?