What's the difference between National Socialism and Democratic Socialism besides Demsoc being inclined to globalism?

What's the difference between National Socialism and Democratic Socialism besides Demsoc being inclined to globalism?

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Pretty sure the Nazis weren't socialists.

A commie faggot, a nigger Muslim, and the hero we need but don't deserve

Two of them are fucking gay and the other one had great intentions

t. Paleocon

Where is Dear Leaders portrait ??!?

It's required !

One wants to kill the left. One wants to kill the right. Marxists want to kill everybody.

One uses the state to impose socially conservative values the other uses the state to impose socially liberal values.

Hitler sends you to jail for baking a cake for a gay wedding, Obama sends you to jail for refusing to bake the cake.

Two of them are marxist, the national socialist reject marx and all the evil that comes with it. When a Democratic Socialist realizes or fails to get what they want democratically they tend to become revolutionary marxists, National Socialists if anything are a revolution against that revolution.

Marxist socialism and national socialism are meant to help democratic socialism is just retarded

National Socialism is authoritarian by design, democratic socialism devolves to authoritarianism.

My ass. Hitler was a commie, he just wasn't a Jewish one.

Social nationalism > national socialism

Hitler had a different definition of socialism one that has pretty much nothing to do with those other two.

Americans think some welfare and a managed economic system means socialism, which was cold war propaganda Republicans pushed. If the workers do not own the means of production it is not Socialism. End of discussion

Pro tip for all you people thinking he was a Marxist socialist. Look up the night of long knives and who got purged. 99% of them were actual socialists pushing for the workers owning the means of production.

Barely zero
The redpill is: anticommunism, anti-national socialism and antimarxism.
Hitler had many jews working for him in the SS/SA

Obama wasn't even a DemSoc

pic related Hitlers definition. His society had rich people owning mega factories and corporations and poor workers with no say on how he runs the company

Imprison and Killed Marxists, the very same ones who tried to impose a soviet state on Germany in 1918.
I don't believe he was a Communist, I think he hated them with a passion. also

>Kingdom Crumb

Pretty sure Stalin wasn't Marxist Socialist. Marx's vision was a socialist world government while Stalin's socialism was focused on the nation


and one of the foundations of "Stalinism".

get over what people have told you, watch this, and learn. national socialism is the 3rd way. it understands the need for an owner and worker class but works so both prosper.

it is about making your home a better place for your own people.

you bet your sweet balls they were socialist.

and i forgot the link.

National Socialism is dependent on a biological singularity, complying with nature. Marxist and democratic socialism is independent of biological singularity and goes against nature.

Democratic and Marxist socialism have redistribution of wealth, through welfare. National Socialism has preservation of wealth, as long as it coincides with the general welfare of the nation.

Marxist and national socialism have nationalization of industry, although national socialism only has this occur in times of crisis, and is isolated to the needs of the government to preserve and defend the nation.

Marxist and democratic socialism are internationalist while national socialism is nationalist.

Woops, Marxist do not have welfare. They restructure the entire economic system.


"The second side of the question is in terms of external relations: whether the victory of the socialism is "final", i.e., whether capitalism cannot possibly be restored. Here Stalin cites Lenin that the final victory is possible only on the international scale and only with the help of the workers of other countries."

Hitler's "National Socialism" was neither Nationalist or Socialist.
Take lebensraum = cease being nationalist, as you become globalist the moment you overstep your national boundries.
And the only thing Socialist about them was the winter fund.

And Stalin was more akin to a Fascist than a Communist either way.

>National Socialism has preservation of wealth, as long as it coincides with the general welfare of the nation.
>as long as it coincides with the general welfare of the nation.

So...welfare. There's that complying with nature I guess, gotta throw in some retarded archaic and vague terms to try to separate yourself from a commie.

Either stick with ethnic blood patriotism or don't. The Soviets were far more national than any state you can attribute any NatSol policies from during extensive peacetime from. Just stop with all this nature shit.

>annexing areas near you makes you a globalist

that's a fake quote btw

Making wealth through BLACKED.com pornography is something allowed in capitalism but not national socialism

National socialism is socially conservative. Higher military spending and tariffs.
Democratic socialism does not have a focus of preserving the culture of the country. Therefore it is less focused on the military/patriotism and is more socially liberal.

>marxist socialism
>the privileged elite must be abolished
>let's avoid that there will be no elite by sharing everything and putting the state first

>national socialism
>our people, our land, and our nation first. the elite should not steer the path of our people
>if you have roots in this land, you're with us. if not, fuck off

>democratic socialism
>we should make sure anybody living inside our borders has it good
>let's vote for where the money goes, everybody is allowed to vote no matter what


lol this

that anarchist edgy fag thinks hes the next noam chomsky with his pseudo intellectual garbage.

"Hurr nationalists dont annex land, that makes them globalists"

cringey 14 year old with a che t-shirt

>Literal socialism isn't true socialism!

Stalin and Hitler are based, fuck off

Different names, same bullshit.