We told you that he is absolutely disgusting

We told you that he is absolutely disgusting.

The man without any honour

>Die Gasturbinen auf der Krim sind für Siemens ein Politikum geworden. Wie die WirtschaftsWoche erfahren hat, versprach Russlands Präsident Putin persönlich dafür zu sorgen, dass die Turbinen nicht auf die Krim gelangen.

>The gas turbines in the Crimea have become a political issue for Siemens. As the Economic Week has learned, Russia's President Putin personally promised that the turbines would not reach the Crimea.

>personally promised
>turbines would not reach the Crimea.
>personally promised
>through 6 month turbines reach Crimea


Other urls found in this thread:


That baby is stupid for getting in the cold water.
Stupid baby.



I have no empathy for anybody stupid enough wanting to be part of the EU.

based af parents

first its all about "lol free money" but later they realize they have to bow down and spread their ass cheeks

Not even that they are literally wannabe nazis trying to align themselves with the most progressive tranny demon enabling countries on earth.


Ukrainians at least admit they want the same policy as Poland, which is the biggest recipient of EU gibs.

so they're wise to the javascript trick in denmark.

Can you please summarize why these gas turbines are important?

Do they think EU gibs grow on trees? Do they really think they would get anything without something in return?

They're just bathing it, relax, it won't die if it wasn't accidental.

What's up with the turbinephobia?

Doesn't the eastern part of Ukraine, that aligns itself with Russia have all the industry?

Donetsk etc.

What exactly does West Ukraine offer EU other than a lot of White women who the african migrants can breed with?

>Do they think EU gibs grow on trees? Do they really think they would get anything without something in return?

judging from those Ukrainians I met, they think this indeed. One of my best friends is an Ukrainian, he admitted having believed all this before he came here, and it's hard for him to convince his relatived back in Ukraine work hours here are long, and nothing is free.

You just answered your own question with that last line.

Don't nords have a 50% resistance to frost damage?

Because it's part of US and EU sanctions against russia for Crimea occupation.

And turbines purchase is banned by sanctions - no hi-tech devices allowed to be in Crimea.

If turbines delivery to Crimea neglect sanctions so other companies and countries can do the same


Archive or screenshot please

why, Norbot, why why why? Let anyone decide whether they want to click it or not.

>people should be given a choice so please don't give them a choice

Those are Ukranians, who have a 70% resistance to frost damage. Nords have higher AP, however.

If Putin did it then it's been accepted by the German government. There's no way he's backstabbing Germany on this.
You better shut the fuck up, the big boys, meaning Germans and Russians decide these matters.
You have no say in what Russians and Germans decide to do with their turbines they've built.