Is life worth living

Got diagnosed schizophrenic. Whats the point in living?

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at least you got a new friend now

Oh god my sides

Hang in user. You're probably young enough to see a cure in your lifetime.

whats it like having schizophrenia I have always wondered what it would be like to have it

So fucking wrong < so fucking funny. Kek!

Well I mean how bad is it? We can't judge whether or not you should jump off a cliff if we have no idea how bad it is.
I mean a lot of people suffer bad shit but live on.
In any case we need to know if you think you're Hitler or what. If so, help us already.

That's what happens when you talk to government funded atheists who don't even know what they're treating. All you get is a label, a government check, Medicare so they can bill the gubbermint $120K a year to "treat" you.

Way to play it.


>Whats the point in living?
What do you enjoy most?

Its pretty bad. I feel tormented and im 20.

>Whats the point in living?
To keep fighting for what you love.
Schizophrenia is definitely a hurdle, but one that's manageable.
So long as you take your medication, then you should be able to lead a relatively normal live.
Keep in mind OP, that we all have fucked up drawbacks to overcome with ourselves.
Some people have shit like Schizophrenia or Bi-Polar disorder, and some people are blind, gimp-legged, hard of hearing, etc.
Schizophrenia is your particular brand of bullshit to navigate.
You can do it user. Many people live perfectly well with that illness.
It's much more treatable today than it was even ten years ago.
Keep your head up OP.

I felt the same way when I was diagnosed. You're going to have to go through an adjustment period where you come to terms with the fact that you have a serious mental illness. It'll take a while to come to terms with it but you'll eventually adjust.
The thing that sucks the most about schizophrenia is the medication (which you have to take). At first you'll have some pretty severe side affects but after a while your body will get used to it.

It's like having an evil demon constantly trying to scramble your brain. Without meds it's extremely hard to think clearly.

Take care of yourselves

sorry OP
I'm a tranny and I think about killing myself all the time. if it wouldn't devestate my little sister and brother and mom I very likely would have already.

at least you're not retarded like this user

>whats it like having schizophrenia

Put on headphones and have a listen then take that experience and imagine it's non-stop and a hundred times more intense.

Maybe you should stop sexualizing feces. Might help you get your head screwed on straight. Victim.

schizophrenia is the ultimate redpill, mind is completely unlocked, taking meds is what (((they))) want you to do

the voices in my head, it sounds like there snoring.

>I'm 20
That's unfortunate, what the prognosis?

holy fuck that's terrifying

That's awesome. Now, you can see the winds of magick and experience things only those touched by the gods ever can.

Most schizophrenics lead a relatively normal life while only a handful get truly fucked by it.
If you're one of them, tough luck, but chances are you aren't so continue as you were and develop the mechanisms you need to live with it.
You'll be fine.

I'm also schizophrenic (also diagnosed with panic disorder and OCPD).

I pretty much stopped mingling with society at age 21 when I had my first psychotic episode.
I was content being at home helping with the house chores since I experience almost no positive symptoms when I'm not doing anything overly stressful but things have changed since my grandfather passed away in late March and I feel threatened at home now.

I also want to stop being a burden on my parents but I don't even know where to begin: I don't have my driver's licence, a vehicle or a degree. I don't even have the money to pay for the driver's license: I applied for disability welfare 6 months ago but these fucks are taking their sweet deciding whether or not I'll get it.

But even if I managed to get my license and a car, I'm too scared to relive to find a job.

Just snap out of it OP.

just relax, everything will be fine.


then why did you become a tranny if you were just going to end up regretting it

it isn't a terminal disease
if you improve your outlook on life than your symptoms will subside
schizophrenia is a common mental illness and eventually (such as my case) will be overcome
your brain will rebuild damaged neuroreceptors which cause the hullicinations


did you do you smoke weed? avoid it.

schiz is manageable, get a religious outlook, spend time in nature, avoid stress, pay attention to sleep and exercise, meditate to detach from the voices, appease the hungry ghosts

whether or not I take hormones I'd still be a tranny

What else do you have to do


are you going to fucking give up , control your fucking brain strart doing some sungazing

Who the fuck cares about diagnoses? I've gone blind on one eye 10 times for half a year, my heartbeat is fucked up, episodes of tinnitus and decreased hearing on one ear. Talks to a ton of doctors, takes a ton of tests, they're either assholes or they just smile and say everything looks fine, never hear from anybody again. Why even live?

Most anons are schizoos in some degree, you are just official

Just you will have to be very careful with drugs, even alcohol, they fuck you up.

p sure he cares more that he's schizophrenic rather than the actual diagnoses itself

>Got diagnosed schizophrenic. Whats the point in living?
Just remember you're crazy so those thoughts are defective like you. Have a taco, that should cheer things up. Tacos are good.

Stay sober, no need for it anyways unless you want your floating bunkmate getting angry

Just don't go off your meds and you'll be fine.

>Just you will have to be very careful with drugs, even alcohol, they fuck you up.

My mother's schizo. I don't drink or use drugs except for an addy script. As a doctor, do you think that would have potential repercussions?

I'm past the point where most schizos go full batshit so I'm probably okay.

OP right now

Why not take test injections dumbass?

fuck i dont think id be able to handle that. I'd claw the insides of my ears out and bang my head against the wall in just annoyance and anxiety.

I'd be the motherfucker screaming to high heavens in the mental ward.

What if you are right, and they are crazy?

pretty sure I was relatively high test

I never grew any breast tissue naturally, I never stored fat on my hips naturally, my dick is kinda big, I never used to cry, I'm naturally pretty athletic

If that's the case then it's still far from the worst that could happen. Firstly being diagnosed means jack shit, it's a fucking pseudoscience. Secondly most mental disorders and illnesses are blessings in disguise and not real illnesses. It's worse to go blind or become bound to a wheelchair and thousands of other problems you could have. Most physical problems are worse than so called mental disorders and illnesses. And besides the way OP put it it sounded like he cared that he was diagnosed. It's not like being diagnosed changes shit.

Underrated post. Great work.

I dont get it?

Not being blamed when you snap and initiate ww3. Come on user think big! Seriously though, get meds.

As long as you don't go full cia nigger you should be fine.
I deal with mental health stuff myself, none of it ever properly diagnosed the morons at the hospital claim I only have anxiety.

OP, turn your situation around and turn it into am ability rather than a disability.
Get government welfare, make some albums about your struggle, get an original netflix series etc etc

I'm surprised at how incomprehensible a lot of it is, I had thought that it was more like A Beautiful Mind even if you aren't seeing things.

create a religion about it and conquer arabia.

It's an old joke, going back to the time when people confused schizophrenia with multiple personalities.

fucking kek.

Look into astral projection

You're still the same person. You'll have good times and bad times, just like anyone else. You'll be fine, OP.

>Got diagnosed schizophrenic. Whats the point in living?
That's fucking trivial. I thought you were gonna say you have cancer or something. Do you have any idea how many schizophrenics there are out there, going about their lives, completely unnoticed by you? It's far from uncommon and easily treated. You make it sound like someone's going to come cut your dick off and graft a gerbil onto your face.

fuck that noise I'd sooner bow to the greek or Roman gods then anything that comes out of the middle east.

Do you hear it? This deafening silence that follows this question?

It is life itself that asks you what is the meaning of your existance. And the answer is whatever keeps you going. In fact, I believe our role is to imbue meaning in creation thro sharing of created meaning


>at least you got a new friend now
Um that's multiple personality disorder, NOT schizophrenia.

fail get


Nice post

Hmm, really makes me think

time to become ubermensch, OP

Quality get.

life has only the meaning you assign to it, and the shared meaning multiple people assign to it

>Fortune cookie tier advice
This get was ok I guess.

>I believe our role is to imbue meaning in creation thro sharing of created meaning
Basically we keep on memeing shit? I'm down with that.

What did he mean by this?

Good get fuck the brainlets who don't understand it.


Damn that's quite a get son


Really gets the noggin joggin

what did he mean?


Really actives my almonds


Really makes you think.

What a waste

just kys
I am

fucking hell

The meaning of life is life

Says a leaf

The internet is all yours user!

In other words make more memes!

Philosophical Digits



The matrix wants to know, what is consciousness' purpose?

this, impressive but unsurprising how dumb the posters here are

Schizophrenia emerges from deep trust issues, if you don't trust anyone or anything your mind doesn't accept any axioms to build on leaving you at the mercy of whatever thoughts come to you at that time instead of filtering them based on your established worldview. Some are able to use it be creative and the act of creating itself then becomes the axiom that grounds them in reality.

Take this all with a grain of salt but I think there may be some truth to it.

Also checked
