Selling F-35s to ISIS

Really, America, not good, not good at all!

> Giving roach 1T USD plane
> Good decison
pick one

ISIS would be more interested in a stealth 737...

I agree. Roaches don't deserve them. We removed our nukes and move them to Romania, so we should cut off the deal with the F-35 as well.

Selling your threadmaking capabilities to the Jews
Really, Germany, not good, not good at all!

>Turkey buys turkeys
What's wrong with this?


Jokes on them, the f35 barely flies and constantly tries to kill its pilot by cutting oxygen flow.

>can be trusted ever

what the fuck

Good thing all the planes have remote kill switches

Haha, they wouldn't even be able to take proper care of the fucking things or train their pilots well enough for it.

>roach pays for bait plane
>roach turns on US
>roach forgets they need US replacement parts
>roach can't fly any bait planes or they'll run out of spare parts in a month

>the f35 barely flies and constantly tries to kill its pilot by cutting oxygen flow.
roaches can survive 1 hour without oxygen. The ISIS F-35s will be flying while American F-35s will crash.

came to post this
>build lemons
>force '''allies''' to buy them
>give them away to your enemies
4d chess, direct from Trump's desk

What is a kill switch Hans?

Under rated post. Have a (you) for making me kek.



>What is a kill switch Hans?
Roaches will eat the kill switch first thing they find it.

A solid waste of money.

Unless you're planning on having an all-out war in the next 10 years, don't even bother with human-crewed planes anymore. Drones will take over.

