48 laws of Power

I just ordered 48 Laws of Power and the Prince from the Amazon Jew. The Prince is a classic obviously but has anyone read 48 Laws of power?

Also Sup Forumsacks who read books thread.

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((((Robert Greene))))

He wrote another book with based fiddy cent. Complete yoru collection, goy.

Yes ive read it. You need to read it, then reread it. It will change your life. It might make you a bit of a fuck but its right

If he had ((their)) power trickery in a book and ((they)) control many aspects of the world wouldn't it be valuable knowledge?

It's an excellent book. Read it slowly. Take one law at a time. Try to internalize as much of it as you can; reflect on examples from your dealings with others. It will change your life and will permit you to see the motivations of others more honestly.

The Prince is also good.

Wouldn't he be ostracized if that was the case?


Posted every bread in memory of US bro, god bless his soul.

Also see: libgen.io

If that was the case and he did give up jew secrets how do you know he wasn't if we want this to be a hypothetical Jews are behind everything thread like 90% of nu/pol/ threads

Thanks recycle bro


I read it straight through and then went back and would read and internalize one law at a time every few days. I would bet money that Trump and Bannon have read the book as well.

trump doesn't read but bannon absolutely

Very good book. For learning power games, The Art of Seduction is worth reading as well.

There's also books on social engineering that are more hacker-oriented that talk in depth about manipulating people.

I've read the book. It's over analyzed psuedo-intelligent garbage.

Christians may be stupid, but at least they agree that satanic shit like this and Prince is bad.

Complete Art of War would have been a better purchase.

Eric Berne's classic Games People Play is better for learning power games. 48 laws is just a laundry list of how to be a dick and get your ass murdered.

whats your agenda OP?

Only read it if you think there is no problem with emulating sociopaths

>Have best military and technology at the time.
>Strategy consist of pointing and going "kill over there" and it worked because again, best military and technology at the time.
>I am the God of war.

I started 2 new businesses this year and work for myself now instead of playing it safe. I'm trying to get more of an edge on my competition and just general curiosity.

You can gain knowledge and understand different ideas without emulating or practicing said ideas. In the end it's your choice on how you choose to live.

listened to it on the youtube
was neat, I liked the powers demonstrated in history for most of them

it's a good book, ignited a love of history in me that continues to this day. don't emulate anything within the book though it's kinda dumb but it's nice to read through every once in a while to remember about the failures and successes of those that came before us. it's a 10/10 book especially if you also read the 33 strategies of war which always gets overlooked for some reason by everyone. much more interesting and insightful than the 48 laws of power imo.

Why didn't you just download it free from the internet? Isn't that what Ragnar Redbeard would do?

Tries to read it a few years ago but i could not stomach it, made me feel slimy.

I may revisit it now that i work in a corporate environment.

The only thing that book did for me was make me realize that I could never do most of what was prescribed therein.

I'm not a 14 year old who can't afford to pay 8 dollars for a book.

People you screw over will remember you and sabotage you if you ever want to change jobs in the same industry. You have to be much, much more nuanced that what's in that book if you want to successfully pull off perfect sociopathic behavior. If you fuck up, it won't be pretty.

I'd be reading as a cautionary for how people can behave. I don't think I have it in me to manipulate and gaslight people like that. Ive done well so far by just being honest and trying to outperform the people around me.