I remember when everyone thought Donald Trump didn't stand a chance. I remember the left, how they laughed...

I remember when everyone thought Donald Trump didn't stand a chance. I remember the left, how they laughed, called Trump a clown, his supporters a bunch of losers. Months and months and months of it. Then election night came. And I got to watch Trump wipe the smug right off their faces. Watching the Clinton supporters cry. Watching the news anchors cry. It was glorious. And they can never take that away from me. Ever.

Now I know how all those Muslims felt on 9/11.

Other urls found in this thread:


I've been meaning to make a thread tallying all the stupid shit anti-Trump people were saying that got totally proven wrong, but they were so adamant that they were right and you were stupid if you didn't believe them like:

>Trump is just running to promote his new TV channel!

>Trump is just a Hillary plant!

>The GOP aren't going to let him have the nomination.

Over and over these people were so confident in the bullshit THEY WANTED TO BELIEVE. This whole election was eye opening to just how disconnected from reality most people actually are and prefer their own made up fantasies to objective facts. I mean I've thought that before, but this election cycle just proved it.

Normies can't into an honest perception of reality.

This can not be a coincidence.. OP is yourname Tanya?

If Hillary had better memes she wouldn't have lost states that haven't went red since Reagan.

Almost all Trump voters lied in the polls on who they were voting for.

Almost all of lied to family and friends. To this day, when a family member makes a Trump "joke," I give a mild grunt of amusement.

To this day, I'm still glad Hillary didn't win.


Hi, Tanya. TOGTFO.

They fixed the DNC elections by making Hillary look like she had more supporters (even though the extra she had didn't actually exist) Then were surprised when actual people didn't support her.

Most leftwing people think there is a widespread rightwing conspiracy that is the worst thing in the universe. They sort of mentally block out that they have overrun society and real " right wingers"are a resistance movement.

>called Trump a clown
>implying he isn't a clown
>his supporters a bunch of losers
>implying they aren't a bunch of losers


No, but I think I've watched this video at least once a day since the election. It never gets old.


One of my favs.


How much of an unfulfilled loser must you be to still care this much about something that happened 9 months ago and didn't directly involve you?

> everyone thought Donald Trump didn't stand a chance.
He literally only won because of an outdated system that is effectively affirmative action for rural voters.

>called Trump a clown
Still true.

Ok, a friend of a friend posted teh same pic on Facie but I have not seen it in ages. So Coincidence.

>Still salty after 9 months
That's not healthy user.

I'm getting sick of winning all the time...

>no mention of putler
shit bait

That's why they're pushing the Russia narrative.

You see, the collusion, in all its bullshit, is irrelevant. They will never admit a billionaire playboy oaf bested Hillary.

It's kinda surreal for me, watching the stuff from the primary. Like, it's hard for me to remember what it was like before Trump was the nominee and LITERALLY HITLER, and instead was a funny zany clown.

The exact moment he started against Hillary, the media was 100% lockstep RACIST NAZI BIGOT when they had been joking around with him just weeks before.

>the electoral college is affirmative action for rural voters
I don't understand. Could you explain what you mean? I don't see the relationship.



It feels like the entire world has changed since Trump announced his run in 2015.

It's like the rise of the fly-over states and the rise of the right-wing

fuck feminists

they are the enemy

wade into them!!

lmao there are literally faggots outside my apartment right now arguing in the street about who to blame for Trump getting elected

"why are we even spending the thought energy bashing hillary, trump spent the entire campaign demonizing hillary"

"im just saying hillary sucks"

remember when it was 6 months into Trump's presidency and he still hadn't passed a single piece of legislation, still hadn't even nominated anybody for over half his cabinet posts and had the lowest approval ratings of any president in history?


Take a pic, leave a pic


P R E S I Don't

>outdated system
>The Great Compromise
>Unique in human history
fuck off, commie. nobody wants to hear your shitty ideas on governance.

Remember WH user stated July 27, something big is going down.
This will be a happening for sure.

July 27th!

Don't forget

the electoral college means a candidate has to win over voters in more places than just the biggest few cities in the nation. if it was just popular vote, a candidate could campaign only in LA and NY and pretty much win. no one in rural areas would matter at all.

>Normies can't into an honest perception of reality.

"Normies" elected our president.


>He literally only won because of an outdated system that is effectively affirmative action for rural voters.
so, affirmative action is bad now? I thought lefties support it wholeheartedly.

also, the electoral system (this is how I know you are a leftist: you did not directly name it, since you just cannot force yourself to name things clearly, opting for hints and allusions instead, makes passive aggression easier), so the electoral college is a testament to the intuition of the founding fathers, because modern decision theory came up with similar optimal solutions in the XXth century. specifically, the electoral college is an element of an adjusted Penrose voting method with an exponent greater than 0.5.

congress passes legislation and approves the president's appointees. go back to school to learn how our government works please.

>he still hadn't passed
You need to go through grade school again.
I'm not insulting you, just pointing out that you are literally more stupid than an 8th grader.
Presidents do not create legislation, commie.
Now get the fuck out of our country!

>Now I know how all those Muslims felt on 9/11.
god damned, the jews did 9/11, not muslims. maybe some were used for it as sacrificial pawns, but the ones behind it were the jews

but is best president ever so far
I guess didnt nominate gorsuch?
didnt get muslim ban
build wall
remove regulations
bring american companies home
get appel to build iphone in usa
get to 1 yar dline on repealing obamcare
tee up tax reform
all other presidents could do in 80 ears

you are witnessing the greatest presidentcy of all time!!

deregualtion and capitalism will make usa great!!

trump has smartest cabinet EVER

remember media 100% wrong and lying 24/7/365 abuot TRump

Obama was worst president EVER flew USa into mountain! +13T debt from 8T being all other president in history!!

far left wing extremeism communismsocialism fasicsm FAILS!
obama care ruined million of lives net!

It is a system that hurts highly, easy to fake votes, populated states. Cali and New York can have any amount of fake votes for dems. and still lose the presidency. The system is great, and well thought out. Win over a nation, not a population, you get the job. No more tears.

the president has to nominate somebody before congress can approve them. he hasn't even gotten to the nomination stage on most his appointments.

furthermore, presidents are able to write legislation and submit it to congress for a vote. In his first 100 days, FDR got congress to pass 15 of his proposed bills.

Trump has been president 182 days and has gotten congress (which his party controls) to pass exactly 0 of his proposed bills.

The election was rigged, for Hillary. But it still wasn't enough.
During Steins recount one of the discrepancies found was that more people in Wayne County Michigan voted for Hillary, than there were registered voters in that county. The recount was quickly suspended.

>cracking down on illegal immigration and creating a website to report them
>drawing out of the climate act and reissue enviromental protection funding
>drew out of TPP
>canceled CIA programm to fund (((rebels))) in syria
>busting more pedos in the first month than under obama in a year
>firing comey that hillshill
>got wallfunding approved
>got a new travelban issued
>handing out a lot of salt to (((people))) like you

despite being under fire from all sites, even the party hes the candidate off.

Single worst president in our history. The action you are talking about are in violation of the constitution. Please go back to high school

>Now I know how all those Muslims felt on 9/11.


not the point, but nice attempt to change the subject

I'm not changing the subject. I'm pointing out your lack of understanding


you did indeed change the subject.

the point is, other presidents have managed, even with hostile congresses, to get plenty of legislation passed. whether you think it's constitutional or whether you like the president or not is irrelevant.

Trump, with both houses controlled by his party, has been able to get nothing passed.

>Trump, with both houses controlled by his party, has been able to get nothing passed.
Irrelevant. We have enough laws. We need to lose some not gain more

So why doesn't he try to pass legislation eliminating some laws?

As the executive he can decided not to enforce them?

obama won due to vote fraud!
hillary lost despite it
why isnt she in jail?

can you cite an instance of him refusing to enforce a law?

Why do you think we need more laws?
What would you like to see congress pass

YAY post old clinton memes!!

because first it has to be made sure that everyone involved in the case on the lawenforcement side is trustable. a single fuck up at any step can lead to hillary and all her goons running free. so he has to replace people he cant trust first with people he can trust. also you first go for the lowers in hopes they rat out on the bigger fish

holy shit dude.

this isn't about me. stop trying to change the subject.

I'm asking you what Trump has done as president and you can't give a single answer, instead just dodging and skirting questions.

I think I'm going to go look at boobs on /gif/ now and stop wasting my time with this nonsense

Bye faggot


I gave you and endless list you 5 year old whiny bitch
move to canada

0 of his 0 proposed bills. Many of the ones he supported have passed and have been signed. Getting mad because an executive branch head doesn't dictate to the legislative branch is idiotic. Telling us about a president who was allowed to trample and shit on the rule of law. A president that started the downfall of federalism and the separation of power like he was some great person is sick.

I went into that night watching the news as a formality for Hillary's coronation. Within a couple of hours, I was frantically googling turnout in Broward County to prove that their vote had already come in and Florida was Trump's for good.

I wish I could relive how good that night felt.

The jews got gaslighted by their own ((((polls)))) and genuinely believed Hillary would landslide Trump without cheating. They still deployed a few ((((faulty voting machines)))))) in Michigan tho.


Got the US out of the Paris climate BS.

>muslims doing 9/11
>the muslims might have been happy about it because they don't like the USA, but I bet they're not so happy about it now
>9/11 was an inside job

Trump was our only choice if we could stomach voting in this owned country and system anymore.

Leftists are fucking idiots.
These people don't live in reality. These people are going to say their side is winning despite the evidence on the contrary.
When someone says that Trump is going to win they see it as an endorsement of Trump. When dealing with a leftist you simply can not state facts or predictions based on facts. If you even think that Trump can win it's because you are a far-right nazi, it can't possibly be because you've seen the data and saw the polls being debunked.
Leftists don't deal with facts, they deal with feelings and intentions.

It's the same reason they call you racist when all you're doing is showing actual data on crime or race. You ask them ''is this data true or is it not true?'' and their usual responce is ''yeah, the data is true, but WHY ARE YOU SHARING THIS DATA????'' All they care about is the intent. You can't possibly be sharing data that contradicts with the leftist worldview unless you just hate niggers and kikes.
On the right we acknowledge reality, even if the reality isn't ideal. We knew Ron Paul didn't have a chance to win, we know that asians have a higher IQ on average than whites. When leftists try to understand how a person on the right things, they always go for this ''haha, but asians have a higher IQ than whites, WHAT NOW??'' retarded angle. They project their mentality on the right. If the leftists got converted into right wing nationalists they would deny that asians have a higher IQ and they would call you names if you just stated facts about IQ.

tl:dr the entire leftist world view can be extrapolated from two facts - leftists always lie and leftists always project.
That is what it all boils down to.

as a lefty you are mostly right. however i believe there is a reason behind this.
rightwingers live in the here and now. they concentrate on unfucking shit right now and here.
the left however sees their ideal world. they see the world for what it could become, but by doing so fail miserably at seeing what it is. and they rather deny all the facts and data telling them their ideals arent able to be fullfilled, at least during their lifetime because it would depress them. so they ignore everything contrary to their ideal and keep pushing for it because once it is accomplished surely everyone will see how nice it is and be happy like they imagined.
ideologically i agree with most lefties. i would like a world where money doesnt rule. where you can travel the world without worrying about boarders, where every culture and country gets along just great. but i also agree with the right that this isnt possible. at least not now when we have corruption everywhere and (((certain))) people driving nations against each other creating conflicts whereever they can. we need rightwing politics right now to unfuck ourselves. and then we can gradually open up again and have true progress and not the degenerate shit (((they))) keep pushing.

Leftists live in a dream augmented reality.
Rightists live in a reality augmented dreams and nightmares.
That's the difference

Pretty much this.

The danger of climate change is a CONSENSUS you IDIOT.


>implying you need to give shithole countries that do nothing to protect the enviroment billions to protect the enviroment yourself.
>implying the consensus cant be forced just like the consensus was that hillary will will
>implying its proven that humans are causing or even effecting climatechange and it isnt just a natural cycle which instead of trying to supress we should try to adapt to
>implying we arent in an ice age right now making it normal it would become warmer
>implying you arent a faggot

It's a con, sense us.

Kek the danger of it is the group think of (((consensus))).

Ia nobody else turned on by the idea of a huge, manly, buff black bull planting his seed into a young white innocent girl and a mixed, caramel coloured baby popping out of her that doesn't look like her, but if a DNA test was conducted it would be confirmed she is actually the mother.

I was just heartbroken by a THICC, super fucking hot valley girl type chick and it would break my heart if she started dating someone right now unless it's a black bull. She lives in a really white area, and the thought of a manly, strong black African bull with all that charisma and gangster swag marching into her town to pound that pink pussy of hers with his massive throbbing BBC just turns me on to no extent. Just imagining her in all her womanly squishy lovelyness giggling as she rides a throbbing BBC filled with caramel colored child producing semen squirts into her and would make a baby that looks nothing like her fine ass but is still part her. Maybe if you'd look close enough you can see her nose morphed into a half nose of hers with the black guys flat nose.

Who is it dangerous for? Maybe humanity. It wasn't started or caused by any human activity. Climate change is the natural state for this planet. Thinking that humans can stop it is kinda retarded. We don't have the correct terraforming equipment to change the climate of the Earth right now. When we do get it we may be able to put the planet at the temp we want it at, but until then live with it.


Please, read this because you are being so fucking stupid right now, your reasoning is emotional and not logical, you need actual knowleges about the climate change:

Source: the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is a membership Union uniquely composed of both government and civil society organisations. It provides public, private and non-governmental organisations with the knowledge and tools that enable human progress, economic development and nature conservation to take place together.

Created in 1948, IUCN has evolved into the world’s largest and most diverse environmental network. It harnesses the experience, resources and reach of its 1,300 Member organisations and the input of some 16,000 experts. IUCN is the global authority on the status of the natural world and the measures needed to safeguard it. Our experts are organised into six commissions dedicated to species survival, environmental law, protected areas, social and economic policy, ecosystem management, and education and communication.

Can we gas all Australians or at least sterilize them.


Hamanity are crazily accelerating it, we can not stop it but they can survive it if we act wisely, it's the same thing for the "6th great extinction" currently happening.

>Hamanity is crazily accelerating it, we can not stop it but we can survive it if we act wisely, it's the same thing for the "6th great extinction" currently happening.*

>Trump is "right wing"

They always tried to use that word association to make people think about Mussolini or Hitler. Trump isn't even close to being "right wing"

>Created in 1948, IUCN has evolved into the world’s largest and most diverse environmental network
its a big one and very diverse. better appeal to authority goy than looking for other views and evaluating them yourself.

also its very easy to just kick out everyone not agreeing with the consensus you want, or just make the funding of that research get stopped so noone can present any "wrong" views

>being this much of a pussy
Honestly even when a random hookup or work acquaintance tries to talk shit on Trump i step up
grow some balls nigger

ccord solve the problem?



You are lost.

Such a weak meme.
You guys really need to try harder


Never feel sorry for liberals.

I found about this organisation very recently, i've been searching about the risks of climate change by myself since long before that, random exemple of study i've studied: sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214581815000889

You are purposely acting blind, you don't believe it so you are focusing only on the other views, please read the document. portals.iucn.org/library/sites/library/files/documents/PAG-024.pdf

And California has more illegal votes than Wyoming has residents. The reason for the system, so the larger states can't steal the federal government.

Frog, I posted leaked emails where NOAA and other organizations are FAKING data to try and make climate change models work. Please read them



where am i blind? further above i stated i believe climate change is real, and that is is a certain danger. but the cause arent humans, and humans may not even influence it. ask yourself why it is never mentioned that we are in an iceage right now. maybe because so we think that it becoming warmer is unnatural and is definitely caused by us?