Does anybody else basically not care about race but still hate niggers objectively on the basis of them being an...

Does anybody else basically not care about race but still hate niggers objectively on the basis of them being an entirely different fucking species?

Every non-subsaharan race is related and capable of developing civilizations, Europeans, Arabs, Persians, Slavs, Indians, Mongols, Chinese, Southeast Asians - all have relatively light skin(black Indians are Dravidian australoids) and high intelligence outside of socioeconomic conditions.

Blacks don't have that. Where those listed above all descend from Neaderthals, I think blacks are actually descended or inbred with Homo Erectus or some other more-primative species. What do you think?

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/]

Idk man.
Why would you hate niggers?
More important,
Why don't you lynch them anymore?

secluded much?

You know how they value culture over intellect.

Nope, I care about race and I hate niggers. They are the only race I hate.

Each Race came from different Planet(s), you can figure out which if you look at the Planet Environments & adaptation/design of each Race.

[Did a thread on it recently: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/]

Earth was a Joint Colonization, with each Race picked a Continent(Black = Africa, White = Europe, Asian = Asia)

You're retarded, we all came from africa, we can still breed with other races so we're not different species, and it's hard to develop a civilization when your lands were pillaged and robbed of its people.

Your country was saved from the brink of a horrific recession into

They are the same species since you can breed with them. That's literally the definition of species.

No need to hate blacks. Just don't let them control your life and country. Only hate white traitors who handed over your country to blacks/ browns. Hate them well.

Same species but not same sub-race.
Different dog races can breed with each other, but are still entirely different both physically and mentally.

> it's hard to develop a civilization when your lands were pillaged and robbed of its people
None of which happened before the fifteenth century. What about all the preceding centuries? Like shile the Greeks were busy inventing algebra (nom the Arabs just copied it) and the Romans were building magnificent cities of marble and the Cinese were inventing paper, what were the Africans doing other than being uncivilized?

>we all came from africa

That's disputed, but even if it was true the people who left Africa mixed with neanderthals and became different.

>and it's hard to develop a civilization when your lands were pillaged and robbed of its people

This did not happen to all of Africa. There is literally nothing that suggests that Africa would be any different today without colonialism.

Just because you don't know African history doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Read up on the: Ajuran Empire, D'mt, Adal Sultanate, Warsangali Sultanate, Kingdom of Nri, Nok culture, Mali Empire, Songhai Empire, Benin Empire, Ashanti Empire, Ghana Empire, Mossi Kingdoms, Mutapa Empire, Kingdom of Mapungubwe, Kingdom of Sine, Kingdom of Sennar, Kingdom of Saloum, Kingdom of Baol, Kingdom of Cayor, Kingdom of Zimbabwe, Kingdom of Kongo, Empire of Kaabu, Ancient Carthage, Numidia, Mauretania, and the Aksumite Empire.

Doubling the debt by printing 10 trillion dollars is not some brilliant move.

>Ancient Carthage

>That's disputed

yeah in the same way climate change is.

>even if it was true the people who left Africa mixed with neanderthals and became different.

these would still be our ancestors this point is moot.

>There is literally nothing that suggests that Africa would be any different today without colonialism.

I don't even know where to start with this. Colonization had major impacts on Africa. People today in the US identify as "Black" because they don't know their family history due to the slave trade.

>You're retarded, we all came from africa
that remains a theory not a fact

>these would still be our ancestors this point is moot.

Homo erectus is also an ancestor...

>yeah in the same way climate change is.
No one is disputing climate change, only whether or not it's human made, which no one really knows.

They were left largely unmolested for 40,000 years. They weren't "pillaged" until the late 1800s (interesting that the places that received the most colonial "pillaging" are the most developed, wealthy, and successful to this day). They never invented the wheel. They never developed any system
of writing. Their entire myth and religious history doesn't contain a single reference to the stars in the sky, something true only for sub-saharan africans and australoids.

Ireland and Finland both spent centuries dominated as brutally oppressed colonies, where people starved and had their customs and languages forcefully replaced by that of their conquerors. There aren't a lot of armies of child soldiers rampaging through Finland and Ireland led by people named General Butt Naked; there aren't many Irish and Finnish people eating the body parts of albinos because they believe it will cure their AIDS.

China was dominated by the mongols, millions were slaughtered, entire cities of millions of people were turned into ghost towns. After that, the Manchus came in and did it all again. Then the European colonialists forcefully made the country a dumping ground for their illegal drugs. Then communism killed 60 million people and destroyed generarions of scholars and intellectual. Today, they build sparkling cities of cutting edge skyscrapers as their economy skyrockets.

Call me crazy, but when one looks at human history, it's almost as if biology is important for biological organism.

We're not a different species, but we could be accurately described as different hominid subspecies. Sub-Saharan Africans are pure homo-sapiens, whereas Asians and Europeans have about 2-7% Neanderthal admixture (and the higher IQs that go along with it), while Australian Aboriginals are interned with Denisovans.

Sub-Sahara Africans aren't unintelligent because they were dominated by outsiders, they were dominated by outsiders because they are unintelligent.

>Today, they build sparkling cities of cutting edge skyscrapers as their economy skyrockets.
well, they're not exactly cutting edge many are poorly built, but they're trying at least.

>People today in the US identify as "Black"

Actually, blacks in the US have 5-20% white DNA. They should be thankful.

What were the lasting contributions these "empires" made to humanity as a whole?

The top tier cities, even the tier 1.5 cities, have made massive strides in the last 5 years, the subway systems in places like Shenzhen make even Tokyo look shitty by comparison. Outside of Manhattan, Shanghai is probably the single most impressive city on Earth right now.

>Call me crazy, but when one looks at human history, it's almost as if biology is important for biological organism.

>We're not a different species, but we could be accurately described as different hominid subspecies. Sub-Saharan Africans are pure homo-sapiens, whereas Asians and Europeans have about 2-7% Neanderthal admixture (and the higher IQs that go along with it), while Australian Aboriginals are interned with Denisovans.

No this is not how taxonomy works, if we can still mate then we are the same species. Defining it this thinly makes no sense, you're talking about very small differences in genetics and splitting hairs here.

I'm not going to address the beginning of your post because it's not acknowledging that we are all originally from there.

There's mounds of evidence to support the out of africa theory and you're pointing to one study that suggests we came from europe. You must be right.

>No one is disputing climate change, only whether or not it's human made, which no one really knows.

This is just shifting the goalposts. If you're willing to accept that climate change is occurring and understand how it occurs then it makes sense to say "maybe releasing tons of greenhouse gases is fueling the fire".

True, but at the same time it's not like Africa is building aircraft carriers and stealth fighter jets (even if they're not as good as America's).

Have a smart black friend that behaves as "white" as you can get. #notall

>"maybe releasing tons of greenhouse gases is fueling the fire"

Maybe, but no one knows for sure.

Anything from Egypt.

i actually checked the sources on this infographic and the way they do the percentages is based on estimates of 10 or fewer sample cases. based on the how they collect the data, all those numbers are calculated from percentages which have asterisks next to them. you're being intellectually dishonest posting that infographic because those numbers neither are accurate nor precise. for them to be accurate you'd have to get the raw numbers, which the DOJ does not collect.

Well i don't really hate people from Africa. I hate the stupid niggers running around acting like the world owes them something. Some of my best friends are black

>in the same way climate change is
Actually plenty of legitimate challenges have been posed to the out of Africa theory, including these recent discoveries:
OOA is far from a being an undisputed theory.

When you finish typing out that crap, do you ever stop to read it?

But the ancient Egyptians were not racially black, especially not the elites who made the contributions we know of today (ruling family, academics, clerics, etc).

CO2 emissions have a direct impact on climate change. That is a fact. It is known for sure.

>There's mounds of evidence to support the out of africa theory and you're pointing to one study that suggests we came from europe.

When there are more recent finds of older fossils of course it renders all old theories obsolete. Like in a crime investigation - you find new clues and alter your theory.

Yes they were.

Of course different subspecies can breed together, that's why they're called sub-species. Hell, even horses and donkeys can breed together.

You're refusal to address my post comes from your refusal to address your own delusions- I didn't even mention the Out of Africa hypothesis (in no way proven or accepted theory, as recently as this year evidence of human activity was found in Greece that predates anything around the great rift in east africa), but it doesn't have any impact on the points I made wether it's the case or not.

There are species with far smaller degrees of genetic variability than humans that are grouped into many different subspecies. The fact that a pure homo-sapien, a homo-sapien/neanderthal hybrid, and a Denisovan hybrid are not is a political decision, not a scientific one.

You seem to think that all humans can interbreed with the same level of success, but that isn't the case at all. A european and a sub-saharan african, for example, are not as interfertile as an african and an african, or even as a european and an asian. Have you ever heard of the aboriginal Tasmanian people? Probably not- they went extinct partially because whites couldn't interbreed with them. I think there is something like one recorded case in history of a European colonist successfully breeding with a Tasmanian, but I don't think the offspring were fertile.


No they weren't. They weren't white either though. Even modern Egyptians aren't black or white... they are more ethnically similar to Semites and Arabs.

Is there even an African word for empire?

>When there are more recent finds of older fossils of course it renders all old theories obsolete

No, but it's definitely a reason for further research and you should look for more evidence. You don't entirely disqualify something because something new happened. You include it in the data you have.

Niggers and Australian abos/Papuans are completely seperate to the rest of the world.
None of them are capable of advanced thought and technical skill development as they never evolved those processes as they lived as hunter gatherer nomads for thousands of years.

the phaorohs of the the old kingdom had blue eyes. it's on the outside of their sarcophagus. they're descended from ancient aryans

No, they weren't, that's just silly. Egypt is not sub-saharan Africa. We can see Egyptian phenotype and skin tones from their artwork; there was one Nubian dynasty at one point in history, and its extremely easy to see how these people differed from the native populace. The most comprehensive DNA study on Egyptian mummies was completed literally weeks ago and showed that not only were they not closely related to Africans, they were actually more closely related to the native Anatolian peoples than the modern-day arab Egyptians.

Not even the most strident afrocentric historical revisionists attempt to claim that the ancient Egyptians were sub-saharan African. That is ancient-aliens tier.


>There are species with far smaller degrees of genetic variability than humans that are grouped into many different subspecies

Show me some evidence for this statement.

They are from North Africa.

Yoi said they were "racially black". Here is the study I mentioned, showing that the ancient Egyptians had no significant relation to black Africans.

In fact, ancient egyptians were far closer to Europeans than they were to sub-Saharan Africans:

The Red Fox has 45 different subspecies. The Eurasian Red Squirrel has 23. Pigeons have at least 12.

I fucking hate when I see this argument so much. "durr durr we are all from Africa they're the original race we're all African". Do you seriously not understand how evolution works? I'll make it simple for you:
First, there were single celled organisms. Then they split and MUTATED, and became multi celled. They eventually became fish and shit. Then those eventually evolved to walk on land as little amphibian typed creatures. Those then branched off into reptiles, mammals, amphibians, birds, etc.
On the mammal side, they were little rodent like creatures. They eventually evolved into larger, smarter mammals, and eventually monkeys. Those monkeys then evolved into apes, which eventually evolved into black people.
FROM THERE, some tribes of the black people spread out across the Eurasia and evolved into the other subsets of the human species; Caucasians, Asians, etc, which further diverged via interbreeding with Neandrathals. All other races but the sub saharan race have Neandrathal DNA.
The whole "durr durr we are all from Africa" "Durr durr Black people are the orignal/pure humans!" Shit is LITERALLY SAYING that they are a more primitive, less evolved stage of human evolution. This also lines up with the data we have about brain size and IQ: