Interested in Orthodox Church

Any Orthodox here have any comments on Orthodox Church , especially Orthodox in USA. Imagine many are more familiar with Catholics, then Catholics with orthodox. Catholic pope is a full on commie now. I was raised catholic, never became practicing catholic. However, I now see the conservatism of the traditional catholic church as the hope for western civilization.

ORTHODOXY ISN'T AMERICAN. At least try to redpill actual American religions instead of being pagan-tier by LARPing as a non-American religion. Do I have to remind you faggots that the KKK disliked Catholics along with Jews.

It's hard to give a shit about the other branches of Cuckinanity.

The funny thing is that protestant denominations back then were more anti-semitic than Catholicism (in addition to usually being against catholicism). Although protestant sects have become overtaken by cucks and kikes. There are articles that openly state that "anti-semitic" scriptures should be removed from the Bible. Also, am I the only who's met southern baptists that are usually racist, dislike jews, etc.? Or is that just a local thing?

Also, catholicism and orthodoxy in the US is more liberal on average than almost all protestant sects.


I'm a Roman Catholic now and I'd go to the Orthodoxy right now if I knew that God wouldn't fault me for it, but I don't know that. Pretty soon here I'm gonna start going to church at the local Byzantine Catholic parish for something in between, where the people are sane but simultaneously God is definitely okay with it

wait so americans cant become orthodox wtf

you underestimate the amount of slavic diaspora in the states
there are some pretty large orthodox churches here

Orthodox is the name of original churches located in the East Europe, Asia. They were separated from Catholic churches in West due to war. They never changed theology, that just remained traditional.
Protestantism has fractured in to so many denominations, as to not have any single definition.
Modern Christianity in my experience has degenerated into
Emotionalism - pretend everything is nice all the time, and deny that anything is wrong, needs to be opposed
Idolatry and nihilism - I'll just run out in front of a bus and Jesus will take care of everything.
Biblicism - people go as far as looking for aliens, and secret to the stock market, in scripture, intellectualizing scripture, instead of introspection, and practice
In the end, the I just come back into the value of the universal, traditional, cohesive nature of original church.

You can't roleplay as orthodox because orthodoxy isn't in your past.

To be truly redpilled you have to delude yourself into following some Protestant garbage like the initial settlers. But you don't actually practice any part of the religion as they used to because that would be retarded so you literally just make Deus vult memes and pretend you have something in common with mediaeval crusaders because you believe in the same jew. You don't actually believe but you do pretend to believe because you think churches are totally redpillwd, regardless of them being the forefront of pushing society-destroying immigration policies.

Then you inundate yourself with the teachings of the most recent Christian apologist who makes arguments that don't quite make sense but people pretend they make sense because they reaffirm their beliefs.


Catholicism is a genuine macro-scam that targets poor, pathetic and stupid brown people so the heads can retain power
Christianity(modern west Protestantism) is a bunch of people who just like believing because either makes them feel good.
Orthodoxy at least honest. The people who practice aren't complete and utter fake trash. These people are willing to make sacrifices in their lives to live as their beliefs tell them, which is something I respect compared to the others.


what do you believe?

Here is the thing
Name one orthodox country that ain't shit

Protip; you can't

I do believe identifying christ as a jew is a misnomer. The term jew came after Christianity to refer to Hebrews that refused to accept christ as messiah. Jesus was claimed as a decendant to Abraham, which would make him an Israelite? Many of today's Jews are not even ancestors with 2000 years old Jews, that just united in rejecting Christ. Religion has been propagandacized by so many people that I think it is short sited to through away all religion due to the propaganda.

you do know that the christian churches convert, yes? this has nothing at all to do with LARPing.

what is it with all these fucking retards on Sup Forums who think you are only ever allowed to do something if it was part of your ancestors culture? literally like the "muh cultural appropriation" niggers

I have eschewed likes in favor of (you)s

cuckholicism... not even once


When did I say that?


Orthodox Christian from America here. Of course you can become Orthodox. We Orthodox Christians are quickly becoming the only un cucked religious tradition out there.

I have a lot of respect for what the Catholic Church used to be, but unfortunately it seems to be in self destruct mode now.

Look around for an orthodox parish near you and check it out this Sunday. Good luck !

Good thing I'm not on goybook
On a side note, can I have a (you)?

Orthodox is a part of the duality world.
Catholicism - - - Orthodoxy
Republican ----- Democrat
Democrats - -- - Conservatives
Globalists - - - - Nationalists
Stop believing these deceitful shit.
Its controlled opposition and in this case complete heresy. They still celebrate all the pagan holidays and deem them "christian " somehow. Its madness.

Look for FSSP or institute of Christ the King; any Latin Mass community

Lots of Somali cabdrivers here are orthodox.