Why are the Zionists ruining the Palestine capital?

Why are the Zionists ruining the Palestine capital?

How can you disrespect the 3rd holiest site of islam?

This is why all the Palestinians are protesting right now

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it is holiest site in judiasm

Why should we care ..?

We will protect Israel at all costs. The Holy Land will not be tarnished. I believe this is what Trump was put on this Earth to do.

Some bloke got kicked in the face while praying on his mat. So mean

Dunno. Everything muzzies capture becomes a 'holy site'. I'm sure Barcelona is a 'holy site' as well.

It's some weird claim of right they push when they've conquered territory and then lost it.

Hi Satan. That mosque is nice but it rests on the site of a planned new Temple. So it has to go. Sorry about that. Infact that whole area occupies the site of a planned new urban development and it needs to be demolished, unfortunately. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Nice trips, but if you think the Jordanians would ever support giving the Mount to the "Palestinians" for a capital you're crazy. They want that power kept for themselves, and know everything the Palestinians control turns to complete shit.

What does that even mean? Should they destroy the 3rd most important mosque in the world?

Why can't they just fucking share

You and your friends should strap on a vest in Gaza and set an example

Jerusalem isn't mentionned in Quran.
Meanwhile the whole bible relate stories happening around that place.
Muslims are in Jerusalem just to piss off Jews

>Why can't they just fucking share
>Why can't they just fucking share
You're an extra special kind of stupid.

>Muslims are in Jerusalem just to piss off Jews
That won't last long. The full might of the US Armed Forces will come down on them soon enough.

>Why can't they just fucking share

Wasn't that particular dome built on top of a Roman temple (which was in turn built on some heeb synagogue)?

Sharing doesn't sound like standard form in the region. Doubt the arabs would be sharing shit if they had the military prowess to back up the rhetoric.

The guy that can't kill you for your stuff always asks you to share it.

>jews literally banned from temple mountain, the most holy site of judaism, because we were too beta to bomb al aqsa in '67
>last week some arabs bring guns to the friday prayer and killed two israeli cops at al aqsa
>the cops are only there to stop jews from entering
>the cops were druze arabs
>israel asks the waqf to put magnetometers in the enterence so guns or knives can be found
>the entire muslim world chimps out, even though mecca has even stricter security
>israel decided to limit prayer only to muslims above 40 because the younger ones are openly calling for an intifada
>everyone freaks out more
>waqf starts crying to the world that israel is hurting their religious freedom to bring guns to mosques
>israel will be beta as usual and end up removing the magnetometers and age restrictions, while keeping the jew restriction
>muslims will keep demanding more

Buisness as usual

Insults are not arguments for your case

Get out, zionist shill. No more Blood for ingrate sandniggers

Because the Israeli goverment won't allow anyone but muslims to use the mountain

We are more cucked than Europe

What more do you fucking want? For all of us to go into gas chambers?

>Buisness as usual

Like anyone is sympathetic to you anyway. Your mob spend endless amounts of time shitting on us in our countries and demanding special treatment, so it's only fitting you get to live in a country surrounded by other shitty semites as well.

Say it with me:


Third temple when?

>it is holiest site in judiasm
that would be the federal reserve building in NY

Islam should be wiped out and Zionism too.

That looks like a gigantic pus filled boil that's just about to be squeezed until it bursts.

It's the holiest site in Christianity. Fuck the kikes and fuck the mudlime rats.

Just blow up al-aqsa
anyone with half a brain knows it's only holy for mudslimes because it is a site of conquest
in Islam conquest = religious zeal

to all westerners who think Palestinians are 'victims' should realise this myth is spread by Jews in the west

Most Israelis fuckin hate western Jews with their leftist politics
Remember that Jews biggest trick is to jew other Jews into subservience

Globalism isn't just pushed by Jews (a majority yes)
Retards like to believe this to simplify all of the world's problems

This post best post

digits fit
You do realize that the dome of the rock and al aksa mosque was only built AFTER muslims militarily conquered jerusalem and israel right?
>be muslim
>conquer jerusalem
>build your own holy sites and pretend jerusalem was always yours
>conceal it from people that you only built those holy sites very recently compared to the history jerusalem, thus you obviously aren't the original owner especially when you invade it to claim it.

Palestineans have about as same right to israel as turks have a right to constantinople, both were attained by conquest and then the muslims pretends as if it was always theirs.

Muslims also do this with spain which they call andalus, they pretend that muslims own spain but what they forget is that they invaded the sovereign nation of spain and occupied it as an invading force for 500+ years before they got kicked out. But if you ask a muslim they will act as if spain is muslim property.

We should have flattened the entire mountain, including the wailing wall, in '67 and built a pig farm on it

Sup Forums caring about the plight of Palestinians is like the left caring that Trump said 'grab em by the pussy'. fucking pathetic.

Land is owned by those who are strong enough to take it and who is strong enough to keep it.

It's like your dog peeing on a walk

Who's this based Israeli???

Should of built a pig farm on each country those shitskins infested after the short war

>pacifist symbol

Israel should go full facism and show the world how to deal with horde

The land of Israel was just a shitty desert like most of the Middle East until Israel was formed
Then a few decades later a functioning country

Meanwhile in Iraq.....allhu akbar

Jews want to destroy that and build their tample on top of it.
Same shit temple, on same hill, same circumcision offering to god, different religious name.

>take billions of USD from US every year
>create a stable country

wow much respect to israel based pedes are we gonna let our based brothers not take our money? im working so that i can pay tax for israel

Because jews hate muslims. Pretty bad.

More at 6.

Can someone seriously explain why is Israel even respecting that mosque to me? They already showed us they gave zero fucks about Palestinians by building settlements so why are they stopping at that stupid mosque? If they want their temple and Israel all for themselves why don't they hurry up? Why does this conflict has to fucking drag this slowly ffs. Just fucking do it and be over with it you fucking drama queens.

Because they are afraid and because it's written in Jewish texts that once they build that it will be armageddon and only Jews will be saved. So i guess others don't like that idea also, especially when Israel has ties to USA and they themselves have nukes. You think they won't nuke everybody? How then they fight for thousands of years for this.

Because what the inbreed monkeys of islam don´t understand is that Israel allowed the formation of Palestine from Egiptian Gaza and Jordanian Jerusalém, and it only ended up bitting the jews in the hand, so now they get nothing

>it's written in Jewish texts that once they build that it will be armageddon and only Jews will be saved
It's all fucking bollocks anyway any anyone of real matter in global politics doesn't believe a thing in that shit I guarantee you that. Those texts are just a carrot on a stick for useful plebs.
I just don't get it why is this shit taking so long and jews by dragging this shit just come of as a sadistic and masochistic retards.

Let's just have some historical information about these sites..

>The Dome of the Rock (Arabic: قبة الصخرة Qubbat al-Sakhrah, Hebrew: כיפת הסלע Kippat ha-Sela) is an Islamic shrine located on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem.
It was initially completed in 691 CE at the order of Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik during the Second Fitna, built on the site of the Roman temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, which had in turn been built on the site of the Second Jewish Temple, destroyed during the Roman Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE. The original dome collapsed in 1015 and was rebuilt in 1022–23. The Dome of the Rock is in its core one of the oldest extant works of Islamic architecture.[2]

>Al aksa mosque
The mosque was originally a small prayer house built by Umar the second caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate, but was rebuilt and expanded by the Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik and finished by his son al-Walid in 705 CE. The mosque was completely destroyed by an earthquake in 746 and rebuilt by the Abbasid caliph al-Mansur in 754. His successor al-Mahdi rebuilt it again in 780. Another earthquake destroyed most of al-Aqsa in 1033, but two years later the Fatimid caliph Ali az-Zahir built another mosque which has stood to the present day.

a) next to kaaba these are the holiest sites in islam, so muslims would go apeshit were they destroyed.
b) eventhough they are considered holy they were essentially built by muslims who under the caliphates took jerusalem by conquest. So it's kind of retarded that they're so holy since they're essentially built on invaded soil.

It's essentially like
>be muslim
>invade a place and build a shitty mosque and dome etc. as shrine to their faith, and declare them holy sites
>muslims no longer control the area
>you can't touch the mosque! or the dome of the rock eventhough we built dome on the rock on a temple that was there before we invaded and therefore demolished in order to build our own.

Only that billionaires sponsor the construction of that temple and they planned it all including what musician groups will perform there, they also already have the founding stone. After all Jews set the middle east on fire with wars, why wouldn't they do it?

Burgers please answer: Are these types all like this?

Fuck some sand niggers holy site

Yeah maybe but why does the fucking thing has to drag for so long? Can't they speed up the fucking process and be over it already? Or they just like being assholes?

How can you not? You filthy animal

Cheked and keked

See you in September.

10 reasons that show pretty much unequivocally that allah is not the god of the bible, not only is he not only NOT god of the bible but his doctrine is in many cases MIRROR OPPOSITE of the god of the bible.

Here are two of those reasons, relevant to al aqsa mosque and dome of the rock, and to the whole notion that jerusalem is somehow relevant to islam aside from those two monuments they built after conquering jerusalem militarily; Here goes.

5. God’s Holy city is Jerusalem

Jerusalem is the Holy city of God and Jerusalem is mentioned in the Torah over 660 times and in the New Testament 154 times. The book of Revelation in chapter 21 states that a new Jerusalem will arrive indicating that Jerusalem is God’s Holy city forever. Mecca is not mentioned once by name in the Bible.

Mecca is the Holy city of Allah and Jerusalem is not mentioned once by name in the Quran.
God and Allah claim two different Holy cities that can never be reconciled. Allah is not God.

6. The Dome of the Rock

In 637AD when caliph Umar captured Jerusalem he told Bishop Sophronius that they would build a shrine to Allah’s prophet on the Holy mountain. Sophronius understood a prophecy of Daniel which called this an abomination that desolates. The prophecy starts in 583BC, the 23rd year of Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, when the last group of 745 people were taken to Babylon, and so the regular burnt offerings ceased. [Jeremiah 52:30] Now the scope of this prophecy is 1290 years of 360 days or 1271 solar years. Coming forward from 583BC by 1271 years we come to 688AD. Caliph Abdul Malik built the Dome of the Rock between 685 and 691AD, so 688AD is the midpoint of the building program.

So the shrine to Allah’s prophet is called an Abomination that Desolates by God.
Mohammed is not mentioned even once in the Bible and Jesus said that only false prophets would come after him. That makes Mohammed a false prophet. Allah is not God.

Yes. please.

Just jokes, jews in isreal are okay by me.

Palestinians are fucking apes who are literally protesting over metal detectors put in place to prevent them from killing more people.
Israel should clean up the Temple Mount, remove all apes and open it up for tourists.

7. The Fate of Mecca

Even though Mecca is not mentioned by name in the Bible, it is referred to in allegorical language as the harlot city and the LovePeddler of Babylon in Revelation 17 & 18. Babylon the mother of whores and abominations is drunk with the blood of the saints and the witnesses to Jesus [Revelation 17:5-6]. Mecca is the spiritual head of Islam and in her name millions of Jews and Christians have been slaughtered after cries of “Allahu Akbar”, and the slaughter continues today. Mecca and Medina (Yathrib) are the two most Holy sites in Islam, yet strangely in Islamic eschatology, both are destroyed. Consider now the two relevant prophecies.

“The final battle will be waged by faithful Muslims coming on the backs of horses, carrying black banners. They will stand on the east side of the Jordan river and will wage war that the Earth has never seen before. The true Messiah who is the Islamic Mahdi, will defeat Europe, will lead this army of Seljuks. He will preside over the world from Jerusalem because Mecca would have been destroyed.” [Yawm Al-Ghadab, Safar Alhwaly]

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: The flourishing state of Jerusalem will be when Yathrib is in ruins, the ruined state of Yathrib will be when the great war comes, the outbreak of the great war will be at the conquest of Constantinople and the conquest of Constantinople when the Dajjal (Antichrist) comes forth. He (the Prophet) struck his thigh or his shoulder with his hand and said: This is as true as you are here or as you are sitting (meaning Mu'adh ibn Jabal)”. [Sunan of Abu Dawud Book 37, Number 4281: Narrated Mu'adh ibn Jabal]

God hates Mecca and will destroy it. Allah can’t stop the destruction of his holy city. Allah is not God.

>Israel should clean up the Temple Mount, remove all apes and open it up for tourists.
Yeah but apparently they are either pussies or assholes. They don't have the balls to put the "Chosen Ones" statement on the test I guess. Like we needed further that they are anything but full of shit.

8. God’s enemies are Allah’s supporters

There are numerous places in the Bible where God names the nations who will fight against him and with the Antichrist. In the famous seventy weeks prophecy, it is the people of the Antichrist who destroy the temple in 70AD. The soldiers of the Roman legion X Fretensis under General Titus were from Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Arabia. These nations today whose people destroyed the second temple in 70AD are Islamic. In Psalm 83, Isaiah 13-24 and Ezekiel 28-32 and 38, the nations named as following the Antichrist are Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan and Libya.

The Bible is consistent in naming Islamic countries where people follow Allah as the followers of the Antichrist.
Allah is not God.

10. God hates what Allah allows

The Bible states clearly in the book of Proverbs 6:17-19 the six things that God hates.

Haughty eyes
A lying tongue
Hands that shed innocent blood
A heart that devises wicked plans
Feet that hurry to run to evil
A lying witness who testifies falsely.

God hates haughty eyes but Allah gives Muslims haughty eyes by telling them they are the best of people and unbelievers are the vilest of people;

God hates a lying tongue, but Allah allows Muslims to lie in Sura 16.106;

God hates hands that shed innocent blood yet Allah demands the killing of unbelievers, apostates, homosexuals, and even Muslims who don’t follow the true faith;

God hates a heart that devises wicked plans yet Allah approves of Muslims who want to destroy Israel, blow up infrastructure and plan to undermine western democracies through lying and deceit;

God hates feet that hurry to run to evil but Allah approves of Muslims who murder poets and filmmakers and try to kill people who draw cartoons about Mohammed;

God hates a lying witness yet Allah demands that a Muslim lies to protect or advance the cause of Islam.
From these six things that God hates, we see clearly that Allah is not God.

*further proofs

Why are the injuns protesting en mass and hurling rockets over a demilitarized zone? Oh thats right they arent because we CONQUERED THEM.

Same thing applies here. Fuck palestine

Jerusalem is Christian clay fuckers


Because the cash cow european goy began to tire of their yoke after the scientific age btfo of fairy tales once and for all, so the jew made a last ditch attempt to stay relevant by reviving their messianic message by retaking jerusalem and creating a one-world government to rule from there. This is essentially the jew's last stand as master race, and it is going very, very poorly as of late.

Palestinians protest bc they love to whine. They like to whine "we're being killed" but there's no higher honor in a palestinian family than having a martyr. They wander around trying to kill cops with knives, and they're whining bc they get shot. They get miilions in foreign aid but buy weapons with it. Suit yourselves degenerates

how did they "disrespect" it? please elaborate. because last i heard a couple of arabs killed 2 druz police officers on the compound. sounds pretty disrespectful to spill blood in a holy place.

>how did they "disrespect" it? please elaborate. because last i heard a couple of arabs killed 2 druz police officers on the compound. sounds pretty disrespectful to spill blood in a holy place.
Ikr.. it's hilarious, but i guess they figure if they act offended eventhough having no legitimate reason to be so, and just keep doing this faux offending bit, then the leftists might start to say they are right in being offended.
Apparently it's disrespectful to place metal detectors there to avoid attacks, but not to go in there with weapons and slaughter 2 police officers there.
Muslims are apparently OFFENDED that someone might suggest they would bring weapons in and do such a thing, eventhough precisely that literally happened 2 weeks ago.
Or maybe they are upset that jews won't let themselves be terrorized by the paranoia the police officers then would get not knowing weither they would be massacred next, which would be the situation if NO metal detectors were put up.
Muslims love to try to instill fear in people to get what they want, it's their bread and butter. Notice how they do the exact same thing in the west too.. after each attack it's not put up safeguards and screen muslims better.. Nono.. it's "give us more rights and more "religious freedom", in essence give us what we want or we'll fucking do it more and there's no way to know which of us will do it next so be afraid kuffar!".
That's how i see it pretty clearly, i mean who in their right mind would object to metal detectors at the location just after 2 police officers were gunned down there? The only way that objection makes sense is what i just described or sheer stupidity, and i doubt it's all just sheer stupidity desu.
Muslims are massively deceptive and manipulative as is clear to most people who have read their texts why that is. But even if you haven't it should be pretty clear just from experience and examples like these.

Muslims are like a retarded massmurdering version of the synagogue of satan jew that will look for any excuse to feel offended, to terrorise/instill fear and to murder people.

jews: synagogue of satan that have abandoned god by not following jesus and instead following remphan (saturn, israeli flag saturn north pole), shifty and deceptive but not massmurdering or violent, more indirect manipulations and such things.
muslims: straight up unapologetic empire of satan also have saturn as symbol (the kaaba) ALSO representing saturns north pole youtube.com/watch?v=UJSBvwCM6mk as demonstrated easily here, massmurder and a campaign to install sharia law in all nations in the world/make sharia the global law of the world as the core doctrine.
Christians: europe and christians globally, gods elect from the spiritual covenant of christ. Also called jacob which means supplanter (of the jews).

Christian europe saved the doctrine of christ and protected it from the 1400 year onslaught of the islamic caliphates, which is referred to as the roaring lion who walketh about seeking whom it may devours.. And suffered a mortal headwound in 1924 when the ottoman caliphate was dismantled. And it's the warning that this empire will come back one last time before it goes into destruction and is never seen again (the headwound healed). It will declare war against the world after an initial time of peace, this war ushers in the tribulation and then the clock ticks before god returns and wipes out the caliphate. Before this many jews will die by the hand of the caliphate, and they will be nearly wiped from existence which is why it says "those of the synagogue of satan who say they are jews and do lie, i will cause them to come and fall before your feet so that they will know that it is you i have loved". Essentially the merchants globally running to the christians for help recognizing their mistake and "unchosen" status.