So I can't work, who should I vote for?

So I can't work, who should I vote for?

In an ideal world you wouldn't get a vote


Fixed that pic for you.

which ever party puts you in a deathcamp

Whoever is the most anti-communist.

>Get incapacitated
>Lose your rights and life

Now, you're retarded, you know this can happen to you?

Why is national socialism on the right? I thought socialism was left. And shouldn't anarchy be far right? If small government is conservative, no government would be full right. I'm not sure fascism is inherently left or right, either. This chart sucks.

Because the left are the good guys and the right are the bad guys.

Liberalism, man. Don't you know Sup Forums is a liberal site?

Liberals so you get welfare. Under Communism you would have to work or be thrown in a gulag and under Nazism you would probably be exterminated.
"National Socialism" is capitalist and involved private property and private control over the means of production.

You're correct. Authoritarianism is independent of left or right ideals.

Why do people think the Nazi party was right wing?
It's politics were about organizing massive social programs for work and housing.
It paid huge tax credits and benefits to students and married couples.
It has a massive government run work force program similar to FDRs New Deal.
The state was building government run summer resorts for their workers.
It had an enormous armed forces program but and ran the government as a heavy handed authoritarian figure.
But it's government massively funded the arts and public health.

I always hear this shit from Libtards, that some how the NATIONALIST SOCIALISTS are not like them. They enacted the same things liberals scramble for today so hard. The difference is they also wanted to remove other nationalities and control the population through Eugenics.

Right, so you're saying we're all extreme leftists here. That's what I've been trying to tell everyone here.

I guess if I was liberal I'd try to paint the nazis as right wing too. Gotta distance yourself from the toxic failures of left wing ideology.

You can still type. What prevents you from working?

God, I love Caesar's dialogue.

66% disability with reduced mobility.

I'm saying the granola inhaling liberal movements within the United States would really love the government to run health services, fund the arts, provide social housing programs etc.

Shit was all the rage in nazi Germany

step aside amateurs

So become an accountant. It's just bullshit excuse you have made for not working. Aslong as you can shit post on 4chin you can work.


They would take my gibmedats and I would be jobless because there are no jobs.

Have you thought about getting a Patreon or monetizing neckbeards and retards somehow? Chris Chan is a sped and he gets money from retards to do nothing.


Anarchism is not a leftist ideology.

I'm a cripple, how would I be entertaining?

Instead of asking what's good for me, consider consider what's good for those that are going to help you

>monarchism is freedom
>an absolute dictatorship ruled by an inbred German who got into office by the virtue of being born into an inbred family is freedom

>make a thread because I have a fetish for having people argue what is the best social politics scheme
>they argue semantics instead

Fucking hell faggots

Also, this is a more serious one.

I'm interested in technosocial advances and transhumanism, which is my better choice and this one is important for me?

Being shot > Gulag

At least your problems are over

Nazis were leftys. National SOCALIST German workers party.

neonazi subhuman bait

If you spend your time on Sup Forums you can work. If your a gimp get a call center job.

In America, they do all of that already for people who don't work or who work but make very little money.


>So become an accountant.

Implying that any sane business worker would hire a cripple.

>this picture
>literally pic related