What do you think happens when you die?

I donĀ“t belive in any afterlife or god, so im pretty shure that when you die, you, as a thinking creature will simply dissapear, because your brain stops working. Like your soul just ends. But that is the problem: how can you as a thinking being just dissapear? Imagine falling asleep and immediately waking up, despite sleeping for 6 hours. And if you die, this happens but its not 6 hours but forever. What do you think?

I have some personal beliefs on the matter.
>how can you as a thinking being disappear?
Think back before you were born, and realize that you as a thinking being is not the natural state of you, nothingness is.

When you die your 'soul' collects with the soup that is the universe and adds to collective consiousness, basically as an unthinking part of the feild. This feild is what people mistake god for, when you die you become god, but lose sentience.

>Think back before you were born, and realize that you as a thinking being is not the natural state of you, nothingness is.
That is different. you were born, thats when you (your soul) simply started. There was nothing before. But how can there be nothing after? after you as a being have been?

I think you're reborn, you were nothing before your born the then you were born then you become nothing again and the cycle repeats

I tihnk about the exact same as you OP.

Our awareness will be just gone and we dont even notice it maybe the last 2-3 after the hearth stopped working.

You can see it as a dream we have no control of our body but we know we are exist but after this 2-3 hours "you" completly dissapear.

Thats an interesting way to look at it and it may be right. When you die you will forget everything and are born again. could be


I'm pulling it out of my ass mind you, but my logic is that let's say everything in the universe came together exactly in such a way that you were born. So you're born, you live your life, and then you die and you're returned to the void. Now let's say it takes 400 quadrillion time quadrillion years for the universe to come together in such a way for you to be reborn; it'll happen again because the universe is infinite and will exist forever, but that time will be nothing for "you," because you won't have consciousness during it so it'll just be like the blink of an eye, and pop there you are again in universe 2.0.

Wait so you think that the universe will create exactly "you" again because there is basically 100% chance for it happen since universe will exist forever?


But i dont want to be reborn in India. This country is shit.

Thats very interesting and it basically makes sense. Thank you
Well in the worst case you can kill yourself and try again

Reminds me of an allegory of Nietzsche.
It goes like this:

What if a daemon popped up in your life and told you that from now on your life will be repeated forever and ever, would you curse it or would thank it?

Nietzsche didn't mean that life will repeat forever and ever, of course. But what he meant is that you should life in a way in which this is wanted.

You're not aware when you're dead. You will cease to exist, time itself and the universe and everything will cease to exist for you. It's not like you're going to spend eternity in a black void, there will be no colours not even black, when your conciousness dies, that's it. You just have to wrap your head around it and stop applying what you know from life, to death, because they are two seperate things. Life is awareness, conciousness, seeing, being, expericing. Death is non of that.

You just go. Imagine before you was born, it'l be like that.

The fedora is strong in this topic.

I'm keeping an open mind but in the end I'm going to prepare for nothing. It's probably better that way anyway.

I shouldn't try to retell, it looks better this way:

The greatest weight.-- What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: "This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything unutterably small or great in your life will have to return to you, all in the same succession and sequence - even this spider and this moonlight between the trees, and even this moment and I myself. The eternal hourglass of existence is turned upside down again and again, and you with it, speck of dust!"
Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus?... Or how well disposed would you have to become to yourself and to life to crave nothing more fervently than this ultimate eternal confirmation and seal?

I think it is a sensible idea to believe that your life will be repeated. It will drive you to better it.

You return to the nothingness from which you were once ripped out off and dragged into this world

I'v never asked old people this but I think it probably gets easier to accept death the older you get, it becomes more welcoming. Peace finally.

But what I think really happen, is exactly nothing. Your experiences simply stops.

I will be reborn as a god in an alternate universe.

>Think back before you were born, and realize that you as a thinking being is not the natural state of you, nothingness is.

Just because you cannot remember doesn't mean there was nothingness. What if a person has Alzheimer's? They can't remember stuff but they weren't nothing.

I am actually quite confident to what will happen. You will live again, although your memories and your personality will be completely gone. So called intangibles will remain.

I've been close to dying a few times. It's not bad. You start losing consciousness, which is blissful. You still feel like you want to live and somewhere in the back you wish to survive, but it wouldn't bother you to drift off. Then when you wake up you're glad.

Of course you are not aware, thats the point of this: try to think for a second about being nothing forever. Its impossible to be nothing forever. Thats my point

Or waht would it be when you die you wake up and just realize your just a ten year old kid in an indian slum in Mumbay like the other millions.

I use to be afraid of death, but now I really hope it is just nothing

It's not impossible to be nothing forever, you've already been nothing forever from the start of the universe to the day before you were concieved. You've already experiend death once before. You are returning to that state.

I had a seizure the other week, blacked out and woke up in an ambulance. I have no recollection f the seizure or the couple of minutes leading up to it. It was like being asleep without dreaming, I'd imagine it's exactly like that.

If you want to know go pay a doctor to stop your heart or stay in a freezer room until your heart slows to a stop.

You just go to sleep and never wake up, that is all.

>Thats very interesting and it basically makes sense. Thank you

It makes absolutely no sense at all... the simplest explanation is that life is created through a series of chemical reactions - creating cells, which merge to form microscopic creatures, who evolve into larger creatures and we eventually ended up with human beings.

We were created, live and die and have a finite amount of time each, afterwards we cease to exist. In the same way you step on a bug and kill it, that ceases to exist and will not exist ever again.

There's no logical sense to believe in a divine path or reincarnation of any kind.

This is the most logical answer. Finish the pattern.


The body dies but the soul moves on to a place where you feel nothing but pure unconditional love that feels greater than anything on this earth.

We are all Gods children and He loves you more than any parent has loved their child.

but the difference is you just never wake up

Id prefer to be nothingness after dearh than risk being born as a poo in loo

It feels like you people dont even think about this topic before you post. I know there will be nothing but i just cant imagine becoming absolutely nothing, being asleep without dreams forever. The more i think about it the more impossible it seems. Athough deep inside i know its true.

So to create life we just need to get the right chemicals? now THAT's retarded.

Been scared of the outcome for quite some time, desu. I think something happened in my childhood. Maybe it's because I've never had somebody close die. Only seen it happen in movies.

Even if I get over it, how do you comfort someone who is dying?

If we die and just become nothingness for the rest of the existence of everything why the fuck aren't we already dead?

Well ofc. you cant imagine it op, you have never lived and then died, so how coukd you possibly truly imagine how death feels like ?

You cant, and dont think too much about it, it isnt healthy for the mind (in my opinion)

Because you're thinking of death as a state of being, rather than a state of non-being. Do you remember the period of time after you fell asleep last night to when you woke up this morning? No, it's not like you were hovering above yourself watching nothing happen, and in the same way, death won't just be you existing in some eternal void.

You just aren't there, no consciousness, no awareness, you aren't 'being'

But its true even scientists have created the pre form of life in a reagent glass only with chemicals.

Because you are failing to grasp a simple fucking concept you moron.

Hurr durr these multiple people who are telling me the answer are all wrong it's not just me the retard being unable to comprehend what they are telling me.

How about kill yourself and then tell us what its like

Well you see it's kinda the end except memories are linked cross time which is where deja vu comes in however you can never change the future thus making each time you live slowly devolve into a living hell that none can escape from.

You ever swear that you put the correct answer on a test just to get it back completely wrong? That is merely because you were supposed to get it wrong.

Ever fill out a document just to have it returned completely unrecognizable? That is because that is the way it was meant to be.

Throughout each life/repetition we suffer our original consequences. What causes the concurrency of memory is a mystery and probably just that which created the universe and mapped all actions of life

I believe in simulation theory, so we get our scores tallied up at the end and then go back in as another human if we want. simulation theory merged with reincarnation

There are no rewards for being an edge lord talking about an endless nothing after death.

The best thing you can do is live your life and hope for the best: the answer may be far different than any of us can imagine.

you know that spot in your memory where you were in the womb? oh there nothing there?


You don't "become god" you become part of god.

you get to post on heaven Sup Forums

Stupid troll.

So the alternative is an invisible omnipotent being who sees all and does all, and this ISN'T retarded to believe in? Please...

We can witness life forming in a test tube through evolution of sperm and egg, show me how a god creates something?

Did minecraft based now?

Science has a really good track record of coming up with theories, then acting on those theories to make things happen. Manhattan project, the steam engine, you name it. Science talks big, but it has the results to back those claims up. And at this point, science says when you die, you either get burnt to a crisp by cremation, and you get your ashes in an urn, or you get planted in the ground and you die. Why is that so bad? All you religious people freaking out and going through all these complex sermons, rituals, etc. Its fine. You die. You aren't going to care about it, you will be dead.

A question for you theists here, how scared are you of the 1800s? You weren't alive then. You won't be alive in the year 2200 either. We all fucking die. That doesn't mean you have no sense of morality, it means you will be judged by the people you leave behind. The only thing i find objectionable about dying is the weird shit that might happen when you are dying and your brain shuts down. I don't want to spent the last few minutes of my life on some insane acid trip as my brain stops working. I'd rather have control of it, and just blow my head off with a 12 gauge.

You are brainwashed.

Fuck off


exactly, all life is connected that way. My wildcard thought on this though is; is life connected everywhere in the universe?

You're send to a morgue where some pervert has sex with your dead body.

user that fairly easy explanation, you lose memory because your brain has to disconnect those synapses or you stay permanently infantile like all those spergs. That's why autists act like children because they still are, there brain didn't lose those connections which make them excel at learning math, art and holding memory. Would you rather keep those useless memories but be absolutely socially and mentally retarded you piss and poo yourself and have tantrums because your routine was interrupted.

reincarnation makes more sense to me than the wonderland in heaven after death.
but where does this councioussness go after death does it just appear instantly into another body?
what if you were to somehow revive the brain after death and become concious and sentinent after death in the same body?

I walked in the park with my grandmother yesterday and she believes in reincarnation.
she said why my cousin paints horrific painting sometimes is because that my cousin was part of the finnish winter war as someone who died and experienced the horrors of the war and expresses it in paintings.
He doesn't only do horrifying paintings he does quite normal ones aswell.

This reminds me of when I watched some of varg videos about reincarnation not saying im a big varg fanboy but he explained that we go to graves of our ancestors or some holy sites and try to remember our past.
and if were especially interested in things such as WW 1 or WW 2 it might be because we were from that era last life. Or if we are interested in fishing is because we were a fisherman in our last life.

It's funny to think. Inside you there are millions of cells that have potential to be birthed.
And to think that you came to a living from that one cell.
You are a product of another human and I think when you die, you die since there was no state before that particular sperm (aka you) was created.
Doubt it. I am fully conscious now. I simply can't imagine I lived somewhere in the past and I will forget this current life and be reborn.

this is a young's person problem

typically by the time you are 70 you will be begging for death for relief from the pain of a lifetime of tragedy

gods eternal life is reincarnation. life in itself is a miracle . Thus created Jesus as a way of self preservation.

>people in this thread implying that the human body doesn't exist in more than 3 dimensions of space all at once

I thought you science geeks loved string theory.

Whatever happens, I just don't want to be conscious of it. I want death to be eternal sleep. I don't want to be able to look down and see my wife sucking some other guy's cock or my son become a raging commie faggot.

This is what I fear kind of.
Existance is pain, but I both don't want it to stop or to continue it forever.
Heaven sounds wonderfull but it'd get boring for a while.

kek thats gonna be me when I become too old to move

>where does this councioussness go after death does it just appear instantly into another body?

people die and are born every second of the day. It makes sense that you die, see a bright light, and are born at a hospital.

You simply stop existing. That's literally it. No afterlife. No reincarnation. You just cease to exist.

In terms of what it feels like to die, I'm thinking it would feel something like falling asleep and not waking up. Think about it. When you're in the middle of sleep, there's nothing there. If you died, I don't think you'd notice anything.

Actually Nietzsche did believe in the eternal return straight.

>Existance is pain, but I both don't want it to stop >or to continue it forever.Heaven sounds wonderful
And this is why religion exists

But you're conscious of current life and not of the past. That's a hard concept to grasp.
Also unbelievable one since you're just a sperm that happened to be created inside your dad's balls.

everything arises from consciousness. it does not come from the brain. that is the error in your premise.

There is something wrong with being able to see all, especially thermodynamically.

Say, you have a creature which has as hobby observing all state in the universe. At a certain moment it will add the last fact, but if it does that, it changes it's own memory. Therefore it also had to note this. Now let say, this creature is horrendously efficient and his memory binary. It will add just a 1 to its memory at the end. But now his memory changed, so it needs to know that, so it adds another 1. But know.. ad nauseam.

So it's knowledge will look like a infinite stream of 1's:


Not terribly interesting. Further more information and energy are equivalent, just as energy and mass is. Therefore its mass will also grow infinitely, it will quickly remove itself from the universe by curving the space around itself.
Really? Damn, I thought that ended with his Dionysian phase.

Same as when I go to sleep but the difference is that I will not wake up nor will I know I'm sleeping. I don't know what is happening nor will I be able to think. I will no longer exist.

Yeah but it seems blatantly false to me.
Perhaps if we discovered alien civilization and they happened to have the same scripture as one on Earth, then yeah, that'd probably be the word of God.
Again, very unlikely.

so you mean that fetuses are soulless?

Stop being fucking retarded guys cells die everyday, do you think cells go to another place in the universe.

Just stop being retarded for once and think. A cell is alive.

Consciousness persists.

You experience other realities.

I think life is more of a vessel energy force. Its not really (you) but us, one giant thing. When I die, my body dies but we continue on as long as we dont destroy each other.

Well how do you explain popping into existance and experiencing this as YOU from a universe which had no life at one point.

Shut up Australia how dare you, cells get converted into other things ENERGY NEVER DIES

And what if we have spirits and souls we arent just cells i fucking hate you for suggesting we dont go anywhere and we are just cells

We're living in a multiverse. You actually would be able to perceive the afterlife if churches were teaching the baptisms of the Holy Spirit. This was the intent of the early Christian churches. They were nothing like today's Christian churches

Because you keep saying there's nothing after then you're killing your soul. That's what blasphemy does.

Heaven is a place where people have totally renounced their freedom to lie. The freedom to lie is nothing but the freedom to spread pain and suffering in return for an illusion of control. There's no need for it unless you participate in evil. This is a choice.

So yes, there is an afterlife, if you choose it. If you believe the universe lie vs multiverse truth you're literally killing yourself.

God loves you very much, everything will be okay.

That's my point. Nothing => consciousness. Consciousness => nothing.

no. maybe the timing on what i said was wrong. Although they might be until they are separated from their mother

Have you ever experienced body paralysis before? You're limbs and stuff stop working, you're unable to move and you fall asleep. I think it's like that.

consciousness is definitely something man. You can argue that about the sub-consciousness but there is so much that goes on their that we still dont understand that its hard to argue that as well.

People die from cell degeneration. Meaning you are nothing BUT cells.

Pretty sure you unplug yourself and go to sleep because this is all just one giant fucked up education system and death isn't real.

Consciousness is created by the brain - your feeling of being alive, being able to think, interpret your senses, etc. is just a feeling created by your brain - it helped us evolve to be more intelligent and give us a survival advantage above other organisms. When you die, since brain activity stops, you lose consciousness much like you are sleeping, I guess, since when you are sleeping the part of the brain responsible for causing consciousness is inactive (this applies to the gaps between REM sleep, when you're not dreaming - you have no awareness of your existence, time passing, or anything - there's simply nothing).

Life is simply a chemical reaction though (literally, it is). It's irrational to say that consciousness is transferred to other people or things after you die since that would suggest that consciousness is hosted, supported, by something which isn't a brain but something bigger, which is physically impossible.

well then your consciousness gets reincarnated in a way.

It is possible with training to remember your dreams. Even the non-REM aspects of sleep can be remembered/experienced.
We spend so much time in the 'waking' world that we see the dream world as the illusion. We use the memes we find here, even the same metaphysical concepts, and it doesn't get you very far in understanding the dream world. Ultimately, mediating for long periods of time can unlock a deeper understanding of what goes on 'there'. Dying is like that, only there is no return. As a biological expression of the laws of reality, your form can 'tune into' the element of consciousness. It isn't a phenomenon created by your brain, but something you tune into, like a radio; you have form, that form expresses consciousness.
Your perspective of consciousness can be transcended with Raja Yoga. I will outline a step by step process for coming to know God. It developed me from being a militant rationalist (spiritual autist) to having an understanding of what religion is actually getting at. For me personally, it started when I began practicing yoga and reading the writings of Crowley on mysticism.
We come from a place, and we will go back there when we die.

Not political, but a good thread nonetheless, so fuck it, lets go.

Question for all anons:
Is biology the result of consciousness, or is consciousness the result of biology?

Research these terms and practice them in order if you want answers. All the prophets did this in some form, yoga is the science that has spent he most time perfecting it. The terms, in order, are:

Yama & Niyama

Each one is perfected in order and transforms your consciousness into something that cannot be properly articulated into language, you have to experience it for yourself.

They are basically:
Preparing the body for meditation. This could be anything as long as it can be held for a long time. The best postures for meditation involve keeping the spine erect and in alignment.

>Yama & Niyama
Continences. Abstain from things that excite. Traditional practices have been very specific but really everyone is different. If you can meditate immediately after eating or smoking or having sex then maybe that's okay for you.

Twofold. Practice maximising your intake and outtake of breath, exaggerate it. This is the first part, the second is to simply notice your breath without affecting it in anyway whatsoever. Simply 'notice' it, the intake, the outtake, and any natural pauses that may occur.

This is the first one that will seem odd to people that have never experienced it consciously, but it's like sleep. It basically means shutting off the senses and all external perception. Master each preceding stage and the next stage will always come eventually. When you experience it, you will notice that your reality is entirely composed of your mind. It is obviously effected by objective reality, but in attaining dharana you learn that every aspect of reality that you experience without exception is a hologram created by your brain. This is where it gets weird. The next stage basically involves becoming aware that even though all your reality is a hologram, there is still yet an 'unknown outside' beyond your conscious perception.

Energy never dies and youre forgetting the spirit you think were just bodies flesh and bones and meat

the cells go other places to so youre wrong about that ausfailia KYS

Problem is that majority of people can't find comfort in what you said.

My theory is that if you can be born once you can be born any number of times. The time you spend "dead" will pass instantly, since you won't be able to observe it. I can't find a reason to be any more scared of death than falling asleep.

Nice rebuttal!

I fully believe that death wont just be "nothing". I believe that I will be on my way to Heaven as my soul will continue to live on after my human body dies. I will go to the place Christ has prepared for me.