Chochols already backstabbing Poland

What is going on in Poland?

Since 1981 there has been no such large, coordinated, loud and angry action to call abroad to intervene in Poland.

At the end of June, several PR agencies were commissioned to carry out AstroTurfing in Poland.

In the USA AstroTurfing is forbidden. In Poland, legal authority is the target of a mass attack of this type.


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It seems that Soros is always one step ahead.

>muh white power
>muh all white people are the same lets build that reich senpai

haaha know you are going to learn the hard way why all foreigners suck ass especially your neighbours

Is there anything they can't do?

Build a working country

simple send the Ukrainians back let them be slaughtered then

well fuck, i knew it

Well then, since I was a kid I wanted to reopen Auschwitz for blue-yellow wheatniggers.

What are we waiting for?

Nic nowego, nie wiem czemu ludzie w ogole ufaja tym skurwysynom ze wschodu.
Był chociaż jeden przypadek żeby hohoły zachowali się jak ludzie a nie azjatycka horda?

lol soros

This cucked goverment let them in here in the first place, what an irony.


We don't care Soros.
We know what to do
We don't need your approval
pic related
TO all foreigners: this is what happens when you defy left-liberals

Do not budge

We will win

Nienawidzę ukrainców, ale to jest kurwa propaganda.

Jestesmy w stanie omówić nasze różnice, natomiast to co robią dzieci Sorosa, to jest nawoływanie do wojny.

Potem te kurwy mówią, że są za otwartym dialogiem. Jebał ich pies. Nie wierz tym sukom


...but what about Israel? That chocococo central.

Israel is not a problem.
US jews are a problem.
Poles and Israelis agree that we must kill US jews

As long as LOT airlines offers competitive rates to travel to Israel with a short layover in Warsaw Ghetto I think we can work this out to our mutual advantage.

Why are those blue yellow niggers so gay now, specifically? What happened to them? Are they all kike rape-babies? >not all Jews

Are you kidding me brah? It's a two part operation obviously. Tell me one kike who isn't either an ultra Zionist or an ultra Marxist. Good cop bad cop. Don't fall for that old jewish shell-game bullshit AGAIN! Lol

Israel openly said that US jews are assholes
Now, I don't know whom to trust
Great job. Instead of solidying your power, you are being niggers. Don't be surprised that we don't respect you.

US jews refused to help Polish Jews during war
They considered them collateral damage.
At the same time, they helped other jews to survive, like Albert Einstein (austrian (!) jew) to survive.

Meanwhile, Polish jews begged and pleaded, and they were left to die. Do you know why? So they US jews could claim their money, because jews. They hated Poles, but they liked their money

All of which was prior to the existence of the Ashkenazi occupation of Palestine.

Blah blah blah. Germans killed Polish patriots of jewish origins. We were the only nation that assimilated jews, and obviously, you killed patriots, but you kept alive the zionists. You have what you deserve. Fuck your country

Nobody said that they don't treat even themselves with disrespect--they are trash, as everyone can see. it's just that as a whole they're all 'in on it.' Shephardics, kazar, ashkenazi, NY kikes--all of them. Just look at the funding the ny kikes gave to the Marxists starting the Russian* revolution in 1917. And by the way I know a bunch of Jews--they'll be the first to tell you that there's a conspiracy and that try all deserve to die. It's hilarious to me how goy faggots put up with their continued existence.

hey there not so fast, maybe i dont follow your conversation well but its soviets and nazis that murdered our jews and us not burgers afaik


Sheepzardic - it's a slogan.
Jews don't like competition

German jews hated Polish jews.
It's not a rocket science.
Russian jews surivived, German jews survived, but Polish jews dided. And nowadays, german jews demand money from Polish jews.

There is no conspiracy, there is money, and there are people who support it.

You know nothing. Everytime there are dissidents, they are the first to be gassed. Only the jewest survive. Those who are with you, they will die first

They did. And now, they blame us, that they killed them so fast. Obviously their jews survived, but they killed us instead.

I fucking hate this world.

I beg every day for WWIII, so the scum will die.

There is no hope, There is no justice, there is only death

>that nose
it knows

>a Jew who wants money from another Jew means they're not all scheming scumbags who use nepotism and cucked abrahamic religions to take over governments, and destroy life.
You're such a goddam kike. Fuck off you schtetl starnigger

Seorge Goros is VORACIOUS

He is addicted to paid mobs and destroying nations by sniping them

he WILL false flag snipe protesters in both Poland and USA to forment a coup

S*rosroach is addicted to paid mobs he injects them every day

I will. Truth will prevail.
There are jews, and there are kikes

If you arent carefull, Poland and the rest of the V4/Visigrad are going to get kiked just as hard as western countries have.

If you thought the Soviet Union was bad, be prepared to suffer an infinitely worse fate at the hand of liberals and kikes.

>there are Jews and then there are kikes

Lol. I laugh at you. Welcome to /pol, schlomo.

in 2017-2017 he will snipe political protesters to turn the political climate incendiary for his own interests. S*roach will fail and be crushed by the public for attempting this. You will live to see S*roach crushed



Sup Forums is a meme.
we know who is a shill and who is genuine
it's too complex for you, but all right, fight for whatever you believe in

Gimme the quick favela on the whole situation

We will, just don't support their protests.
If we lose, the whole world will lose.
Pray for us, pray for Jesus Christ
Pray for Justice
and we will prevail.
Don't support fake news

We can win it, and so can you!

Your post explained everything

Ej, myślicie, że będzie wojna czy coś? Bo się boję. Chciałbym być bogaty i żyć comfy life, ale nie wiem czy to się uda. EHHHHH

Soros will never have Poland. Why does he even bother to try?

Nie będzie wojny. PO próbuje zrobić zadymę, ale nie będzie. Bez paniki. Chyba, że chcesz, to będzie wielka wojna pańszyźniania o nordstream

>and so can you!
Only if you march down here again and kick the subhumans out of Vienna.

>goyim, I. .

No. It's actually simple. Judaism and all the branches of that shit--Christianity and Islam and Marxism included, constitutes the largest criminal syndicate and mass murder and shekel extortion operation in world history. Thank Jove it's all crumbling down.

Because we are the first.
If he loses here, he lost everything.

But I must give a credit to hungary.
Without their will, we would never try.

God Bless Hungary

See! You are candyass
You are so afraid of your women, that you forgot to tell them, that they should make you a sandwich.

I have no pity for you. It' the fate you choose

Ukrainians are the niggers of Slavic people

They are. But there are kikes who want to destroy them. Help them.

Ukrainians are OUR niggers, not Russian niggers

Soros is afraid, don't stop little brother keep going and see what you can become

The best part? We are more powerful than Soros
You just have to rise up.
But most of you are neckbeards.
You want WWIII, but you don't even have a warface

A Slav to me is an east European with slit eyes and other mongoloids features.

Then you don't know slavs
You could learn a thing or two from us

Who the fuck is keeping Soros safe?

His gay son

>backstabbing Poland
It's the current commie government who is backstabbing Poland.

And we will win. Again
We survived worse

I could have said then when you were the commies' cucks for many decades. I did not. Why do you?

I fight for free Poland?
What do you fight for?
You see the state of my country and you ask stupid questions.

We fight for Poland, meawhile, Austrians fight for Turks

West Slav = Germanic DNA
East Slav = Mongol DNA
South Slav = Turkic DNA

First we are blamed for funding the Democrats in the US election, now it turns out we interfere with Poland's affairs. Whats next? We finance ISIS?

Ale przecież te zjeby z PiSu nie są wcale lepsze. Zastępują starą komunę nową, super. Tylko Corwin.

It doesn't matter.
We enjoy independence

Dear Ukrainian, take a look at democracy
This is what they want from you

Kurwin to pedał, nie potrafił się wybronić z prostej rzeczy.

Zlewacie się z pisu, ale jakby kurwin wygrał, to dopiero byłby polew

Wypierdalać gimnazjalisci
Jestem pijany, będę bił

And you are both a Jew and a kike.

One is real, the other is fake

Fuck off or speak english

LOL so you are a Jew? Explains why you'd say "lol Poland Jews aren't like the others, j-just gas the US ones lol"

>First we are blamed for funding the Democrats
Not funding, colluding. Republicans say what Russia is accused of, Ukraine actually did. And no one cares.

Let me help you understand (((them))) better..
(((They))) sacrifice (((their))) own to get the objective, the state of (((Israel)))

Poland drew the short straw. But the most powerful of those Polish (((Jews))) didn't fall victim, because they knew the plan and left early.
WW1 was the first step in the plan.

Keep in your mind, the most deaths of any group in WW1 and WW2 are White Christians. Kalergi plan success.

I hate ukrainians, but I'd rather side with them rather than with propaganda

We can discuss our differencies, but Soros is the biggest edgelord

No. But you are. You want people to die.
You fap to it

Chochols are jews of Slavs

Keep in mind that Polish jews side with Poland and hate US jews. Sorry, but it's true


Myślisz ze ludzie z zachodu są lepsi?

No. But we must keep our shit together

Witaj w swiecie prawdy.

Dobry chochoł. Nie wychylaj się za bardzo

>shifting the blame to an irrelevant country you're tearing apart
cant wait for trump's impeachment

it's not going to happen, and you shouldn't cheer that

>Ale przecież te zjeby z PiSu nie są wcale lepsze. Zastępują starą komunę nową, super.

Dobra, to wolisz komunistow ktorzy chca przyjmowac "uchodzcow" i sprzedawac polske europejskim koncernom, czy wolisz komunistow ktorzy chronia polske przed tym co sie dzieje w zachodniej europie?

PiS nie sa idealni, absolutnie nie, ale jak sie patrzy na to co PO maja na mysli, to wole PiS. Korwin to rzeczywiscie lepsza opcja, szczegolnie ekonomicznie.

I don't really care. I'm a first generation Hungarian-American Christian. I understand the difference between kikes and Jews. And yes, I am more fully aware of the true global picture than most people.

We are stepping slowly towards global warfare on an unseen scale. This is to prepare for the Antichrist peace plan. The jews of today all stick to the same beliefs as the pharisees who had Jesus murdered by the Romans, because he threatened their grip on power, and would have broken their ties to Mystery Babylon. The Bible says ww3 will kill 1/3 of the world's population. That's a very big war, and will last for a long time. Most countries will lose their infrastructure, which will lead to citizens everywhere going full nigger chimp out. Be prepared. Somehow. I hope the V4 prevails for some years. All my family is back in Magyarorszag.

>you fap to it
>using Freudian psychobabble as an insult

You really are Jewish aren't you. Poland doesn't need you, I don't want the Jews to die, I just want them to stay the fuck out of our countries. GET OUT JUDEN :)

No offense

>We are stepping slowly towards global warfare on an unseen scale
We mustn't kill each other.
We must say "do not interfere"

Blah blah blah, are you envious?
I side with Poland.
I always will

Korwin nie ma pojęcia o ekonomii. Morawiecki, jak się wczytasz, wie na czym polegał sukces azjatyckich tygrysów, Japonii czy Niemiec. Każdy z tych przypadków jest różny, pod niemal każdym względem. Korwin ma gdzies geoekonomię, procesy globalizacyjne etc., i mysli że zniesienie podatków wszystko rozwiąże.
I jest zwolennikiem otwarcia granic. A to spowoduje, że pensje u nas na zawsze pozostaną na poziomie minimum państw rozwiniętych, bo jakos w tym przypadku ignoruje prawo popytu i podaży.
>Iliescu dubbed the protesters as golani (rascals) or huligani (hooligans) and implied fascists groups participated in the protest in an attempt to seize the power. The protesters eventually adopted the name golani and the movement came to be known as the Golaniad.[citation needed]

Then become a political activist irl and advocate for the V4 to become self sufficient. If I have to, I will sell everything I have to get to Hungary and become another body holding a gun to protect it from outside aggression.

korwin, moj panie, to jest narzedzie do wyladowywania gniewu mlodych i glupich, zeby zadnej powaznej akcji z nich nie bylo, ustalony juz za komuny do takiego zadania, no ale coz jak ktos jest mlody, glupi i bez wiedzy to tylko strzela memami, a wszechobecna propaganda tylko w tym pomaga

Or go to your Jews and tell them to stop trying to control their host nation like parasites. Then tell them to tell all the other Jews the same thing.

Najlepsza opcja to Zmiana jednakże w PiS rusofobia przesłania logiczne myslenie skoro wymyslają dla Piskorskiego zarzuty z dupy o współpracy z wywiadem rosyjskim, chińskim czy irackim i to tylko na podstawie tego że on nie chciał bysmy byli podnóżkiem Jankesów który co tydzień powodują wypadki drogowe a u gównojadów zgwałcili gówniaka. Piskorskiego wzięli na wydobywczy tak więc ma on bardzo mocno ograniczone możliwosci obrony i mogą mu podrzucać zarzuty aż do usranej smierci.

And I would support you, But there is easier way. Just wait a week, and we will prevail. They have no power. We are no cucked here.

I am more worried about US, because you believe every fake news you have.

Meanwhile, we believe in nothing. Top tat

I have no top-control jews.
Believe or not, but they do what they want.

They are willing to kill me, for money.
They will literally have money over my dead body.

They will say "user" died because of anti-semites", because they are too afraid to say "we want the money of his grandparent, we had to kill him"

The biggest problem is US

we need civil war in poland, and once for all clean polish soil from commies, jews, and traitors

theres no other way

>Since 1981 there has been no such large, coordinated, loud and angry action to call abroad to intervene in Poland.
There has? I haven;t seen anything calling for an intervention into poland. Have any sources or screeencaps?

No civil war in Poland.
However, I want civil war in Germany.
And I want Poland to intervene'
Not a single Pole will die under my watch

a jak nie bedziemy podnozkiem jankesow to co z nami bedzie?
bo opcje ktore ja widze sa mierne, nie zeby bycie z amerykanami bylo dobre ale wszystkie inne opcje wydaja sie bardziej do dupy.
ameryka przynajmniej jest daleko i az takiego mocnego ciasnego wezidla do mord nam nie wsadzi bo nie da rady

Fuck off russian scum. You will be lock up, like your pathetic leader.

no you retard, civil war in poland means foreign intervention, thats what those traitors from PO want, to destabilize and plant us firmly (even more firmly) under foreign rule.
think before posting, if you are capable of that.