Really makes you think

Really makes you think...

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Establishment Republicans are globalist-owned patsies trained to fail at their jobs. That's why they're so reliably incompetent at cutting government even in their own zones of influence. Precisely where they have the most power, they consistently stand down from their "principles".
The problem is, the ENTIRE Democrat party is owned by corporate interests. So you get all the people who are aware of this problem still voting Republican, because at least the Republicans are only fucking MOSTLY owned by billionaires.

Yes, the rural states are subsidized by metropolitan areas but they are dependent on them for resources.

If you tallied up food, oil, and natural gas production vs consumption, you would see rural states consume far less than they produce, while metropolitan areas consume tons but barely produce any.

That doesn't explain why they should be consuming more resources than cities

Now add +100% debt per state to the clinton states.





Wouldn't you naturally consume more tax dollars in more states than less? Trump won more states. This is retarded. Also point to the actual ways he's been redirecting federal spending. Lordy oh good lord this is gay.

I'm getting chest pains from how retarded OP is guys help me out what do I do

beat me to it, well done....


>what are currency manipulators who cook government books to serve their agenda

Farms are heavily subsidized. I don't think this changes much in regard to what party is in the whitehouse.

how will they ever recover?

>blue states are so fucking dumb that they would rather give money to others than fix their own problems

Typical liberal retardation

>Spend all money building infrastructure in blue states and ignoring redstates
>redstates fall apart and now need costly repair every 10 second
>blame red states

Those greedy redstates!

Infrastructure is paid with the municipal budget.

If anything, it's city people who should be mad at rural and suburban retards for clogging up their streets with heavy traffic while avoiding taxes and not paying for the roads.

Once again, if you were to genocide everyone who didn't vote for Hillary, you would literally solve every problem in the world.

>where is the military infrastructure located


>Only 20% more
>double in size

Look at republicans now, so desperate to not enact their agenda. All of them wanted Hillary to win so they could keep on pretending

55% of people receiving federal aid are non white. They vote democrat

whatever nigger

> graph starts at 0.75
> amplifies a 20% difference by 5x



Yea if you genocide all non whites and the 30% of whites/ashkenazi jews who voted for Hillary the United States would see deflation, a trade deficit surplus(which you love to talk about), have a birth rate above replacement rate, and could institute austerity. Then we could take all that money that non whites were siphoning like the parasitic democrats they are we could up farm subsidies and mantain our national park to a greater degree. We could probably help Appalachia too man you guys really tried to fuck them.

The graph also includes shit-tier states like Maine and Oregon who voted for Bernie, which as just as worthless as red states.

If you were to only include Hillary states, the red bar would be twice as high.

holy shit the scale literally goes up by .5fps

GG intel, you've learned marketing from apple

Stop it obama leaf non whites in these states are the ones on welfare.

It's called lying with statistics and it's one of the oldest jewish tricks


What is a "Clinton States"

Tacked another trillion onto your children's debt.......

Really makes you think.......

communists want people to starve. It runs in their tainted blood.

>Maine and Oregon


Maine and Oregon are blue states. Them voting for Bernie is even better of an example of why white liberals with their birth rate 1.0-1.5 and median age of 50 should continue to be breed out by their conservative counter parts Birth rate 2.3 median age 37. You know the white birth rate is above replacement rate in 35 states but more are dying then being born in 15. Guess what 11 out of those 15 states have in common?

>Maine and Oregon are blue states.


I already said them voting for Bernie is even better. Also Maine isn't a big consumer of welfare.

They're consuming less resources.

it's almost like red states aren't happy with a system that benefits blue states only

>red states spend 20% more
>blame it on blue states

Your hard data backing up your graph is mind boggling

Fill in the asterisks. Red states have all the n*n w*****

It wasn't always but Maine has more people on welfare than working now. It's in the top 12.

>Trump wins a lot more states
>wtf more states = more spending!?
who knew

Gotta love these manipulated statistics meant to influence the lowest common denominator of society. (clinton voters)

(OP) Where'd you get your data, Wikipedia?


Blue states are nearly bankrupt. Libtards ruin every economy they touch.

The north east and New England are heavily class and race segregated and their tax base is almost entirely from the more conservative suburbs. In NY I'm paying for Jamal's health.



>Trump won 50% more states
>Still only spend 20% more in federal dollars
Yea that made me think, alright

>since 2000
>including the funds used to recover from 9/11
nice meme

Okay, now define what "Fiscal Condition" means. Go ahead, I'll wait.


New York takes all its tax revenue from the suburbs and it's Rural areas.

wow... its almost like trump won more states? and... more of the tax money would go to more states, assuming all states got an equal share.

you're a fucking retard, OP

>That doesn't explain why they should be consuming more resources than cities
You're really a dumb motherfucker, did you know that? Have you ever looked at where federal money to states goes? Most of it is earmarked for FEDERAL projects within those states, like national parks or interstate highways. So if you have a large state with few people (which is pretty much the definition of a red state), you get a lot of federal money that isn't really yours to use.

I probably lost you a ways back, jackass, but suffice it to say you're full of shit.

its explained on my images, goddamn nonwhites really are retards.

Trump states are 20% higher, yet the graph makes it look like 50%.

>>Trump wins a lot more states
>>wtf more states = more spending!?
>who knew

You're a fucking retard, The graph shows relative spending, not total budget.

>rural and suburban intellectuals


More blacks live in red states and more blacks are on welfare. Really made me think.

desu the clinton states spend the money on vacations.

"Fiscal condition"

t. Obamaleaf

just look at how bad these rural people are for the country, #2 in fiscal solvency. TERRIBLE! THEY NEED WELFARE LEECHING MEXICANS AND MUSLIMS, STAT!

> trillions to "rebuild" from 9/11

>Okay, now define what "Fiscal Condition" means. Go ahead, I'll wait.
The guy posting the state-by-state data and I are using the same site: Mercatus at George Mason U. Go read, faggot. They cite all their sources. There is absolutely nothing for you to argue against here. The simple fact of the matter is that the most left-leaning states are insolvent. Do you need me to define that for you, too, retard?


Lots of 9/11 recovery funds needed on the west coast right?
Why are liberals so soft brained?

This is some Michael E. Mann level of retardation.

>#2 in fiscal solvency
>would literally die without the Hillary states

pick one

the pipeline is bad, lets protest it!

>looks like they spend twice as much but is actually only 17 percent so misleading graph
>red states filled with niggers and spics, see Mississippi
>red states have a lot of farming and farms get a lot of subsidies because of corruption and because it's not that profitable otherwise
>California and New York have Silicon Valley and Wall Street

>agriculture states would die without consumption city-states
no, you have it the wrong. You now understand the civil war.

The North East couldn't let the South cede because the south supplies far more critical agriculture which you need to survive.

Cities die without rural people, rural people are fine without city people.
Welcome to real life.

Hahahahahhahaha. You idiot.

He won the South. The majority of nogs are in the South. Also? They're democrats.


Ding ding ding

Like 60% of Nogales live in the south.

Most modern rurals don't farm and aren't valuable. The US ag sector is no longer a major employed except in select areas.

Anyone who has actually lived in a rural area knows that with a few exceptions most rural residents are as much shit as urbanites and equally helpless. I prefer my rural residence for low cost of living and pleasantly lax firearms laws but the romantic idea that a "country boy can survive" is bullshit. Low speed white people are basically bleached niggers.

Who would survive in crisis? Suburban/exurban people?

>getting more out than you put in

seems pretty fiscally responsible to me

Subtract the niggers from the population pool and the stats would be different.

Then not liberals chasing military bases out of their states concentrates defence assets in Red states. That's a shitload of money.

Which explains why the south is such a democratic stronghold

How's your dnc funding situation going?

I don't think you understand my argument. I was refuting OP... The majority of federal spending i.e. welfare money is in the South because of all the nogs. And those are pointed out to be "Trump states" for this argument.

Ah, I got confused by your flag