Show me one society where anarchy worked

Show me one society where anarchy worked.

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Show me one society where fascism worked.

Italy, 1922–43

Liberia... if you enjoy massive amounts of violence, that is.

1943 proved that fascism doesn't work.
1991 proved that socialism/communism doesn't work.


Communism was dead long before the fall of the Soviet Union.

B-but it wasn't REAL communism tho

Anarcho-Communism hasn't worked because we never tried it. We have only tried faggot-tier communism like Marxism-Leninism which is retarded and oppresses people.

>1943 proved that fascism doesn't work

The system worked, they just lost the war, pure outside influence.

Communism was never even tried.

If outside influences destroy your system it doesn't work well enough for the environment it was tried in.


Since when did Somalia or any country for that matter ever have Anarcho Communism ?

Yes, yes, yes. You're totally right.

It "worked" for a short period because there were tribes. But then they consolidated into earls, then to kings, and then to modern states.

Today's states are a result of anarchism. That's the endgame for anarchism.


>i-it wasnt REAL communism!

Anarcho-communism is impossible because people aren't robots.
You need to come to terms with human nature and realize that people aren't just going to live in peace on their own.
All it takes is one bad day for the delicate balance to be broken and then people will start forming new groups that inherently destroy your anarchist paradise.
Grow the fuck up.

Myth of National Defense touches upon how Medieval Kings had very little authority. There's potential for 'true' anarchic societies to exist.

>statist scum trying to push it as 'natural'
The most dangerous religion of all.

Fuck you, you are a motherfucking fascist,militarist idiot. You really think someone has the right to tell someone else what to do right ?

Argentina, 1973-1990.

Fascism is unironically the only answer for the human disease.

None of that matters.
Your ideas need to conform to reality. You don't get to decide what other people do or how people behave.
To do so is inherently antianarchist.

That was a country, not a true Anarcho-Communist society, in Anarcho-Communism there is no concept of the "State"

Grow the fuck up.
I used to want the same stupid shit but it's impossible.

well its worth a try, human extinction would be better than fascism.

Fascism is disease.



No, it's not, and no, it isn't.
Fascism is simply a system of government where all the citizens are cared for and treated as a single large community with everyone helping each other while still retaining some freedoms that are determined by whatever party is running your government.
Fascism is ideal and if done correctly everyone on earth can have a place to be and a part to play in a society that actually cares for them.

We should round up all fascists and kill them, they are pathetic,some group of elite snobs do not have the right to tell someone what to do, Hitler was an idiot who was a racist and a psychopath you really want to trust all power in one person you fucking idiot.

Rojava maybe? It has a bit of everything though it seems.
Guy calked Amir Taaki, who's an anarchist, has done a few interviews talking about the place. He went over there to fight IS.

You are brainwashed the same way I used to be.
Go break your monarch programming and quit listening to other programmed bots. Even the "counter-culture" is controlled. They all get their funding from the same internationalist 1%ers.

Wasn't tried or never happened? I feel like lots of people have tried.

AnCom is the memeiest ideology to ever exist, fuck off kid you can't be older than 15.

the peasants under threat of sword and bow if they dont do as told by their lords isnt true anarchy.

>Daily reminder that communism is and always will be a death cult

Damn... so you're like saying that
woah... if you kill everyone who does one thing...They stop?
Never thought about it that way, huh...

Society in the US worked pretty well before mass government regulation and when people were TRULY left alone and to their own devices.

His heart is in the right place.
He just needs to grow up and see reality.
Look at the puppet strings that are connected to all of his favorite bands and media.

Nazi Germany before the Japs had to fuck over the US and provoke us into war.

im 19, incorrect you fascist piece of shit, you want a government with a small amount of people to exploit and kill off the majority of the humans, you do not even realize that communism under a state does not work, but communism without a state will work because everyone does their fair share without the threat of shit like gulags.

the universe

It worked until someone invented goyvernment.

Any society is anarchy.


faggot not even old enough to grow a beard or buy me a beer, literally kill yourself.

To be fair, communists are right when they say "it wasn't real communism".

Real communism is impossible to achieve, just like anarchism. It's a pipe dream. Humans just don't work like that.

You won't find one. The organized will always dominate the disorganized.

Holy fuck libertarians are fucking retarded. Their ideology had nothing to do with why they lost the war.


Whoa there, mate, please organize that shitdrain of tought in understandable sentences

thats what you fascists do, you get so riled up that you demand I kill myself, lmao you degenerate perverts have no chance against us.

Oh please. There are plenty of people eho identify as Ancommies who would love to do notning more than oppress the very people who supposedly oppress them.

Politics isn't for kids.

Can I ask your age, and education level?

Im not doing it to call to authority or anything, but have worked for the government for 5 years after receiving a poli-sci/history double major.

Hitler was an ethno-nationalist, and I'm almost positive you couldn't describe what any of this means without your phone. Just wait until you get a career and a home and start paying taxes. Its funny there isnt a single "antifa" member that works for the government, or any 9-5 job. You'll see what I mean one day. Im fighting for fascist corporatism to save us all, while you're smoking meth and trying to get into a liberal arts college.

See you on the other side, user.

Stop blame others in your faults. Nazi germany dead because it was useless and ineffective state, which would anyway be dead without expansion

All of them, they worked so well they had to be put down. Fascism is basically the rule of the philosopher kings.

Is this dude larping?

19, High School Diploma

Communism at the local level works because we can just kill off the people who refuse to work with it and there is no mess like state planning, rather everyone in the town contributes and everyone is safe compared to states like the Soviet Union and China which oppress people and ban shit because they are false communists who just want to protect themselves just like capitalists.

That's such a shitty argument.

That's like saying even if we had pure, 100% peace, love and satisfaction on Earth, and aliens came down and fucked us up, we didn't have civilization figured out for ourselves.

By your standards, a perfect civilization would ve adequately prepared for whatever unknown threat on the other side of the galaxy.

He's on summer vacay

People like you are why I voted Trump. Keep it up, and I'll vote literally Hitler when I get the chance if it means right wing death squadding you people.


Franco's Spain?
Do you want us to not take you seriously.

Go choke start a shotgun, commie shitbag.

Local level (((ideology fighters))) are the worst.

Anarcho-capitalism worked fine after the fall of rome.

>> The most dangerous religion of all.

It's facts. I'm a minarchist.

I look at it as a necessary evil to prevent the creation of mafia that will eventually take over the anarchy.

Maybe if everyone had an IQ > 100 it would work. > 90 is required for a modern democracy to work.

>everyone is safe
>we can just kill off anyone who refuses to work with it
pick one

drown in pigshit, dirty Nazi.

I'm surprised no one's brought up the old American West. It was governed at the barest level, and yet, counter-intuitively and contrary to popular culture, it had very low crime rates.

Everyone who complys at the local level is safe, as in there would be no starvation or freezing to death like Marxism-Leninism


Really, Russian user? If the US never entered WW2, and Britain lost to the Nazis, Russians would be speaking German.

Not really anarchy, but definitely free market capitalism.

> Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a Nazi

If a society is weak enough to be invaded by aliens then it isn't perfect. It's a shitty argument, because there's nothing about anarchism or capitalism or communism that prevents invasion either, but a perfect society would have that power, even if that's not a possible power to have in the real world.

lol no. Maybe read up on your own history instead of relying on romantic Hollywood notions.

Oh gee. That sounds wonderful. Too bad its literally unicorns.

Greece under George Papadopoulos rule. 1967-1973. Insane economic development , the country was safe , no niggers , no degeneracy , ZERO debt , everyone lived a safe and comfortable life. Even the "poor" ones.

Every single goverment after that failed and was inferior compared to Papadopoulos goverment. The majority of the Greeks atm want this type of Goverment back. But we are stuck with a leftist cancer goverment that is destroying our nation.

Better luck next time commie.

Oh and btw kill yourself

Thanks for the response user.

When people say "fascism" they generally have no fucking clue what they're talking about, especially the faggot try hards on here that regurgitate Hitler quotes to gain meaning in their lives.

Fascism is as varied as the countries that have implemented it. Hitler was an ethno-nationalist socialist, and that worked in post-Wrimar recovery. Salazar in Portugal was a corporatist, Pinochet was a military corporatist, etc...there is no one true type of fascism.

After travelling the world, meeting people, and working in the gov I came to realize that people will always be people, and will keep making the same mistakes over and over again. Look at your circle of friends. Think about the druggie, the whore, the jock, the smart our current system they have the same political clout as you do. In an anarchist or communist society these people would have free reign over others. Does that make sense to you? When humans have put their mind towards a singular goal we are capable of anything. Anything at all. We NEED a government that is run and managed with these goals in mind. Fascism is the only type of governance system that can do that. Just read up on it yourself, and keep meeting people as you go on your own life journey.

Bla, bla, bla. NAZISM lost. Stop living in the past.

Communism doesn't work as well.

Show one liberal democracy that DIDN'T work. Status quo is the ultimate redpill changefags.

Your point?

I mentioned a FASCIST goverment that worked insanely well and Greeks loved that.

Are you literally retarded? Hollywood portrays the """""Wild""""" West as nothing but robberies, vigilantism and bank heists. It's a staple of the Western genre. Jesus fucking Christ, I hate c*nadians.

So you don't like the Free Territory of Ukraine or Catalonia?

Fascism was the best thing that happened in Greece. Stay mad nigger


But he's not wrong. The pioneers were always in advance of the government. Settlements were made years in advance of government being brought to them, and sometimes before land was even annexed as territory. Oregon Country was a smattering of ungoverned settlements for decades before government was brought to the settlements. The same is true of much of the old west. They self-governed via custom and common law but had no top-down governments. They elected sheriffs, raised militias to protect against Indian raids, and settled disputes amongst themselves.

Okay, but they lost the will to create a real communism like a few month after getting the power...

I LOVE Metaxas view on liberalism and degeneracy. Trully a man ahead of his time.

The guy in my photo is George Papadopoulos but yeah. Both metaxas and Papadopoulos had the same views about society/ nation and degeneracy. Im amazed that a Canadian knows about Metaxas!

Germany 1933-1939

I studied political science in Uni, and am researching different types of fascism at the moment. Cultural homogeny is really interesting to me, since I'm fucking Canadian and have no identity at all. Trying to figure out what fascism would look like here, without a proud historical identity to galvanize the population.

Anyways, hope its a Golden Dawn for you tomorrow user

The none initiation of violence has always worked.

Protip: you can't prove me wrong.

Worked in Maoist China for a while.

Germany pre-1945 all day, all the way

salazar's portugal

>under threat
Which, of course, was heavily mitigated by the fact there were a ton of lords right next door who were happy to pander to them with less draconian measures.

If you want to look at things as an endless cycle, why not push for anarchy anyway? Even if it doesn't last, it's guaranteed to be great for a while before it regresses anyway.

Never, ever works. See: The degeneration into mob rule happening as we speak.

Are the guys at the bottom the falangist?